Repository for machine learning-assisted analysis of Polarized Neutron Reflectometry (PNR) measurements.
- Clone the repository:
git clone
- Create a virtual environment with necessary dependencies:
conda create -n ml_pnr python=3.7.5
conda install --file requirements.txt
- Generate high-volume synthetic data using the GenX simulation program [1] by creating a
file with the appropriate sample parameters, where${SAMPLE}
is replaced by the sample name (see examples). This script was typically executed by running:
mpiexec -n num_process python sim_${SAMPLE}.py
with num_process
being the number of processes on which to run parallel simulations. Example parameters are based on nominal values of the target system.
- Visualize properties of the synthetic data within the
notebook. - Train and evaluate a machine learning model within the
contains various utilities to assist with data import, processing, and plotting, as well as network components and architectures.
[1] Björck, Matts, and Gabriella Andersson. "GenX: an extensible X-ray reflectivity refinement program utilizing differential evolution." Journal of Applied Crystallography 40.6 (2007): 1174-1178.