Small commandlet for generating a complete project using UE4SS header dump, Project File and Plugin Manifest
- Change the UE version of the .uproject file to match whatever you're building for.
- Make sure to add plugins your game depends on to the .uplugin file!
- Compile the project for the Development Editor Win64 target first.
Optionally, run through the command line:
"${ENGINE_DISTRIBUTION_BIN}\UE4Editor-Cmd.exe" "${PROJECT_DIR}\GameProjectGenerator.uproject" -run=ProjectGenerator -HeaderRoot="${HEADER_DUMP_PATH}" -ProjectFile="${GAME_PROJECT_FILE}" -PluginManifest="${GAME_PLUGIN_MANIFEST}" -OutputDir="${OUTPUT_DIR}" -stdout -unattended -NoLogTimes
- ENGINE_DISTRIBUTION_BIN - path to the binaries directory of your local UE4 distribution
- PROJECT_DIR- path to the root of this project
- HEADER_DUMP_PATH - path to the root directory of UHTHeaderDump, generated from your game through UE4SS
- GAME_PROJECT_FILE - path to the .uproject file of your game (can be extracted from game paks)
- GAME_PLUGIN_MANIFEST - path to the .upluginmanifest file of your game (can be extracted from game paks)
- OUTPUT_DIR - path to the output directory for the resulting project (must exist)
Resulting project might need few edits to compile correctly.