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Actions: nf-core/tools

Create a pipeline from a template and test it



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203 workflow run results
203 workflow run results

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Feature/python typing/components
Create a pipeline from a template and test it #311: Pull request #2223 synchronize by kedhammar
October 16, 2023 16:26 2m 58s
Feature/python typing/components
Create a pipeline from a template and test it #310: Pull request #2223 synchronize by kedhammar
October 16, 2023 15:20 5m 43s
Merge pull request #2472 from fa2k/ignore-process-selectors
Create a pipeline from a template and test it #309: Commit c3ae490 pushed by fa2k
October 16, 2023 15:06 9m 5s dev
October 16, 2023 15:06 9m 5s
Use uppercase key name
Create a pipeline from a template and test it #308: Pull request #2473 opened by fa2k
October 16, 2023 14:27 3m 38s fa2k:doc-change-nxfver-uppercase
October 16, 2023 14:27 3m 38s
Ignore process selector warnings by default
Create a pipeline from a template and test it #307: Pull request #2472 synchronize by fa2k
October 16, 2023 14:00 3m 45s fa2k:ignore-process-selectors
October 16, 2023 14:00 3m 45s
Feature/python typing/components
Create a pipeline from a template and test it #306: Pull request #2223 synchronize by kedhammar
October 16, 2023 13:38 4m 16s
Feature/python typing/components
Create a pipeline from a template and test it #305: Pull request #2223 synchronize by kedhammar
October 16, 2023 13:37 27s
Feature/python typing/components
Create a pipeline from a template and test it #304: Pull request #2223 synchronize by kedhammar
October 16, 2023 13:37 18s
Feature/python typing/components
Create a pipeline from a template and test it #303: Pull request #2223 synchronize by kedhammar
October 16, 2023 13:37 15s
Feature/python typing/components
Create a pipeline from a template and test it #302: Pull request #2223 synchronize by kedhammar
October 16, 2023 13:37 16s
Feature/python typing/components
Create a pipeline from a template and test it #301: Pull request #2223 synchronize by kedhammar
October 16, 2023 13:37 13s
Feature/python typing/components
Create a pipeline from a template and test it #300: Pull request #2223 synchronize by kedhammar
October 16, 2023 13:36 1m 5s
Feature/python typing/components
Create a pipeline from a template and test it #299: Pull request #2223 synchronize by kedhammar
October 16, 2023 13:30 3m 41s
Merge pull request #2465 from PixelgenTechnologies/fix-remote-params-…
Create a pipeline from a template and test it #298: Commit e7f946d pushed by fbdtemme
October 16, 2023 13:17 29m 6s dev
October 16, 2023 13:17 29m 6s
support remote paths in NfCoreTemplate:dump_parameters
Create a pipeline from a template and test it #297: Pull request #2465 synchronize by fbdtemme
October 16, 2023 13:14 28m 22s PixelgenTechnologies:fix-remote-params-json
October 16, 2023 13:14 28m 22s
Ignore process selector warnings by default
Create a pipeline from a template and test it #296: Pull request #2472 synchronize by fa2k
October 16, 2023 13:00 4m 6s fa2k:ignore-process-selectors
October 16, 2023 13:00 4m 6s
Ignore process selector warnings by default
Create a pipeline from a template and test it #295: Pull request #2472 opened by fa2k
October 16, 2023 13:00 44s fa2k:ignore-process-selectors
October 16, 2023 13:00 44s
Add self hosted runners
Create a pipeline from a template and test it #294: Pull request #2469 synchronize by mashehu
October 16, 2023 12:24 13m 28s mashehu:add-self-hosted-runners
October 16, 2023 12:24 13m 28s
Fix module tool value empty in template
Create a pipeline from a template and test it #293: Pull request #2468 synchronize by awgymer
October 16, 2023 11:19 3m 38s
2414 nf core list only listing dev
Create a pipeline from a template and test it #292: Pull request #2470 opened by awgymer
October 16, 2023 10:06 3m 58s awgymer:2414-nf-core-list-only-listing-dev
October 16, 2023 10:06 3m 58s
Add self hosted runners
Create a pipeline from a template and test it #291: Pull request #2469 opened by mashehu
October 16, 2023 09:55 6m 12s mashehu:add-self-hosted-runners
October 16, 2023 09:55 6m 12s
Fix module tool value empty in template
Create a pipeline from a template and test it #290: Pull request #2468 opened by awgymer
October 16, 2023 09:44 3m 40s
test self-hosted runner
Create a pipeline from a template and test it #289: Pull request #2462 synchronize by mirpedrol
October 16, 2023 09:00 2m 48s mashehu:test-aws-runner
October 16, 2023 09:00 2m 48s
test self-hosted runner
Create a pipeline from a template and test it #288: Pull request #2462 synchronize by mirpedrol
October 16, 2023 07:52 2m 4s mashehu:test-aws-runner
October 16, 2023 07:52 2m 4s
test self-hosted runner
Create a pipeline from a template and test it #287: Pull request #2462 synchronize by mashehu
October 15, 2023 11:22 5m 17s mashehu:test-aws-runner
October 15, 2023 11:22 5m 17s