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Click on each entry below to see bibtex and additional information on what factors affecting driver's attention have been considered, which include the following:
Driving task: specific driving-related task, e.g. vehicle following, parking, take over control from automation, hazard anticipation, etc. Inattention: distraction, drowsiness. Demographics: age, gender. Environment: road geometry (e.g. curved), road type (e.g. rural, highway), intersection, traffic (density), road users (pedestrians, cyclists), visibility. Automation: presence of assistive or autonomous driving technology that controls the vehicle laterally (lane assist) or longitudinally (adaptive cruise control), or provides warnings/guidance to the driver.
Vlakveld et al., Driving and gaze behavior while texting when the smartphoneis placed in a mount: A simulator study, Transportation Research Part F, 2021 | Inattention |paper
Inattention: distraction
@article{2021_TransRes_Vlakveld, author = "Vlakveld, Willem and Doumen, Michelle and van der Kint, Sander", journal = "Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour", pages = "26--37", publisher = "Elsevier", title = "Driving and gaze behavior while texting when the smartphone is placed in a mount: A simulator study", volume = "76", year = "2021" }
Hu et al., Exploration of the effects of task-related fatigue on eye-motion features and its value in improving driver fatigue-related technology, Transportation Research Part F, 2021 | Inattention |paper
Inattention: fatigue
@article{2021_TransRes_Hu, author = "Hu, Xinyun and Lodewijks, Gabriel", journal = "Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour", pages = "150--171", publisher = "Elsevier", title = "Exploration of the effects of task-related fatigue on eye-motion features and its value in improving driver fatigue-related technology", volume = "80", year = "2021" }
Turnbull et al., The effect of cellphone position on driving and gaze behaviour, Scientific Reports, 2021 | Inattention |paper
Inattention: distraction
@article{2021_SciRep_Turnbull, author = "Turnbull, Philip RK and Khanal, Safal and Dakin, Steven C", journal = "Scientific reports", number = "1", pages = "1--10", publisher = "Nature Publishing Group", title = "The effect of cellphone position on driving and gaze behaviour", volume = "11", year = "2021" }
Okafuji et al., Theoretical interpretation of drivers’ gaze strategy influenced by optical flow, Scientific Reports, 2021 | Environment |paper
Environment: road geometry
@article{2021_SciRep_Okafuji, author = "Okafuji, Yuki and Fukao, Takanori", journal = "Scientific reports", number = "1", pages = "1--14", publisher = "Nature Publishing Group", title = "Theoretical interpretation of drivers’ gaze strategy influenced by optical flow", volume = "11", year = "2021" }
Navarro et al., Dynamic scan paths investigations under manual and highly automated driving, Scientific Reports, 2021 | Driving task Environment Automation |paper
Driving task: vehicle following
Environment: road geometry
Automation: lateral control, longitudinal control
@article{2021_SciRep_Navarro, author = "Navarro, Jordan and Lappi, Otto and Osiurak, Fran{\c{c}}ois and Hernout, Emma and Gabaude, Catherine and Reynaud, Emanuelle", journal = "Scientific reports", number = "1", pages = "1--17", publisher = "Nature Publishing Group", title = "Dynamic scan paths investigations under manual and highly automated driving", volume = "11", year = "2021" }
Mole et al., Drivers use active gaze to monitor waypoints during automated driving, Scientific Reports, 2021 | Environment Automation |paper
Environment: road geometry
Automation: lateral control, longitudinal control
@article{2021_SciRep_Mole, author = "Mole, Callum and Pekkanen, Jami and Sheppard, William EA and Markkula, Gustav and Wilkie, Richard M", journal = "Scientific reports", number = "1", pages = "1--18", publisher = "Nature Publishing Group", title = "Drivers use active gaze to monitor waypoints during automated driving", volume = "11", year = "2021" }
Lobjois et al., Behavioral and workload measures in real and simulated driving: Do they tell us the same thing about the validity of driving simulation?, Safety Science, 2021 | Environment |paper
Environment: road type
@article{2021_SafetyScience_Lobjois, author = "Lobjois, Regis and Faure, V{\'e}rane and D{\'e}sir{\'e}, Lara and Benguigui, Nicolas", journal = "Safety science", pages = "105046", publisher = "Elsevier", title = "Behavioral and workload measures in real and simulated driving: do they tell us the same thing about the validity of driving simulation?", volume = "134", year = "2021" }
Schnebelen et al., Model-based estimation of the state of vehicle automation as derived from the driver’s spontaneous visual strategies, Journal of Eye Movement Research, 2021 | Driving task Automation |paper
Driving task: take over control
Automation: lateral control, longitudinal control, TOR
@article{2021_JEMR_Schnebelen, author = "Schnebelen, Damien and Charron, Camilo and Mars, Franck", journal = "Journal of eye movement research", number = "3", publisher = "European Group for Eye Movement Research", title = "Model-based estimation of the state of vehicle automation as derived from the driver’s spontaneous visual strategies", volume = "12", year = "2019" }
Snider et al., Distraction “Hangover”: Characterization of the Delayed Return to Baseline Driving Risk After Distracting Behaviors, Human Factors, 2021 | Inattention Demographics |paper
Inattention: distraction
Demographics: age
@article{2021_HumanFactors_Snider, author = "Snider, Joseph and Spence, Ryan J and Engler, Anne-Marie and Moran, Ryan and Hacker, Sarah and Chukoskie, Leanne and Townsend, Jeanne and Hill, Linda", journal = "Human factors", pages = "00187208211012218", publisher = "SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA", title = "Distraction “Hangover”: Characterization of the Delayed Return to Baseline Driving Risk After Distracting Behaviors", year = "2021" }
Matsui et al., Gazing Characteristics of a Driver during Vehicle Backing, Applied Sciences, 2021 | Driving task Automation |paper
Driving task: parking
Automation: warning/guidance
@article{2021_AppSci_Matsui, author = "Matsui, Yasuhiro and Oikawa, Shoko", journal = "Applied Sciences", number = "5", pages = "2180", publisher = "Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute", title = "Gazing Characteristics of a Driver during Vehicle Backing", volume = "11", year = "2021" }
Yoon et al., Modeling takeover time based on non-driving-related task attributes in highly automated driving, Applied Ergonomics, 2021 | Driving task Inattention Automation |paper
Driving task: take over control
Inattention: distraction
Automation: lateral control, longitudinal control, TOR
@article{2021_AppliedErgonomics_Yoon, author = "Yoon, Sol Hee and Lee, Seul Chan and Ji, Yong Gu", journal = "Applied ergonomics", pages = "103343", publisher = "Elsevier", title = "Modeling takeover time based on non-driving-related task attributes in highly automated driving", volume = "92", year = "2021" }
Muela et al., Visual attention in realistic driving situations: Attentional capture and hazard prediction, Applied Ergonomics, 2021 | Driving task |paper
Driving task: hazard anticipation/detection
@article{2021_AppliedErgonomics_Muela, author = "Muela, Ismael and Chica, Ana B and Garcia-Fernandez, Pedro and Castro, Candida", journal = "Applied ergonomics", pages = "103235", publisher = "Elsevier", title = "Visual attention in realistic driving situations: attentional capture and Hazard Prediction", volume = "90", year = "2021" }
Tabibi et al., Differential effects of stimulant versus opiate drugs on driving performance, Accident Analysis and Prevention, 2021 | Driving task Inattention |paper
Driving task: hazard anticipation/detection
Inattention: intoxication
@article{2021_AccidentAnalysis_Tabibi, author = "Tabibi, Zahra and Schwebel, David C and Moghaddam, Abolfazl Mohammadzadeh and Fadardi, Javad Salehi and Feizabadi, Sara Mirzaei", journal = "Accident Analysis \\& Prevention", pages = "105885", publisher = "Elsevier", title = "Differential effects of stimulant versus opiate drugs on driving performance", volume = "150", year = "2021" }
Noble et al., Evaluating driver eye glance behavior and secondary task engagement while using driving automation systems, Accident Analysis and Prevention, 2021 | Inattention Automation |paper
Inattention: distraction
Automation: lateral control, longitudinal control
@article{2021_AccidentAnalysis_Noble, author = "Noble, Alexandria M and Miles, Melissa and Perez, Miguel A and Guo, Feng and Klauer, Sheila G", journal = "Accident Analysis \\& Prevention", pages = "105959", publisher = "Elsevier", title = "Evaluating driver eye glance behavior and secondary task engagement while using driving automation systems", volume = "151", year = "2021" }
Jin et al., Modeling takeover behavior in level 3 automated driving via a structural equation model: Considering the mediating role of trust, Accident Analysis and Prevention, 2021 | Driving task Automation |paper
Driving task: take over control
Automation: lateral control, longitudinal control, TOR
@article{2021_AccidentAnalysis_Jin, author = "Jin, Mengxia and Lu, Guangquan and Chen, Facheng and Shi, Xi and Tan, Haitian and Zhai, Junda", journal = "Accident Analysis \\& Prevention", pages = "106156", publisher = "Elsevier", title = "Modeling takeover behavior in level 3 automated driving via a structural equation model: considering the mediating role of trust", volume = "157", year = "2021" }
Ebadi et al., Impact of Cognitive Distractions on Drivers’ Hazardous Event Anticipation and Mitigation Behavior in Vehicle–Bicycle Conflict Situations, Transportation Research Record, 2020 | Driving task |paper
Driving task: hazard anticipation/detection, hazard response
@article{2020_TRR_Ebadi, author = "Ebadi, Yalda and Pai, Ganesh and Samuel, Siby and Fisher, Donald L", journal = "Transportation research record", number = "7", pages = "504--513", publisher = "SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA", title = "Impact of cognitive distractions on drivers’ hazardous event anticipation and mitigation behavior in vehicle--bicycle conflict situations", volume = "2674", year = "2020" }
DeGuzman et al., Driver Takeover Performance and Monitoring Behavior with Driving Automation at System-Limit versus System-Malfunction Failures, Transportation Research Record, 2020 | Driving task Inattention Automation |paper
Driving task: take over control
Inattention: distraction
Automation: lateral control, longitudinal control, TOR
@article{2020_TRR_DeGuzman, author = "DeGuzman, Chelsea A and Hopkins, Samantha A and Donmez, Birsen", journal = "Transportation research record", number = "4", pages = "140--151", publisher = "SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA", title = "Driver takeover performance and monitoring behavior with driving automation at system-limit versus system-malfunction failures", volume = "2674", year = "2020" }
Zampino et al., Analysis of the effects of lead-vehicles on drivers approaching deceleration lanes on a dual carriageway road, Transportation Research Procedia, 2020 | Driving task Demographics Environment |paper
Driving task: vehicle following
Demographics: age
Environment: highway exit
@article{2020_TRP_Zampino, author = "Zampino, Stefano", journal = "Transportation research procedia", pages = "62--69", publisher = "Elsevier", title = "Analysis of the effects of lead-vehicles on drivers approaching deceleration lanes on a dual carriageway road", volume = "45", year = "2020" }
Vetturi et al., Use of eye tracking device tot evaluate the driver’s behaviour and the infrastructures quality in relation to road safety, Transportation Research Procedia, 2020 | Environment |paper
Environment: road type
@article{2020_TRP_Vetturi, author = "Vetturi, David and Tiboni, Michela and Maternini, Giulio and Bonera, Michela", journal = "Transportation research procedia", pages = "587--595", publisher = "Elsevier", title = "Use of eye tracking device to evaluate the driver’s behaviour and the infrastructures quality in relation to road safety", volume = "45", year = "2020" }
Savage et al., The effects of age on the contributions of head and eye movements to scanning behavior at intersections, Transportation Research Part F, 2020 | Driving task Demographics Environment |paper
Driving task: vehicle following
Demographics: age
Environment: intersection
@article{2020_TransRes_Savage, author = "Savage, Steven W and Zhang, Lily and Swan, Garrett and Bowers, Alex R", journal = "Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour", pages = "128--142", publisher = "Elsevier", title = "The effects of age on the contributions of head and eye movements to scanning behavior at intersections", volume = "73", year = "2020" }
Nilsson et al., On-to-off-path gaze shift cancellations lead to gaze concentration in cognitively loaded car drivers: A simulator study exploring gaze patterns in relation to a cognitive task and the traffic environment, Transportation Research Part F, 2020 | Driving task Inattention |paper
Driving task: hazard anticipation/detection
Inattention: distraction
@article{2020_TransRes_Nilsson, author = {Nilsson, Emma J and Victor, Trent and Aust, Mikael Ljung and Svanberg, Bo and Lind{\'e}n, Per and Gustavsson, P{\"a}r}, journal = "Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour", pages = "1--15", publisher = "Elsevier", title = "On-to-off-path gaze shift cancellations lead to gaze concentration in cognitively loaded car drivers: A simulator study exploring gaze patterns in relation to a cognitive task and the traffic environment", volume = "75", year = "2020" }
Li et al., Effects of different non-driving-related-task display modes on drivers’ eye-movement patterns during take-over in an automated vehicle, Transportation Research Part F, 2020 | Driving task Inattention Automation |paper
Driving task: take over control
Inattention: distraction
Automation: lateral control, longitudinal control, TOR
@article{2020_TransRes_Li, author = "Li, Xiaomeng and Schroeter, Ronald and Rakotonirainy, Andry and Kuo, Jonny and Lenn{\'e}, Michael G", journal = "Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour", pages = "135--148", publisher = "Elsevier", title = "Effects of different non-driving-related-task display modes on drivers’ eye-movement patterns during take-over in an automated vehicle", volume = "70", year = "2020" }
Lemonnier et al., Drivers’ visual attention: A field study at intersections, Transportation Research Part F, 2020 | Environment |paper
Environment: intersection, traffic
@article{2020_TransRes_Lemonnier, author = "Lemonnier, Sophie and D{\'e}sir{\'e}, Lara and Br{\'e}mond, Roland and Baccino, Thierry", journal = "Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour", pages = "206--221", publisher = "Elsevier", title = "Drivers’ visual attention: A field study at intersections", volume = "69", year = "2020" }
Lee1 et al., Cross-cultural effects on detecting multiple sources of drivinghazard: Evidence from the deceleration detection flicker test, Transportation Research Part F, 2020 | Driving task |paper
Driving task: hazard anticipation/detection
@article{2020_TransRes_Lee1, author = "Lee, Yee Mun and Miller, Karl and Crundall, David and Sheppard, Elizabeth", journal = "Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour", pages = "222--234", publisher = "Elsevier", title = "Cross-cultural effects on detecting multiple sources of driving hazard: Evidence from the deceleration detection flicker test", volume = "69", year = "2020" }
Lee et al., Effects of position of speed limit signs and the presence of speed camera on Malaysian drivers’ speed choice: An eye-tracking study, Transportation Research Part F, 2020 | Environment |paper
Environment: sign
@article{2020_TransRes_Lee, author = "Lee, Yee Mun and Sheppard, Elizabeth", journal = "Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour", pages = "386--395", publisher = "Elsevier", title = "Effects of position of speed limit signs and the presence of speed camera on Malaysian drivers’ speed choice: An eye-tracking study", volume = "74", year = "2020" }
Kircher et al., Attentional requirements on cyclists and drivers in urban intersections, Transportation Research Part F, 2020 | Environment |paper
Environment: intersection
@article{2020_TransRes_Kircher, author = {Kircher, Katja and Ahlstr{\"o}m, Christer}, journal = "Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour", pages = "105--117", publisher = "Elsevier", title = "Attentional requirements on cyclists and drivers in urban intersections", volume = "68", year = "2020" }
Huo et al., Lane-chaning-decision characteristics and the allocation of visual attention of drivers with an angry driving style, Transportation Research Part F, 2020 | Driving task Environment |paper
Driving task: hazard anticipation/detection
Environment: traffic
@article{2020_TransRes_Huo, author = "Huo, Dongchao and Ma, Jinfei and Chang, Ruosong", journal = "Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour", pages = "62--75", publisher = "Elsevier", title = "Lane-changing-decision characteristics and the allocation of visual attention of drivers with an angry driving style", volume = "71", year = "2020" }
Figueira et al., Analysis of the factors influencing overtaking in two-lane highways: A driving simulator study, Transportation Research Part F, 2020 | Driving task Demographics Environment |paper
Driving task: overtaking vehicles
Demographics: age, gender
Environment: road geometry, road users
@article{2020_TransRes_Figueira, author = "Figueira, Aurenice Cruz and Larocca, Ana Paula C", journal = "Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour", pages = "38--48", publisher = "Elsevier", title = "Analysis of the factors influencing overtaking in two-lane highways: A driving simulator study", volume = "69", year = "2020" }
Du et al., The interactive effect of vehicle signals and sensation-seeking on driver hazard perception, Transportation Research Part F, 2020 | Driving task |paper
Driving task: hazard anticipation/detection
@article{2020_TransRes_Du, author = "Du, Xinyu and Ma, Jinfei and Chang, Ruosong", journal = "Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour", pages = "174--187", publisher = "Elsevier", title = "The interactive effect of vehicle signals and sensation-seeking on driver hazard perception", volume = "73", year = "2020" }
Costela et al., Risk prediction model using eye movements during simulated driving with logistic regressions and neural networks, Transportation Research Part F, 2020 | Driving task Demographics |paper
Driving task: hazard anticipation/detection
Demographics: age, gender
@article{2020_TransRes_Costela, author = "Costela, Francisco M and Castro-Torres, Jos{\'e} J", journal = "Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour", pages = "511--521", publisher = "Elsevier", title = "Risk prediction model using eye movements during simulated driving with logistic regressions and neural networks", volume = "74", year = "2020" }
Cabrall et al., Prediction of effort and eye movement measures from driving scene components, Transportation Research Part F, 2020 | Environment |paper
Environment: road geometry, road users, vegetation
@article{2020_TransRes_Cabrall, author = "Cabrall, Christopher DD and Happee, Riender and de Winter, Joost CF", journal = "Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour", pages = "187--197", publisher = "Elsevier", title = "Prediction of effort and eye movement measures from driving scene components", volume = "68", year = "2020" }
Banerjee et al., Influence of red-light violation warning systems on driver behavior – a driving simulator study, Traffic Injury Prevention, 2020 | Environment Automation |paper
Environment: intersection
Automation: warning/guidance
@article{2020_TraffiInjuryPrevention_Banerjee, author = "Banerjee, Snehanshu and Jeihani, Mansoureh and Khadem, Nashid K and Kabir, Md Muhib", journal = "Traffic injury prevention", number = "4", pages = "265--271", publisher = "Taylor \\& Francis", title = "Influence of red-light violation warning systems on driver behavior--a driving simulator study", volume = "21", year = "2020" }
Zheng et al., The effect of leftward bias on visual attention for driving tasks, Transportation Research Part F, 2020 | |paper
@article{2020_TR_Zheng, author = "Zheng, Xinyi and Yang, Yanqun and Easa, Said and Lin, Wei and Cherchi, Elisabetta", journal = "Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour", pages = "199--207", publisher = "Elsevier", title = "The effect of leftward bias on visual attention for driving tasks", volume = "70", year = "2020" }
Lu et al., Take over! A video-clip study measuring attention, situation awareness, and decision-making in the face of an impending hazard, Transportation Research Part F, 2020 | Driving task |paper
Driving task: hazard response
@article{2020_TR_Lu, author = "Lu, Zhenji and Happee, Riender and de Winter, Joost CF", journal = "Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour", pages = "211--225", publisher = "Elsevier", title = "{Take over! A video-clip study measuring attention, situation awareness, and decision-making in the face of an impending hazard}", volume = "72", year = "2020" }
Lappi et al., Humans use Optokinetic Eye Movements to Track Waypoints for Steering, Scientific Reports, 2020 | Environment |paper
Environment: road geometry
@article{2020_SciRep_Lappi, author = "Lappi, Otto and Pekkanen, Jami and Rinkkala, Paavo and Tuhkanen, Samuel and Tuononen, Ari and Virtanen, Juho-Pekka", journal = "Scientific reports", number = "1", pages = "1--14", publisher = "Nature Publishing Group", title = "Humans use optokinetic eye movements to track waypoints for steering", volume = "10", year = "2020" }
Babic et al., Effect of Road Markings and Traffic Signs Presence on Young Driver Stress Level, Eye Movement and Behaviour in Night-Time Conditions: A Driving Simulator Study, Safety, 2020 | Environment |paper
Environment: visibility, traffic signalling elements
@article{2020_Safety_Babic, author = "Babi{\'c}, Darko and Babi{\'c}, Dario and Cajner, Hrvoje and Sruk, Ana and Fioli{\'c}, Mario", journal = "Safety", number = "2", pages = "24", publisher = "Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute", title = "Effect of road markings and traffic signs presence on young driver stress level, eye movement and behaviour in night-time conditions: a driving simulator study", volume = "6", year = "2020" }
Wu et al., Relationship between speed perception and eye movement—A case study of crash-involved and crash-not-involved drivers in China, PLOS One, 2020 | |paper
@article{2020_PONE_Wu, author = "Wu, Fuwei and Fu, Rui and Ma, Yong and Wang, Chang and Zhang, Zhi", journal = "PloS one", number = "3", pages = "e0229650", publisher = "Public Library of Science San Francisco, CA USA", title = "Relationship between speed perception and eye movement—A case study of crash-involved and crash-not-involved drivers in China", volume = "15", year = "2020" }
Navarro et al., On the nature of eye-hand coordination in natural steering behavior, PLOS One, 2020 | Environment Automation |paper
Environment: road geometry
Automation: lateral control, longitudinal control
@article{2020_PONE_Navarro, author = "Navarro, Jordan and Hernout, Emma and Osiurak, Fran{\c{c}}ois and Reynaud, Emanuelle", journal = "PLoS one", number = "11", pages = "e0242818", publisher = "Public Library of Science San Francisco, CA USA", title = "On the nature of eye-hand coordination in natural steering behavior", volume = "15", year = "2020" }
Mikula et al., Eye-head coordination and dynamic visual scanning as indicators of visuo-cognitive demands in driving simulator, PLOS One, 2020 | Driving task Inattention Environment |paper
Driving task: maintain speed
Inattention: distraction
Environment: visibility
@article{2020_PlosONE_Mikula, author = "Mikula, Laura and Mej{\'\i}a-Romero, Sergio and Chaumillon, Romain and Patoine, Amigale and Lugo, Eduardo and Bernardin, Delphine and Faubert, Jocelyn", journal = "PLoS one", number = "12", pages = "e0240201", publisher = "Public Library of Science San Francisco, CA USA", title = "Eye-head coordination and dynamic visual scanning as indicators of visuo-cognitive demands in driving simulator", volume = "15", year = "2020" }
Hollander et al., Methodological Approach towards Evaluating the Effects of Non-Driving Related Tasks during Partially Automated Driving, Information, 2020 | Driving task Inattention Demographics Automation |paper
Driving task: take over control
Inattention: distraction
Demographics: age, gender
Automation: lateral control, longitudinal control, TOR
@article{2020_Information_Hollander, author = "Hollander, Cornelia and Rauh, Nadine and Naujoks, Frederik and Hergeth, Sebastian and Krems, Josef F and Keinath, Andreas", journal = "Information", number = "7", pages = "340", publisher = "Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute", title = "Methodological approach towards evaluating the effects of non-driving related tasks during partially automated driving", volume = "11", year = "2020" }
Feierle et al., Information Needs and Visual Attention during Urban, Highly Automated Driving—An Investigation of Potential Influencing Factors, Information, 2020 | Inattention Automation |paper
Inattention: distraction
Automation: lateral control, longitudinal control, explainability
@article{2020_Information_Feierle, author = "Feierle, Alexander and Danner, Simon and Steininger, Sarah and Bengler, Klaus", journal = "Information", number = "2", pages = "62", publisher = "Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute", title = "{Information Needs and Visual Attention during Urban, Highly Automated Driving—An Investigation of Potential Influencing Factors}", volume = "11", year = "2020" }
Grahn et al., Impacts of Touch Screen Size, User Interface Design, and Subtask Boundaries on In-Car Task's Visual Demand and Driver Distraction, International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 2020 | Inattention |paper
Inattention: distraction
@article{2020_IJHCS_Grahn, author = "Grahn, Hilkka and Kujala, Tuomo", journal = "International Journal of Human-Computer Studies", pages = "102467", publisher = "Elsevier", title = "Impacts of touch screen size, user interface design, and subtask boundaries on in-car task's visual demand and driver distraction", volume = "142", year = "2020" }
Yang et al., Effect of Warning Graphics Location on Driving Performance: An Eye Movement Study, International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 2020 | Driving task Automation |paper
Driving task: hazard anticipation/detection
Automation: warning/guidance
@article{2020_IJHCI_Yang, author = "Yang, Zhen and Shi, Jinlei and Wu, Bohan and Ma, Shu and Kang, Chunyan and Zhang, Wei and Li, Hongting and Wu, Changxu", journal = "International Journal of Human--Computer Interaction", number = "12", pages = "1150--1160", publisher = "Taylor \\& Francis", title = "Effect of warning graphics location on driving performance: An eye movement study", volume = "36", year = "2020" }
Unverricht et al., Minding the Gap: Effects of an Attention Maintenance Training Program on Driver Calibration, Human Factors, 2020 | Environment |paper
Environment: road type
@article{2020_HumanFactors_Unverricht, author = "Unverricht, James and Yamani, Yusuke and Chen, Jing and Horrey, William J", journal = "Human factors", pages = "0018720820965293", publisher = "SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA", title = "Minding the gap: effects of an attention maintenance training program on driver calibration", year = "2020" }
Stapel et al., Measuring Driver Perception: Combining Eye-Tracking and Automated Road Scene Perception, Human Factors, 2020 | |paper
@article{2020_HumanFactors_Stapel, author = "Stapel, Jork and El Hassnaoui, Mounir and Happee, Riender", journal = "Human factors", pages = "0018720820959958", publisher = "SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA", title = "Measuring driver perception: Combining eye-tracking and automated road scene perception", year = "2020" }
Malone et al., Studying Gaze Behavior to Compare Three Different Hazard Perception Tasks, Human Factors, 2020 | Driving task |paper
Driving task: hazard anticipation/detection
@article{2020_HumanFactors_Malone, author = {Malone, Sarah and Br{\"u}nken, Roland}, journal = "Human factors", number = "8", pages = "1286--1303", publisher = "Sage Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA", title = "Studying gaze behavior to compare three different hazard perception tasks", volume = "62", year = "2020" }
Kircher et al., On the Difference Between Necessary and Unnecessary Glances Away From the Forward Roadway: An Occlusion Study on the Motorway, Human Factors, 2020 | Inattention Environment |paper
Inattention: distraction
Environment: traffic
@article{2020_HumanFactors_Kircher, author = {Kircher, Katja and Kujala, Tuomo and Ahlstr{\"o}m, Christer}, journal = "Human factors", number = "7", pages = "1117--1131", publisher = "Sage Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA", title = "On the difference between necessary and unnecessary glances away from the forward roadway: An occlusion study on the motorway", volume = "62", year = "2020" }
He et al., The influence of visual-manual distractions on anticipatory driving, Human Factors, 2020 | Driving task Inattention Environment |paper
Driving task: hazard anticipation/detection
Inattention: distraction
Environment: road type
@article{2020_HumanFactors_He, author = "He, Dengbo and Donmez, Birsen", journal = "Human factors", pages = "0018720820938893", publisher = "SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA", title = "The influence of visual-manual distractions on anticipatory driving", year = "2020" }
Niu et al., Study on drivers' visual perception characteristics during the take‐over of vehicle control in automated driving, Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries, 2020 | Driving task Inattention Automation |paper
Driving task: hazard anticipation/detection, hazard response
Inattention: distraction
Automation: warning/guidance
@article{2020_HFM_Niu, author = "Niu, Jianwei and Xu, Haixin and Sun, Yipin and Qin, Hua", journal = "Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing \\& Service Industries", number = "6", pages = "377--384", publisher = "Wiley Online Library", title = "Study on drivers' visual perception characteristics during the take-over of vehicle control in automated driving", volume = "30", year = "2020" }
Yahoodik et al., Attentional Control in Young Drivers: Does Training Impact Hazard Anticipation in Dynamic Environments?, Proceedings of Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 2020 | Driving task |paper
Driving task: hazard anticipation/detection
@inproceedings{2020_HFES_Yahoodik, author = "Yahoodik, Sarah and Yamani, Yusuke", booktitle = "Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting", number = "1", organization = "SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA", pages = "1986--1990", title = "Attentional Control in Young Drivers: Does Training Impact Hazard Anticipation in Dynamic Environments?", volume = "64", year = "2020" }
DiNocera et al., Scanpath analysis into the wild: the spatiotemporal distribution of fixations as an indicator of driver’s metnal workload, Proceedings of Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 2020 | Inattention |paper
Inattention: distraction
@inproceedings{2020_HFES_DiNocera, author = "Nocera, Francesco Di and Ricciardi, Orlando and Mastrangelo, Simon and Torres, Emiliano and Bordignon, Marco and Marcolin, Francesco", booktitle = "Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting", number = "1", organization = "SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA", pages = "371--375", title = "Scanpath analysis into the wild: the spatiotemporal distribution of fixations as an indicator of driver’s mental workload", volume = "64", year = "2020" }
Borzendowski et al., An eye-tracking based forensic analysis of motorcyclist conspicuity during a left turn maneuver, Proceedings of Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 2020 | Driving task |paper
Driving task: hazard anticipation/detection
@inproceedings{2020_HFES_Borzendowski, author = "Borzendowski, Stephanie A Whetsel and Hartman, Leah S and Campbell, Alan O", booktitle = "Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting", number = "1", organization = "SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA", pages = "541--544", title = "An Eye Tracking-Based Forensic Analysis of Motorcyclist Conspicuity During a Left Turn Maneuver", volume = "64", year = "2020" }
Stephenson et al., Effects of an Unexpected and Expected Event on Older Adults’ Autonomic Arousal and Eye Fixations During Autonomous Driving, Frontiers in Psychology, 2020 | Demographics Automation |paper
Demographics: age
Automation: lateral control, longitudinal control, trust
@article{2020_FPsych_Stephenson, author = "Stephenson, Alice C and Eimontaite, Iveta and Caleb-Solly, Praminda and Morgan, Phillip L and Khatun, Tabasum and Davis, Joseph and Alford, Chris", journal = "Frontiers in psychology", publisher = "Frontiers Media SA", title = "Effects of an unexpected and expected event on older adults’ autonomic arousal and eye fixations during autonomous driving", volume = "11", year = "2020" }
Ponnambalan et al., Searching for Street Parking: Effects on Driver Vehicle Control, Workload, Physiology, and Glances, Frontiers in Psychology, 2020 | Driving task |paper
Driving task: search for parking
@article{2020_FPsych_Ponnambalan, author = "Ponnambalam, Canmanie Teresa and Donmez, Birsen", journal = "Frontiers in psychology", pages = "2618", publisher = "Frontiers", title = "Searching for street parking: effects on driver vehicle control, workload, physiology, and glances", volume = "11", year = "2020" }
Lazry et al., Improving Drivers’ Hazard Perception and Performance Using a Less Visually-Demanding Interface, Frontiers in Psychology, 2020 | Driving task Inattention |paper
Driving task: hazard anticipation/detection
Inattention: distraction
@article{2020_FPsych_Cohen_Lazry, author = "Cohen-Lazry, Guy and Borowsky, Avinoam", journal = "Frontiers in psychology", pages = "2216", publisher = "Frontiers", title = "Improving drivers' hazard perception and performance using a less visually-demanding interface", volume = "11", year = "2020" }
Lehtonen et al., Speedometer monitoring when driving with a speed warning system, European Transport Research Review, 2020 | Automation |paper
Automation: warning/guidance
@article{2020_ETRR_Lehtonen, author = "Lehtonen, Esko and Malhotra, Neha and Starkey, Nicola J and Charlton, Samuel G", journal = "European transport research review", number = "1", pages = "1--12", publisher = "SpringerOpen", title = "Speedometer monitoring when driving with a speed warning system", volume = "12", year = "2020" }
Edewaard et al., Using Eye Tracking to Assess the Temporal Dynamics By Which Drivers Notice Cyclists in Daylight, Eye Tracking Research and Applications, 2020 | Environment |paper
Environment: road users
@inproceedings{2020_ETRA_Edewaard, author = "Edewaard, Darlene E and Tyrrell, Richard A and Duchowski, Andrew T and Szubski, Ellen C and King, Savana S", booktitle = "ACM Symposium on Eye Tracking Research and Applications", pages = "1--5", title = "Using Eye Tracking to Assess the Temporal Dynamics By Which Drivers Notice Cyclists in Daylight: Drivers Becoming Aware of Cyclists", year = "2020" }
Zhang et al., Effects of full windshield head-up display on visual attention allocation, Ergonomics, 2020 | Inattention Environment Automation |paper
Inattention: distraction
Environment: visibility
Automation: warning/guidance
@article{2020_Ergonomics_Zhang, author = "Zhang, Yanjun and Yang, Tian and Zhang, Xia and Zhang, Yongjin and Sun, Youchao", journal = "Ergonomics", pages = "1--12", publisher = "Taylor \\& Francis", title = "Effects of full windshield head-up display on visual attention allocation", year = "2021" }
Gerber et al., Self-interruptions of non-driving related tasks in automated vehicles: mobile vs head-up display, CHI, 2020 | Inattention Automation |paper
Inattention: distraction
Automation: lateral control, longitudinal control
@inproceedings{2020_CHI_Gerber, author = "Gerber, Michael A and Schroeter, Ronald and Xiaomeng, Li and Elhenawy, Mohammed", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems", pages = "1--9", title = "Self-Interruptions of Non-Driving Related Tasks in Automated Vehicles: Mobile vs Head-Up Display", year = "2020" }
Yang et al., Effectiveness of yellow color guardrail belt at freeway exits, Accident Analysis and Prevention, 2020 | Environment |paper
Environment: sign
@article{2020_AccidentAnalysis_Yang, author = "Yang, Yanqun and Chen, Jianying and Easa, Said M and Yu, Sheng and Zheng, Xinyi", journal = "Accident Analysis \\& Prevention", pages = "105737", publisher = "Elsevier", title = "Effectiveness of yellow color guardrail belt at freeway exits", volume = "146", year = "2020" }
Niu et al., Is music a mediator impacting car following when driver’s personalities are considered, Accident Analysis and Prevention, 2020 | Driving task |paper
Driving task: vehicle following
@article{2020_AccidentAnalysis_Niu, author = "Niu, Jianwei and Ma, Chuang and Liu, Jing and Li, Lei and Hu, Tingjiang and Ran, Linghua", journal = "Accident Analysis \\& Prevention", pages = "105774", publisher = "Elsevier", title = "Is music a mediator impacting car following when driver’s personalities are considered", volume = "147", year = "2020" }
Meuleners et al., Identifying the distracting aspects of electronic advertising billboards: Adriving simulation study, Accident Analysis and Prevention, 2020 | Inattention Environment |paper
Inattention: distraction
Environment: billboard
@article{2020_AccidentAnalysis_Meuleners, author = "Meuleners, Lynn and Roberts, Paul and Fraser, Michelle", journal = "Accident Analysis \\& Prevention", pages = "105710", publisher = "Elsevier", title = "Identifying the distracting aspects of electronic advertising billboards: a driving simulation study", volume = "145", year = "2020" }
Li et al., Influence of traffic congestion on driver behavior in post-congestion driving, Accident Analysis and Prevention, 2020 | Environment |paper
Environment: road type, traffic
@article{2020_AccidentAnalysis_Li, author = "Li, Guofa and Lai, Weijian and Sui, Xiaoxuan and Li, Xiaohang and Qu, Xingda and Zhang, Tingru and Li, Yuezhi", journal = "Accident Analysis \\& Prevention", pages = "105508", publisher = "Elsevier", title = "Influence of traffic congestion on driver behavior in post-congestion driving", volume = "141", year = "2020" }
Kummetha et al., Safety analysis of work zone complexity with respect to driver characteristics — A simulator study employing performance and gaze measures, Accident Analysis and Prevention, 2020 | Inattention Demographics Environment |paper
Inattention: distraction
Demographics: age, gender
Environment: construction
@article{2020_AccidentAnalysis_Kummetha, author = "Kummetha, Vishal C and Kondyli, Alexandra and Chrysikou, Evangelia G and Schrock, Steven D", journal = "Accident Analysis \\& Prevention", pages = "105566", publisher = "Elsevier", title = "Safety analysis of work zone complexity with respect to driver characteristics—A simulator study employing performance and gaze measures", volume = "142", year = "2020" }
Kraft et al., Comparing dynamic and static illustration of an HMI for cooperative driving, Accident Analysis and Prevention, 2020 | Inattention Automation |paper
Inattention: distraction
Automation: warning/guidance, lateral control, longitudinal control
@article{2020_AccidentAnalysis_Kraft, author = "Kraft, Ann-Kathrin and Maag, Christian and Baumann, Martin", journal = "Accident Analysis \\& Prevention", pages = "105682", publisher = "Elsevier", title = "Comparing dynamic and static illustration of an HMI for cooperative driving", volume = "144", year = "2020" }
Du et al., Psychophysiological responses to takeover requests in conditionally automated driving, Accident Analysis and Prevention, 2020 | Driving task Inattention Environment Automation |paper
Driving task: take over control
Inattention: distraction
Environment: traffic
Automation: lateral control, longitudinal control, TOR
@article{2020_AccidentAnalysis_Du_1, author = "Du, Na and Yang, X Jessie and Zhou, Feng", journal = "Accident Analysis \\& Prevention", pages = "105804", publisher = "Elsevier", title = "Psychophysiological responses to takeover requests in conditionally automated driving", volume = "148", year = "2020" }
Pankok et al., Effects of Guide and Logo Signs on Freeway Driving Behavior, Transportation Research Record, 2019 | Environment |paper
Environment: sign, billboard
@article{2019_TRR_Pankok, author = "Pankok Jr, Carl and Kaber, David and Rasdorf, William and Hummer, Joseph", journal = "Transportation Research Record", number = "1", pages = "73--78", publisher = "SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA", title = "Effects of guide and logo signs on freeway driving behavior", volume = "2518", year = "2015" }
Mangalore et al., The Promise of Virtual Reality Headsets: Can They be Used to Measure Accurately Drivers’ Hazard Anticipation Performance?, Transportation Research Record, 2019 | Driving task |paper
Driving task: hazard anticipation/detection
@article{2019_TRR_Mangalore, author = "Pai Mangalore, Ganesh and Ebadi, Yalda and Samuel, Siby and Knodler, Michael A and Fisher, Donald L", journal = "Transportation Research Record", number = "10", pages = "455--464", publisher = "SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA", title = "The Promise of Virtual Reality Headsets: Can They be Used to Measure Accurately Drivers’ Hazard Anticipation Performance?", volume = "2673", year = "2019" }
Miller et al., Adaptations in attention allocation: Implications for takeover in an automated vehicle, Transportation Research Part F, 2019 | Driving task Inattention Demographics Automation |paper
Driving task: vehicle following
Inattention: distraction
Demographics: age
Automation: lateral control, longitudinal control
@article{2019_TransRes_Miller, author = "Miller, Erika E and Boyle, Linda Ng", journal = "Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour", pages = "101--110", publisher = "Elsevier", title = "Adaptations in attention allocation: implications for takeover in an automated vehicle", volume = "66", year = "2019" }
Lu et al., Beyond mere take-over requests: The effects of monitoring requests on driver attention, take-over performance, and acceptance, Transportation Research Part F, 2019 | Driving task Inattention Automation |paper
Driving task: take over control, hazard response
Inattention: distraction
Automation: lateral control, longitudinal control, TOR
@article{2019_TransRes_Lu, author = {Lu, Z and Zhang, B and Feldh{\"u}tter, A and Happee, R and Martens, M and De Winter, JCF}, journal = "Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour", pages = "22--37", publisher = "Elsevier", title = "{Beyond mere take-over requests: The effects of monitoring requests on driver attention, take-over performance, and acceptance}", volume = "63", year = "2019" }
Louw et al., Engaging in NDRTs affects drivers’ responses and glance patterns after silent automation failures, Transportation Research Part F, 2019 | Driving task Automation |paper
Driving task: take over control
Automation: lateral control, longitudinal control, failure
@article{2019_TransRes_Louw, author = "Louw, Tyron and Kuo, Jonny and Romano, Richard and Radhakrishnan, Vishnu and Lenn{\'e}, Michael G and Merat, Natasha", journal = "Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour", pages = "870--882", publisher = "Elsevier", title = "{Engaging in NDRTs affects drivers’ responses and glance patterns after silent automation failures}", volume = "62", year = "2019" }
Hashash et al., Social media browsing while driving: Effects on driver performance and attention allocation, Transportation Research Part F, 2019 | Inattention |paper
Inattention: distraction
@article{2019_TransRes_Hashash, author = "Hashash, Mahmoud and Abou Zeid, Maya and Moacdieh, Nadine Marie", journal = "Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour", pages = "67--82", publisher = "Elsevier", title = "Social media browsing while driving: effects on driver performance and attention allocation", volume = "63", year = "2019" }
Clark et al., Directability, eye-gaze, and the usage of visual displays during an automated vehicle handover task, Transportation Research Part F, 2019 | Driving task Inattention Demographics Automation |paper
Driving task: take over control
Inattention: distraction
Demographics: age, gender
Automation: lateral control, longitudinal control, TOR
@article{2019_TransRes_Clark, author = "Clark, Jediah R and Stanton, Neville A and Revell, Kirsten MA", journal = "Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour", pages = "29--42", publisher = "Elsevier", title = "Directability, eye-gaze, and the usage of visual displays during an automated vehicle handover task", volume = "67", year = "2019" }
Chen et al., Drivers’ recognition of pedestrian road-crossing intentions: Performance and process, Transportation Research Part F, 2019 | Driving task |paper
Driving task: hazard anticipation/detection
@article{2019_TransRes_Chen, author = "Chen, Wenxiang and Zhuang, Xiangling and Cui, Zixin and Ma, Guojie", journal = "Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour", pages = "552--564", publisher = "Elsevier", title = "{Drivers’ recognition of pedestrian road-crossing intentions: Performance and process}", volume = "64", year = "2019" }
Bozkir et al., Assessment of Driver Attention during a Safety Critical Situation in VR to Generate VR-based Training, ACM Symposium on Applied Perception, 2019 | Driving task Automation |paper
Driving task: hazard anticipation/detection, hazard response
Automation: warning/guidance
@inproceedings{2019_SAP_Bozkir, author = "Bozkir, Efe and Geisler, David and Kasneci, Enkelejda", booktitle = "SAP", title = "{Assessment of driver attention during a safety critical situation in VR to generate VR-based training}", year = "2019" }
Kuo et al., Continuous monitoring of visual distraction and drowsiness in shift-workers during naturalistic driving, Safety Science, 2019 | Inattention |paper
Inattention: drowsiness
@article{2019_SafetyScience_Kuo, author = "Kuo, Jonny and Lenn{\'e}, Michael G and Mulhall, Megan and Sletten, Tracey and Anderson, Clare and Howard, Mark and Rajaratnam, Shantha and Magee, Michelle and Collins, Allison", journal = "Safety Science", pages = "112--116", publisher = "Elsevier", title = "Continuous monitoring of visual distraction and drowsiness in shift-workers during naturalistic driving", volume = "119", year = "2019" }
Zhang et al., Safety Effects of Freeway Roadside Electronic Billboards on Visual Properties of Drivers: Insights from Field Experiments, Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems, 2019 | Inattention Environment |paper
Inattention: distraction
Environment: sign, billboard, visibility
@article{2019_JTEPBS_Zhang, author = "Zhang, Lanfang and Kong, Junying and Cui, Boyu and Fu, Ting", journal = "Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems", number = "2", pages = "04019071", publisher = "American Society of Civil Engineers", title = "{Safety Effects of Freeway Roadside Electronic Billboards on Visual Properties of Drivers: Insights from Field Experiments}", volume = "146", year = "2020" }
Li et al., Drivers’ visual scanning behavior at signalized and unsignalized intersections: A naturalistic driving study in China, Journal of Safety Research, 2019 | Environment |paper
Environment: intersection
@article{2019_JSR_Li, author = "Li, Guofa and Wang, Ying and Zhu, Fangping and Sui, Xiaoxuan and Wang, Ning and Qu, Xingda and Green, Paul", journal = "Journal of Safety Research", pages = "219--229", publisher = "Elsevier", title = "{Drivers’ visual scanning behavior at signalized and unsignalized intersections: A naturalistic driving study in China}", volume = "71", year = "2019" }
Fang et al., DADA-2000: Can Driving Accident be Predicted by Driver Attention? Analyzed by A Benchmark, ITSC, 2019 | Driving task |paper
Driving task: hazard anticipation/detection
@inproceedings{2019_ITSC_Fang, author = "Fang, Jianwu and Yan, Dingxin and Qiao, Jiahuan and Xue, Jianru and Wang, He and Li, Sen", booktitle = "ITSC", title = "{DADA-2000: Can Driving Accident be Predicted by Driver Attentionƒ Analyzed by A Benchmark}", year = "2019" }
Navarro et al., Highly Automated Driving Impact on Drivers’ Gaze Behaviors during a Car-Following Task, International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 2019 | Driving task Automation |paper
Driving task: vehicle following
Automation: lateral control, longitudinal control
@article{2019_IJHCI_Navarro, author = "Navarro, Jordan and Osiurak, Fran{\c{c}}ois and Ovigue, M and Charrier, Laurianne and Reynaud, Emanuelle", journal = "International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction", number = "11", pages = "1008--1017", title = "{Highly Automated Driving Impact on Drivers’ Gaze Behaviors during a Car-Following Task}", volume = "35", year = "2019" }
Kim et al., Toward Prediction of Driver Awareness of Automotive Hazards: Driving-Video-Based Simulation Approach, Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 2019 | Driving task |paper
Driving task: hazard anticipation/detection
@inproceedings{2019_HumanFactorsErgonomics_Kim, author = "Kim, Hyungil and Gabbard, Joseph L and Martin, Sujitha and Tawari, Ashish and Misu, Teruhisa", booktitle = "{Proc. Hum. Factors Ergon. Soc. Annu. Meet.}", number = "1", pages = "2099--2103", title = "{Toward Prediction of Driver Awareness of Automotive Hazards: Driving-Video-Based Simulation Approach}", volume = "63", year = "2019" }
Beanland et al., Does familiarity breed competence or contempt? Effects of driver experience, road type and familiarity on hazard perception, Proceedings of Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 2019 | Driving task Environment |paper
Driving task: hazard anticipation/detection
Environment: road type
@inproceedings{2019_HumanFactorsErgonomics_Beanland, author = "Beanland, Vanessa and Wynne, Rachael A", booktitle = "Proc. Hum. Factors Ergon. Soc. Annu. Meet.", number = "1", pages = "2006--2010", title = "{Does familiarity breed competence or contempt? Effects of driver experience, road type and familiarity on hazard perception}", volume = "63", year = "2019" }
Kim et al., Assessing Distraction Potential of Augmented Reality Head-Up Displays for Vehicle Drivers, Human Factors, 2019 | Driving task Automation |paper
Driving task: hazard anticipation/detection
Automation: warning/guidance
@article{2019_HumanFactors_Kim, author = "Kim, Hyungil and Gabbard, Joseph L", journal = "Human factors", pages = "0018720819844845", publisher = "SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA", title = "Assessing distraction potential of augmented reality head-up displays for vehicle drivers", year = "2019" }
Gaspar et al., The Effect of Partial Automation on Driver Attention: A Naturalistic Driving Study, Human Factors, 2019 | Automation |paper
Automation: lateral control, longitudinal control
@article{2019_HumanFactors_Gaspar, author = "Gaspar, John and Carney, Cher", journal = "Human factors", number = "8", pages = "1261--1276", publisher = "SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA", title = "The effect of partial automation on driver attention: a naturalistic driving study", volume = "61", year = "2019" }
Shiferaw et al., Gaze entropy measures detect alcohol-induced driver impairment, Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 2019 | Inattention |paper
Inattention: intoxication
@article{2019_DrugAlcoDependence_Shiferaw, author = "Shiferaw, Brook A and Crewther, David P and Downey, Luke A", journal = "Drug and Alcohol Dependence", pages = "107519", publisher = "Elsevier", title = "Gaze entropy measures detect alcohol-induced driver impairment", volume = "204", year = "2019" }
Walch et al., Don’t You See Them? Towards Gaze-Based Interaction Adaptation for Driver-Vehicle Cooperation, AutomotiveUI, 2019 | Inattention Automation |paper
Inattention: distraction
Automation: lateral control, longitudinal control, warning/guidance, monitoring
@inproceedings{2019_AutomotiveUI_Walch, author = "Walch, Marcel and Lehr, David and Colley, Mark and Weber, Michael", booktitle = "AutomotiveUI", title = "{Don't you see them? Towards gaze-based interaction adaptation for driver-vehicle cooperation}", year = "2019" }
Robbins et al., Comparing drivers’ visual attention at Junctions in Real and Simulated Environments, Applied Ergonomics, 2019 | Environment |paper
Environment: intersection
@article{2019_AppliedErgonomics_Robbins, author = "Robbins, Chloe J and Allen, Harriet A and Chapman, Peter", journal = "Applied Ergonomics", pages = "89--101", publisher = "Elsevier", title = "Comparing drivers’ visual attention at Junctions in Real and Simulated Environments", volume = "80", year = "2019" }
Costa et al., Driver's visual attention to different categories of roadside advertising signs, Applied Ergonomics, 2019 | Inattention Environment |paper
Inattention: distraction
Environment: sign, billboard
@article{2019_AppliedErgonomics_Costa, author = "Costa, Marco and Bonetti, Leonardo and Vignali, Valeria and Bichicchi, Arianna and Lantieri, Claudio and Simone, Andrea", journal = "Applied Ergonomics", pages = "127--136", publisher = "Elsevier", title = "Driver's visual attention to different categories of roadside advertising signs", volume = "78", year = "2019" }
Vogelpohl et al., Asleep at the automated wheel—Sleepiness and fatigue during highly automated driving, Accident Analysis and Prevention, 2019 | Driving task Inattention Automation |paper
Driving task: take over control, hazard response
Inattention: drowsiness
Automation: lateral control, longitudinal control, TOR
@article{2019_AccidentAnalysis_Vogelpohl, author = {Vogelpohl, Tobias and K{\"u}hn, Matthias and Hummel, Thomas and Vollrath, Mark}, journal = "Accident Analysis \\& Prevention", pages = "70--84", publisher = "Elsevier", title = "{Asleep at the automated wheel -- Sleepiness and fatigue during highly automated driving}", volume = "126", year = "2019" }
Stahl et al., Eye glances towards conflict-relevant cues: the roles of anticipatory competence and driver experience, Accident Analysis and Prevention, 2019 | Driving task |paper
Driving task: hazard anticipation/detection, hazard response
@article{2019_AccidentAnalysis_Stahl, author = "Stahl, Patrick and Donmez, Birsen and Jamieson, Greg A", journal = "Accident Analysis \\& Prevention", pages = "105255", title = "Eye glances towards conflict-relevant cues: the roles of anticipatory competence and driver experience", volume = "132", year = "2019" }
Li et al., Driver’s Visual Performance in Rear-End Collision Avoidance Process under the Influence of Cell Phone Use, nan, 2018 | Driving task Demographics |paper
Driving task: vehicle following, hazard response
Demographics: gender
@article{2018_TRR_Li, author = "Li, Xiaomeng and Rakotonirainy, Andry and Yan, Xuedong and Zhang, Yuting", journal = "Transportation Research Record", number = "37", pages = "55--63", title = "Driver’s visual performance in rear-end collision avoidance process under the influence of cell phone use", volume = "2672", year = "2018" }
Young et al., Familiarity breeds contempt for the road ahead: The real-world effects of route repetition on visual attention in an expert driver, Transportation Research Part F, 2018 | |paper
@article{2018_TransRes_Young, author = "Young, Angela H and Mackenzie, Andrew K and Davies, Robert L and Crundall, David", journal = "Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour", pages = "4--9", publisher = "Elsevier", title = "{Familiarity breeds contempt for the road ahead: The real-world effects of route repetition on visual attention in an expert driver}", volume = "57", year = "2018" }
Kraft et al., The impact of an in-vehicle display on glance distribution in partially automated driving in an on-road experiment, Transportation Research Part F, 2018 | Automation |paper
Automation: lateral control, longitudinal control, explainability, trust
@article{2018_TransRes_Kraft, author = {Kraft, Ann-Kathrin and Naujoks, Frederik and W{\"o}rle, Johanna and Neukum, Alexandra}, journal = "Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour", pages = "40--50", title = "The impact of an in-vehicle display on glance distribution in partially automated driving in an on-road experiment", volume = "52", year = "2018" }
Kidd et al., Changes in driver glance behavior when using a system that automates steering to perform a low-speed parallel parking maneuver, Transportation Research Part F, 2018 | Driving task Automation |paper
Driving task: parking
Automation: lateral control, longitudinal control
@article{2018_TransRes_Kidd, author = "Kidd, David G and Reimer, Bryan and Dobres, Jonathan and Mehler, Bruce", journal = "Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour", pages = "629--639", title = "Changes in driver glance behavior when using a system that automates steering to perform a low-speed parallel parking maneuver", volume = "58", year = "2018" }
Vlakveld et al., Situation awareness increases when drivers have more time to take over the wheel in a Level 3 automated car: A simulator study, Transportation Research Part F, 2018 | Driving task Automation |paper
Driving task: take over control, hazard anticipation/detection
Automation: lateral control, longitudinal control, TOR, trust
@article{2018_TR_Vlakveld, author = "Vlakveld, Willem and van Nes, Nicole and de Bruin, Jonathan and Vissers, Luuk and van der Kroft, Merle", journal = "Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour", pages = "917--929", title = "{Situation awareness increases when drivers have more time to take over the wheel in a Level 3 automated car: A simulator study}", volume = "58", year = "2018" }
Wang et al., Relationship between Gaze Behavior and Steering Performance for Driver–Automation Shared Control: A Driving Simulator Study, Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles, 2018 | Driving task Environment Automation |paper
Driving task: hazard response
Environment: road geometry
Automation: lateral control, warning/guidance
@article{2018_TIV_Wang, author = "Wang, Zheng and Zheng, Rencheng and Kaizuka, Tsutomu and Nakano, Kimihiko", journal = "IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles", number = "1", pages = "154--166", title = "Relationship between gaze behavior and steering performance for driver--automation shared control: a driving simulator study", volume = "4", year = "2018" }
Morando et al., A Reference Model for Driver Attention in Automation: Glance Behavior Changes During Lateral and Longitudinal Assistance, Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2018 | Driving task Environment Automation |paper
Driving task: vehicle following
Environment: visibility
Automation: lateral control, longitudinal control
@article{2018_T-ITS_Morando, author = "Morando, Alberto and Victor, Trent and Dozza, Marco", journal = "IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems", number = "8", pages = "2999--3009", title = "{A reference model for driver attention in automation: Glance behavior changes during lateral and longitudinal assistance}", volume = "20", year = "2018" }
Shiferaw et al., Stationary gaze entropy predicts lane departure events in sleep-deprived drivers, Scientific Reports, 2018 | Inattention |paper
Inattention: drowsiness
@article{2018_NatSciReports_Shiferaw, author = "Shiferaw, Brook A and Downey, Luke A and Westlake, Justine and Stevens, Bronwyn and Rajaratnam, Shantha MW and Berlowitz, David J and Swann, Phillip and Howard, Mark E", journal = "Scientific Reports", number = "1", pages = "1--10", title = "Stationary gaze entropy predicts lane departure events in sleep-deprived drivers", volume = "8", year = "2018" }
Yang et al., An HMI Concept to Improve Driver’s Visual Behavior and Situation Awareness in Automated Vehicle, ITSC, 2018 | Driving task Inattention Automation |paper
Driving task: take over control, hazard response
Inattention: distraction
Automation: lateral control, longitudinal control, TOR, warning/guidance
@inproceedings{2018_ITSC_Yang, author = "Yang, Yucheng and Karakaya, Burak and Dominioni, Giancarlo Caccia and Kawabe, Kyosuke and Bengler, Klaus", booktitle = "ITSC", title = "{An HMI Concept to Improve Driver's Visual Behavior and Situation Awareness in Automated Vehicle}", year = "2018" }
Zahabi et al., Effect of Driver Age and Distance Guide Sign Format on Driver Attention Allocation and Performance, Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 2018 | Inattention Demographics Environment |paper
Inattention: distraction
Demographics: age
Environment: sign, billboard
@inproceedings{2018_HumanFactorsErgonomics_Zahabi, author = "Zahabi, Maryam and Machado, Patricia and Lau, Mei and Deng, Yulin and Pankok, Carl and Hummer, Joseph and Rasdorf, William and Kaber, David", booktitle = "{Proc. Hum. Factors Ergon. Soc. Annu. Meet.}", number = "1", pages = "1903--1907", title = "{Effect of Driver Age and Distance Guide Sign Format on Driver Attention Allocation and Performance}", volume = "62", year = "2018" }
Victor et al., Automation Expectation Mismatch: Incorrect Prediction Despite Eyes on Threat and Hands on Wheel, Human Factors, 2018 | Driving task Inattention Automation |paper
Driving task: vehicle following, take over control, hazard response
Inattention: drowsiness
Automation: lateral control, longitudinal control, monitoring, TOR, warning/guidance, trust
@article{2018_HumanFactors_Victor, author = {Victor, Trent W and Tivesten, Emma and Gustavsson, P{\"a}r and Johansson, Joel and Sangberg, Fredrik and Ljung Aust, Mikael}, journal = "Human factors", number = "8", pages = "1095--1116", title = "Automation expectation mismatch: Incorrect prediction despite eyes on threat and hands on wheel", volume = "60", year = "2018" }
Robbins et al., Drivers’ Visual Search Behavior Toward Vulnerable Road Users at Junctions as a Function of Cycling Experience, Human Factors, 2018 | Demographics Environment |paper
Demographics: nan
Environment: intersection
@article{2018_HumanFactors_Robbins, author = "Robbins, Chloe Jade and Chapman, Peter", journal = "Human factors", number = "7", pages = "889--901", title = "Drivers’ visual search behavior toward vulnerable road users at junctions as a function of cycling experience", volume = "60", year = "2018" }
Costa et al., The role of peripheral vision in vertical road sign identification and discrimination, Ergonomics, 2018 | Environment |paper
Environment: sign
@article{2018_Ergonomics_Costa, author = "Costa, Marco and Bonetti, Leonardo and Vignali, Valeria and Lantieri, Claudio and Simone, Andrea", journal = "Ergonomics", number = "12", pages = "1619--1634", title = "The role of peripheral vision in vertical road sign identification and discrimination", volume = "61", year = "2018" }
Zahabi et al., Effect of police mobile computer terminal interface design on officer driving distraction, Applied Ergonomics, 2018 | Driving task Inattention |paper
Driving task: hazard response
Inattention: distraction
@article{2018_AppliedErgonomics_Zahabi, author = "Zahabi, Maryam and Kaber, David", journal = "Applied Ergonomics", pages = "26--38", title = "Effect of police mobile computer terminal interface design on officer driving distraction", volume = "67", year = "2018" }
Costa et al., Fixation distance and fixation duration to vertical road signs, Applied Ergonomics, 2018 | Environment |paper
Environment: sign
@article{2018_AppliedErgonomics_Costa, author = "Costa, Marco and Simone, Andrea and Vignali, Valeria and Lantieri, Claudio and Palena, Nicola", journal = "Applied Ergonomics", pages = "48--57", title = "Fixation distance and fixation duration to vertical road signs", volume = "69", year = "2018" }
Feldhutter et al., Effect on Mode Awareness When Changing from Conditionally to Partially Automated Driving, Congress of the International Ergonomics Association, 2018 | Driving task Inattention Automation |paper
Driving task: take over control
Inattention: distraction
Automation: lateral control, longitudinal control, TOR, failure
@inproceedings{2018_AHAT_Feldhutter, author = {Feldh{\"u}tter, Anna and H{\"a}rtwig, Nicolas and Kurpiers, Christina and Hernandez, Julia Mejia and Bengler, Klaus}, booktitle = "Congress of the International Ergonomics Association", pages = "314--324", title = "Effect on mode awareness when changing from conditionally to partially automated driving", year = "2018" }
Sun et al., Towards unpacking older drivers’ visual-motor coordination: A gaze-based integrated driving assessment, Accident Analysis and Prevention, 2018 | Demographics Environment |paper
Demographics: age
Environment: intersection
@article{2018_AccidentAnalysis_Sun, author = {Sun, Qian Chayn and Xia, Jianhong Cecilia and He, Jibo and Foster, Jonathan and Falkmer, Torbj{\"o}rn and Lee, Hoe}, journal = "Accident Analysis \\& Prevention", pages = "85--96", title = "{Towards unpacking older drivers’ visual-motor coordination: A gaze-based integrated driving assessment}", volume = "113", year = "2018" }
Lee et al., How safe is tuning a radio?: using the radio tuning task as a benchmark for distracted driving, Accident Analysis and Prevention, 2018 | Driving task Inattention |paper
Driving task: vehicle following, hazard response
Inattention: distraction
@article{2018_AccidentAnalysis_Lee, author = {Lee, Ja Young and Lee, John D and B{\"a}rgman, Jonas and Lee, Joonbum and Reimer, Bryan}, journal = "Accident Analysis \\& Prevention", pages = "29--37", title = "How safe is tuning a radio?: using the radio tuning task as a benchmark for distracted driving", volume = "110", year = "2018" }
Kircher et al., Evaluation of methods for the assessment of attention while driving, Accident Analysis and Prevention, 2018 | |paper
@article{2018_AccidentAnalysis_Kircher, author = "Kircher, Katja and Ahlstrom, Christer", journal = "Accident Analysis \\& Prevention", pages = "40--47", title = "Evaluation of methods for the assessment of attention while driving", volume = "114", year = "2018" }
Louw et al., Are you in the loop? Using gaze dispersion to understand driver visual attention during vehicle automation, Transportation Research Part C, 2017 | Driving task Environment Automation |paper
Driving task: vehicle following
Environment: visibility
Automation: lateral control, longitudinal control, TOR
@article{2017_TransRes_Louw, author = "Louw, Tyron and Merat, Natasha", journal = "Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies", pages = "35--50", title = "{Are you in the loop? Using gaze dispersion to understand driver visual attention during vehicle automation}", volume = "76", year = "2017" }
Wang et al., Can variations in visual behavior measures be good predictors of driver sleepiness? A real driving test study, Traffic Injury Prevention, 2017 | Inattention Demographics |paper
Inattention: drowsiness
Demographics: age
@article{2017_TrafficInjuryPrevention_Wang, author = "Wang, Yonggang and Xin, Mengyang and Bai, Han and Zhao, Yangdong", journal = "Traffic Injury Prevention", number = "2", pages = "132--138", title = "{Can variations in visual behavior measures be good predictors of driver sleepiness? A real driving test study}", volume = "18", year = "2017" }
Shinohara et al., Where Do Drivers Look When Driving in a Foreign Country?, Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing, 2017 | Environment |paper
Environment: location, road geometry
@inproceedings{2017_SNPD_Shinohara, author = "Shinohara, Yumiko and Nishizaki, Yukiko", booktitle = "SNPD", title = "Where do drivers look when driving in a foreign country?", year = "2017" }
VanLeeuwen et al., Differences between racing and non-racing drivers: A simulator study using eye-tracking, PLOS One, 2017 | |paper
@article{2017_PONE_VanLeeuwen, author = "Van Leeuwen, Peter M and de Groot, Stefan and Happee, Riender and de Winter, Joost CF", journal = "PLoS one", number = "11", pages = "e0186871", title = "{Differences between racing and non-racing drivers: A simulator study using eye-tracking}", volume = "12", year = "2017" }
Wang et al., Examining drivers' eye glance patterns during distracted driving: Insights from scanning randomness and glance transition matrix, Journal of Safety Research, 2017 | Inattention Environment |paper
Inattention: distraction
Environment: visibility
@article{2017_JSR_Wang, author = "Wang, Yuan and Bao, Shan and Du, Wenjun and Ye, Zhirui and Sayer, James R", journal = "Journal of Safety Research", pages = "149--155", publisher = "Elsevier", title = "Examining drivers' eye glance patterns during distracted driving: Insights from scanning randomness and glance transition matrix", volume = "63", year = "2017" }
Yamani et al., Following Expert’s Eyes: Evaluation of the Effectiveness of a Gaze-Based Training Intervention on Young Drivers’ Latent Hazard Anticipation Skills, Driving Assessment Conference, 2017 | Driving task |paper
Driving task: hazard anticipation/detection
@inproceedings{2017_DrivingAssessmentConference_Yamani, author = "Yamani, Yusuke and B{\i}{\c{c}}aks{\i}z, Pinar and Palmer, Dakota B and Cronauer, John M and Samuel, Siby", booktitle = "Driving Assessment Conference", title = "{Following expert’s eyes: Evaluation of the effectiveness of a gaze-based training intervention on young drivers’ latent hazard anticipation skills}", year = "2017" }
Stenberger et al., From road distraction to safe driving: Evaluating the effects of boredom and gamification on driving behaviour, physiological arousal, and subjective experience, Computers in Human Behavior, 2017 | Driving task Inattention Automation |paper
Driving task: hazard response
Inattention: drowsiness
Automation: monitoring, warning/guidance
@article{2017_CHB_Stenberger, author = "Steinberger, Fabius and Schroeter, Ronald and Watling, Christopher N", journal = "Computers in Human Behavior", pages = "714--726", title = "{From road distraction to safe driving: Evaluating the effects of boredom and gamification on driving behaviour, physiological arousal, and subjective experience}", volume = "75", year = "2017" }
Shinohara et al., Visual Attention During Simulated Autonomous Driving in the US and Japan, AutomotiveUI, 2017 | Driving task Environment |paper
Driving task: hazard anticipation/detection
Environment: location
@inproceedings{2017_AutoUI_Shinohara, author = "Shinohara, Yumiko and Currano, Rebecca and Ju, Wendy and Nishizaki, Yukiko", booktitle = "AutomotiveUI", title = "{Visual attention during simulated autonomous driving in the US and Japan}", year = "2017" }
Kujala et al., Visual Distraction Effects of In-Car Text Entry Methods – Comparing Keyboard, Handwriting and Voice Recognition, AutomotiveUI, 2017 | Inattention |paper
Inattention: distraction
@inproceedings{2017_AutomotiveUI_Kujala, author = "Kujala, Tuomo and Grahn, Hilkka", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 9th international conference on automotive user interfaces and interactive vehicular applications", pages = "1--10", title = "Visual distraction effects of in-car text entry methods: Comparing keyboard, handwriting and voice recognition", year = "2017" }
Zahabi et al., Driver performance and attention allocation in use of logo signs on freeway exit ramps, Applied Ergonomics, 2017 | Inattention Demographics Environment |paper
Inattention: distraction
Demographics: age
Environment: sign, billboard
@article{2017_AppliedErgonomics_Zahabi, author = "Zahabi, Maryam and Machado, Patricia and Lau, Mei Ying and Deng, Yulin and Pankok Jr, Carl and Hummer, Joseph and Rasdorf, William and Kaber, David B", journal = "Applied Ergonomics", pages = "70--80", title = "Driver performance and attention allocation in use of logo signs on freeway exit ramps", volume = "65", year = "2017" }
Ahlstrom et al., Changes in glance behaviour when using a visual eco-driving system - A field study, Applied Ergonomics, 2017 | Environment Automation |paper
Environment: road type
Automation: monitoring, warning/guidance
@article{2017_AppliedErgonomics_Ahlstrom, author = "Ahlstrom, Christer and Kircher, Katja", journal = "Applied Ergonomics", pages = "414--423", title = "{Changes in glance behaviour when using a visual eco-driving system--A field study}", volume = "58", year = "2017" }
Lu et al., How much time do drivers need to obtain situation awareness? A laboratory-based study of automated driving, Applied Ergonomics, 2017 | Environment |paper
Environment: traffic
@article{2017_AppErgonomics_Lu, author = "Lu, Zhenji and Coster, Xander and De Winter, Joost", journal = "Applied Ergonomics", pages = "293--304", title = "{How much time do drivers need to obtain situation awareness? A laboratory-based study of automated driving}", volume = "60", year = "2017" }
Feldhutter et al., How the Duration of Automated Driving Influences Take-Over Performance and Gaze Behavior, Advances in Ergonomic Design of Systems, Products and Processes, 2017 | Driving task Inattention Automation |paper
Driving task: take over control, hazard response
Inattention: distraction
Automation: lateral control, longitudinal control, TOR
@incollection{2017_AdvErgonomics_Feldhutter, author = {Feldh{\"u}tter, Anna and Gold, Christian and Schneider, Sonja and Bengler, Klaus}, booktitle = "Advances in ergonomic design of systems, products and processes", pages = "309--318", title = "How the duration of automated driving influences take-over performance and gaze behavior", year = "2017" }
Seppelt et al., Glass half-full: On-road glance metrics differentiate crashes from near-crashes in the 100-Car data, Accident Analysis and Prevention, 2017 | Driving task Inattention |paper
Driving task: hazard response
Inattention: distraction
@article{2017_AccidentAnalysis_Seppelt, author = "Seppelt, Bobbie D and Seaman, Sean and Lee, Joonbum and Angell, Linda S and Mehler, Bruce and Reimer, Bryan", journal = "Accident Analysis \\& Prevention", pages = "48--62", title = "{Glass half-full: On-road glance metrics differentiate crashes from near-crashes in the 100-Car data}", volume = "107", year = "2017" }
Clark et al., Age differences in the takeover of vehicle control and engagement in non-driving-related activities in simulated driving with conditional automation, Accident Analysis and Prevention, 2017 | Driving task Inattention Demographics Automation |paper
Driving task: take over control
Inattention: distraction
Demographics: age
Automation: lateral control, longitudinal control, TOR
@article{2017_AccidentAnalysis_Clark, author = "Clark, Hallie and Feng, Jing", journal = "Accident Analysis \\& Prevention", pages = "468--479", title = "Age differences in the takeover of vehicle control and engagement in non-driving-related activities in simulated driving with conditional automation", volume = "106", year = "2017" }
Beanland et al., Change detection in urban and rural driving scenes: Effects of target type and safety relevance on change blindness, Accident Analysis and Prevention, 2017 | Driving task Environment |paper
Driving task: hazard anticipation/detection
Environment: road type
@article{2017_AccidentAnalysis_Beanland, author = "Beanland, Vanessa and Filtness, Ashleigh J and Jeans, Rhiannon", journal = "Accident Analysis and Prevention", pages = "111--122", title = "{Change detection in urban and rural driving scenes: Effects of target type and safety relevance on change blindness}", volume = "100", year = "2017" }
Fitzpatrick et al., Evaluating the effect of vegetation and clear zone width on driver behavior using a driving simulator, Transportation Research Part F, 2016 | Environment |paper
Environment: vegetation
@article{2016_TransRes_Fitzpatrick, author = "Fitzpatrick, Cole D and Samuel, Siby and Knodler Jr, Michael A", journal = "Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour", pages = "80--89", title = "Evaluating the effect of vegetation and clear zone width on driver behavior using a driving simulator", volume = "42", year = "2016" }
Jackson et al., Slow eyelid closure as a measure of driver drowsiness and its relationship to performance, Traffic Injury Prevention, 2016 | Inattention |paper
Inattention: drowsiness
@article{2016_TraffInjuryPrevention_Jackson, author = "Jackson, Melinda L and Raj, Susan and Croft, Rodney J and Hayley, Amie C and Downey, Luke A and Kennedy, Gerard A and Howard, Mark E", journal = "Traffic Injury Prevention", number = "3", pages = "251--257", title = "Slow eyelid closure as a measure of driver drowsiness and its relationship to performance", volume = "17", year = "2016" }
Topolsek et al., Examination of driver detection of roadside traffic signs and advertisements using eye tracking, Transportation Research Part F, 2016 | Inattention Environment |paper
Inattention: distraction
Environment: sign, billboard
@article{2016_TR_Topolsek, author = "Topol{\v{s}}ek, Darja and Areh, Igor and Cvahte, Tina", journal = "Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour", pages = "212--224", publisher = "Elsevier", title = "Examination of driver detection of roadside traffic signs and advertisements using eye tracking", volume = "43", year = "2016" }
Stavrinos et al., Visual behavior differences in drivers across the lifespan: A digital billboard simulator study, Transportation Research Part F, 2016 | Inattention Demographics Environment |paper
Inattention: distraction
Demographics: age
Environment: sign, billboard
@article{2016_TR_Stavrinos, author = "Stavrinos, Despina and Mosley, Peyton R and Wittig, Shannon M and Johnson, Haley D and Decker, John S and Sisiopiku, Virginia P and Welburn, Sharon C", journal = "Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour", pages = "19--28", title = "{Visual behavior differences in drivers across the lifespan: A digital billboard simulator study}", volume = "41", year = "2016" }
Yan et al., Changes in Drivers’ Visual Performance during the Collision Avoidance Process as a Function of Different Field of Views at Intersections, PLOS One, 2016 | Driving task Demographics Environment |paper
Driving task: hazard anticipation/detection, hazard response
Demographics: gender
Environment: intersection
@article{2016_PLOS_Yan, author = "Yan, Xuedong and Zhang, Xinran and Zhang, Yuting and Li, Xiaomeng and Yang, Zhuo", journal = "PLoS one", number = "10", pages = "e0164101", title = "Changes in drivers’ visual performance during the collision avoidance process as a function of different field of views at intersections", volume = "11", year = "2016" }
Yamani et al., Age-Related Differences in Vehicle Control and Eye Movement Patterns at Intersections: Older and Middle-Aged Drivers, PLOS One, 2016 | Driving task Demographics Environment |paper
Driving task: hazard anticipation/detection
Demographics: age
Environment: intersection
@article{2016_PLOS_Yamani, author = "Yamani, Yusuke and Horrey, William J and Liang, Yulan and Fisher, Donald L", journal = "PLoS one", number = "10", pages = "e0164124", title = "Age-related differences in vehicle control and eye movement patterns at intersections: older and middle-aged drivers", volume = "11", year = "2016" }
Cheng et al., Drivers’ Visual Characteristics when Merging onto or Exiting an Urban Expressway, PLOS One, 2016 | Environment |paper
Environment: traffic
@article{2016_PLOS_Cheng, author = "Cheng, Ying and Gao, Li and Zhao, Yanan and Du, Feng", journal = "PloS one", number = "9", pages = "e0162298", title = "Drivers’ visual characteristics when merging onto or exiting an urban expressway", volume = "11", year = "2016" }
Lee et al., Eye Movements and Road Hazard Detection: Effects of Blur and Distractors, Optometry and Vision Science, 2016 | Driving task Demographics |paper
Driving task: hazard anticipation/detection
Demographics: age
@article{2016_OptometryVisionScience_Lee, author = "Lee, Samantha Sze-Yee and Black, Alex A and Lacherez, Philippe and Wood, Joanne M", journal = "Optometry and Vision Science", number = "9", pages = "1137--1146", title = "Eye movements and road hazard detection: effects of blur and distractors", volume = "93", year = "2016" }
Grippenkoven et al., Gaze direction and driving behavior of drivers at level crossings, Journal of Transportation Safety and Security, 2016 | Environment |paper
Environment: intersection
@article{2016_JTSS_Grippenkoven, author = "Grippenkoven, Jan and Dietsch, Sandra", journal = "Journal of Transportation Safety \\& Security", number = "sup1", pages = "4--18", title = "Gaze direction and driving behavior of drivers at level crossings", volume = "8", year = "2016" }
Huestegge et al., Out of the corner of the driver’s eye: Peripheral processing of hazards in static traffic scenes, Journal of Vision, 2016 | Driving task |paper
Driving task: hazard anticipation/detection
@article{2016_JoV_Huestegge, author = {Huestegge, Lynn and B{\"o}ckler, Anne}, journal = "Journal of Vision", number = "2", pages = "11--11", title = "{Out of the corner of the driver's eye: Peripheral processing of hazards in static traffic scenes}", volume = "16", year = "2016" }
Sun et al., Investigating the Spatial Pattern of Older Drivers’ Eye Fixation Behaviour and Associations with Their Visual Capacity, Journal of Eye Movement Research, 2016 | Demographics Environment |paper
Demographics: age
Environment: intersection, road type
@article{2016_JEMR_Sun, author = {Sun, Quian and Xia, jianhong and Falkmer, Torbj{\"o}rn and Lee, Hoe}, journal = "Journal of Eye Movement Research", number = "6", title = "{Investigating the Spatial Pattern of Older Drivers Eye Fixation Behaviour and Associations with Their Visual Capacity}", volume = "9", year = "2016" }
Wood et al., Working Memory Capacity, Visual Attention and Hazard Perception in Driving, Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition, 2016 | Driving task Inattention |paper
Driving task: hazard anticipation/detection
Inattention: distraction
@article{2016_JARMAC_Wood, author = "Wood, G and Hartley, G and Furley, PA and Wilson, MR", journal = "Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition", number = "4", pages = "454--462", title = "Working memory capacity, visual attention and hazard perception in driving", volume = "5", year = "2016" }
Wilson et al., The Role of Location and Visual Saliency in Capturing Attention to Outdoor Advertising, Journal of Advertising Research, 2016 | Inattention Environment |paper
Inattention: distraction
Environment: billboard
@article{2016_JAR_Wilson, author = "Wilson, Rick T and Casper, Jeff", journal = "Journal of Advertising Research", number = "3", pages = "259--273", title = "{The role of location and visual saliency in capturing attention to outdoor advertising: How location attributes increase the likelihood for a driver to notice a billboard ad}", volume = "56", year = "2016" }
Schmidt et al., Driver Drowsiness and Behavior Detection in Prolonged Conditionally Automated Drives, IV, 2016 | Driving task Inattention Automation |paper
Driving task: take over control
Inattention: drowsiness
Automation: lateral control, longitudinal control, monitoring
@inproceedings{2016_IV_Schmidt, author = {Schmidt, J{\"u}rgen and Braunagel, Christian and Stolzmann, Wolfgang and Karrer-Gau{\ss}, Katja}, booktitle = "IV", title = "Driver drowsiness and behavior detection in prolonged conditionally automated drives", year = "2016" }
Kujala et al., Context-sensitive distraction warnings – Effects on drivers' visual behavior and acceptance, International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 2016 | Inattention Automation |paper
Inattention: distraction
Automation: warning/guidance
@article{2016_IJHCS_Kujala, author = {Kujala, Tuomo and Karvonen, Hannu and M{\"a}kel{\"a}, Jakke}, journal = "International Journal of Human-Computer Studies", pages = "39--52", publisher = "Elsevier", title = "Context-sensitive distraction warnings--Effects on drivers׳ visual behavior and acceptance", volume = "90", year = "2016" }
Hergeth et al., Keep Your Scanners Peeled: Gaze Behavior as a Measure of Automation Trust During Highly Automated Driving, Human Factors, 2016 | Driving task Inattention Automation |paper
Driving task: take over control
Inattention: distraction
Automation: lateral control, longitudinal control, TOR, trust
@article{2016_HumanFactors_Hergeth, author = "Hergeth, Sebastian and Lorenz, Lutz and Vilimek, Roman and Krems, Josef F", journal = "Human factors", number = "3", pages = "509--519", title = "{Keep your scanners peeled: Gaze behavior as a measure of automation trust during highly automated driving}", volume = "58", year = "2016" }
Gaspar et al., Measuring the Useful Field of View During Simulated Driving With Gaze-Contingent Displays, Human Factors, 2016 | Driving task Inattention Environment |paper
Driving task: vehicle following
Inattention: distraction
Environment: wind
@article{2016_HumanFactors_Gaspar, author = "Gaspar, John G and Ward, Nathan and Neider, Mark B and Crowell, James and Carbonari, Ronald and Kaczmarski, Henry and Ringer, Ryan V and Johnson, Aaron P and Kramer, Arthur F and Loschky, Lester C", journal = "Human factors", number = "4", pages = "630--641", title = "Measuring the useful field of view during simulated driving with gaze-contingent displays", volume = "58", year = "2016" }
Lee et al., Error Recovery in Multitasking While Driving, CHI, 2016 | Driving task Inattention |paper
Driving task: vehicle following
Inattention: distraction
@inproceedings{2016_CHI_Lee, author = "Lee, Ja Young and Gibson, Madeleine C and Lee, John D", booktitle = "CHI", title = "Error recovery in multitasking while driving", year = "2016" }
Akkil et al., Gaze Augmentation in Egocentric Video Improves Awareness of Intention, CHI, 2016 | Environment |paper
Environment: intersection
@inproceedings{2016_CHI_Akkil, author = "Akkil, Deepak and Isokoski, Poika", booktitle = "CHI", title = "Gaze augmentation in egocentric video improves awareness of intention", year = "2016" }
Smith et al., Head-Up vs. Head-Down Displays: Examining Traditional Methods of Display Assessment While Driving, AutomotiveUI, 2016 | Driving task Inattention |paper
Driving task: vehicle following
Inattention: distraction
@inproceedings{2016_AutoUI_Smith, author = "Smith, Missie and Gabbard, Joseph L and Conley, Christian", booktitle = "AutomotiveUI", title = "Head-up vs. head-down displays: examining traditional methods of display assessment while driving", year = "2016" }
Hurtado et al., An Eye-tracking Evaluation of Driver Distraction and Unfamiliar Road Signs, AutomotiveUI, 2016 | Inattention Environment |paper
Inattention: distraction
Environment: location, sign
@inproceedings{2016_AutoUI_Hurtado, author = "Hurtado, Stephanie and Chiasson, Sonia", booktitle = "AutomotiveUI", title = "An eye-tracking evaluation of driver distraction and unfamiliar road signs", year = "2016" }
Borojeni et al., Assisting Drivers with Ambient Take-Over Requests in Highly Automated Driving, AutomotiveUI, 2016 | Driving task Inattention Automation |paper
Driving task: take over control
Inattention: distraction
Automation: lateral control, longitudinal control, TOR, warning/guidance
@inproceedings{2016_AutoUI_Borojeni, author = "Borojeni, Shadan Sadeghian and Chuang, Lewis and Heuten, Wilko and Boll, Susanne", booktitle = "AutomotiveUI", title = "Assisting drivers with ambient take-over requests in highly automated driving", year = "2016" }
Zeeb et al., Is take-over time all that matters? The impact of visual-cognitive load on driver take-over quality after conditionally automated driving, Accident Analysis and Prevention, 2016 | Driving task Inattention Automation |paper
Driving task: take over control
Inattention: distraction
Automation: lateral control, longitudinal control, TOR
@article{2016_AccidentAnalysis_Zeeb, author = "Zeeb, Kathrin and Buchner, Axel and Schrauf, Michael", journal = "Accident Analysis \\& Prevention", pages = "230--239", publisher = "Elsevier", title = "{Is take-over time all that matters? The impact of visual-cognitive load on driver take-over quality after conditionally automated driving}", volume = "92", year = "2016" }
Morando et al., Drivers anticipate lead-vehicle conflicts during automated longitudinal control: Sensory cues capture driver attention and promote appropriate and timely responses, Accident Analysis and Prevention, 2016 | Driving task Automation |paper
Driving task: vehicle following, hazard response
Automation: longitudinal control, warning/guidance
@article{2016_AccidentAnalysis_Morando, author = "Morando, Alberto and Victor, Trent and Dozza, Marco", journal = "Accident Analysis \\& Prevention", pages = "206--219", publisher = "Elsevier", title = "{Drivers anticipate lead-vehicle conflicts during automated longitudinal control: Sensory cues capture driver attention and promote appropriate and timely responses}", volume = "97", year = "2016" }
Kountouriotis et al., Leading to distraction: Driver distraction, lead car, and road environment, Accident Analysis and Prevention, 2016 | Driving task Inattention Environment |paper
Driving task: vehicle following
Inattention: distraction
Environment: road geometry
@article{2016_AccidentAnalysis_Kountouriotis, author = "Kountouriotis, Georgios K and Merat, Natasha", journal = "Accident Analysis \\& Prevention", pages = "22--30", publisher = "Elsevier", title = "{Leading to distraction: Driver distraction, lead car, and road environment}", volume = "89", year = "2016" }
Kidd et al., Differences in glance behavior between drivers using a rearview camera, parking sensor system, both technologies, or no technology during low-speed parking maneuvers, Accident Analysis and Prevention, 2016 | Driving task Automation |paper
Driving task: parking
Automation: warning/guidance
@article{2016_AccidentAnalysis_Kidd, author = "Kidd, David G and McCartt, Anne T", journal = "Accident Analysis \\& Prevention", pages = "92--101", publisher = "Elsevier", title = "Differences in glance behavior between drivers using a rearview camera, parking sensor system, both technologies, or no technology during low-speed parking maneuvers", volume = "87", year = "2016" }
Belyusar et al., A field study on the effects of digital billboards on glance behavior during highway driving, Accident Analysis and Prevention, 2016 | Inattention Demographics Environment |paper
Inattention: distraction
Demographics: age
Environment: billboard
@article{2016_AccidentAnalysis_Belyusar, author = "Belyusar, Daniel and Reimer, Bryan and Mehler, Bruce and Coughlin, Joseph F", journal = "Accident Analysis \\& Prevention", pages = "88--96", publisher = "Elsevier", title = "A field study on the effects of digital billboards on glance behavior during highway driving", volume = "88", year = "2016" }
Mackenzie et al., Eye movements and hazard perception in active and passive driving, Visual Cognition, 2015 | Driving task |paper
Driving task: hazard anticipation/detection
@article{2015_VC_Mackenzie, author = "Mackenzie, Andrew K and Harris, Julie M", journal = "Visual cognition", number = "6", pages = "736--757", publisher = "Taylor \\& Francis", title = "Eye movements and hazard perception in active and passive driving", volume = "23", year = "2015" }
Samuel et al., Evaluation of the Minimum Forward Roadway Glance Duration, Transportation Research Record, 2015 | Driving task Inattention |paper
Driving task: hazard anticipation/detection
Inattention: distraction
@article{2015_TRR_Samuel, author = "Samuel, Siby and Fisher, Donald L", journal = "Transportation Research Record", number = "1", pages = "9--17", publisher = "SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA", title = "Evaluation of the minimum forward roadway glance duration", volume = "2518", year = "2015" }
Niezgoda et al., Towards testing auditory–vocal interfaces and detecting distraction while driving: A comparison of eye-movement measures in the assessment of cognitive workload, Transportation Research Part F, 2015 | Inattention |paper
Inattention: distraction
@article{2015_TransRes_Niezgoda, author = "Niezgoda, Michal and Tarnowski, Adam and Kruszewski, Miko{\l}aj and Kami{\'n}ski, Tomasz", journal = "Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour", pages = "23--34", publisher = "Elsevier", title = "{Towards testing auditory--vocal interfaces and detecting distraction while driving: A comparison of eye-movement measures in the assessment of cognitive workload}", volume = "32", year = "2015" }
Bargman et al., How does glance behavior influence crash and injury risk? A ‘what-if’ counterfactual simulation using crashes and near-crashes from SHRP2, Transportation Research Part F, 2015 | Driving task Inattention |paper
Driving task: vehicle following, hazard response
Inattention: distraction
@article{2015_TransRes_Bargman, author = {B{\"a}rgman, Jonas and Lisovskaja, Vera and Victor, Trent and Flannagan, Carol and Dozza, Marco}, journal = "Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour", pages = "152--169", publisher = "Elsevier", title = "{How does glance behavior influence crash and injury risk? A ‘what-if’counterfactual simulation using crashes and near-crashes from SHRP2}", volume = "35", year = "2015" }
Borowsky et al., The Effects of Momentary Visual Disruption on Hazard Anticipation and Awareness in Driving, Traffic Injury Prevention, 2015 | Driving task Inattention |paper
Driving task: hazard anticipation/detection
Inattention: distraction
@article{2015_TrafficInjuryPrevention_Borowsky, author = "Borowsky, Avinoam and Horrey, William J and Liang, Yulan and Garabet, Angela and Simmons, Lucinda and Fisher, Donald L", journal = "Traffic Injury Prevention", number = "2", pages = "133--139", publisher = "Taylor \\& Francis", title = "The effects of momentary visual disruption on hazard anticipation and awareness in driving", volume = "16", year = "2015" }
Lemonnier et al., Gaze behavior when approaching an intersection: Dwell time distribution and comparison with a quantitative prediction, Transportation Research Part F, 2015 | Environment |paper
Environment: intersection, traffic
@article{2015_TR_Lemonnier, author = "Lemonnier, Sophie and Br{\'e}mond, Roland and Baccino, Thierry", journal = "Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour", pages = "60--74", publisher = "Elsevier", title = "{Gaze behavior when approaching an intersection: Dwell time distribution and comparison with a quantitative prediction}", volume = "35", year = "2015" }
Eyraud et al., Allocation of visual attention while driving with simulated augmented reality, Transportation Research Part F, 2015 | Automation |paper
Automation: warning/guidance
@article{2015_TR_Eyraud, author = "Eyraud, Robin and Zibetti, Elisabetta and Baccino, Thierry", journal = "Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour", pages = "46--55", publisher = "Elsevier", title = "Allocation of visual attention while driving with simulated augmented reality", volume = "32", year = "2015" }
Itkonen et al., Driver Gaze Behavior Is Different in Normal Curve Driving and when Looking at the Tangent Point, PLOS One, 2015 | Environment |paper
Environment: road geometry
@article{2015_PONE_Itkonen, author = "Itkonen, Teemu and Pekkanen, Jami and Lappi, Otto", journal = "PloS one", number = "8", pages = "e0135505", title = "Driver gaze behavior is different in normal curve driving and when looking at the tangent point", volume = "10", year = "2015" }
Lee et al., Blur, eye movements and performance on a driving visual recognition slide test, Opthtalmic and Physiological Optics, 2015 | Demographics Environment |paper
Demographics: age
Environment: intersection
@article{2015_OPO_Lee, author = "Lee, Samantha Sze-Yee and Wood, Joanne M and Black, Alexander A", journal = "Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics", number = "5", pages = "522--529", title = "Blur, eye movements and performance on a driving visual recognition slide test", volume = "35", year = "2015" }
Kujala et al., Hand-Held Texting is Less Distracting than Texting with the Phone in a Holder – Anyway, Don’t Do It, AcademicMindTrek, 2015 | Driving task Inattention |paper
Driving task: maintain speed, maintain lane
Inattention: distraction
@inproceedings{2015_MindTrek_Kujala, author = "Kujala, Tuomo and Grahn, Hilkka and Holmstedt, Niina", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 19th International Academic Mindtrek Conference", pages = "98--105", title = "Hand-Held texting is less distracting than texting with the phone in a holder: anyway, don't do it", year = "2015" }
Kujala et al., Modeling visual sampling on in-car displays: The challenge of predicting safety-critical lapses of control, International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 2015 | Driving task Inattention |paper
Driving task: maintain speed, maintain lane
Inattention: distraction
@article{2015_IJHCS_Kujala, author = "Kujala, Tuomo and Salvucci, Dario D", journal = "International Journal of Human-Computer Studies", pages = "66--78", publisher = "Elsevier", title = "Modeling visual sampling on in-car displays: The challenge of predicting safety-critical lapses of control", volume = "79", year = "2015" }
Yang et al., Analysis of influence on driver behaviour while using in-vehicle traffic lights with application of head-up display, IET Intelligent Transport Systems, 2015 | Environment Automation |paper
Environment: intersection
Automation: warning/guidance
@article{2015_IET_Yang, author = "Yang, Bo and Zheng, Rencheng and Yin, Yuandong and Yamabe, Shigeyuki and Nakano, Kimihiko", journal = "IET Intelligent Transport Systems", number = "5", pages = "347--353", publisher = "IET", title = "Analysis of influence on driver behaviour while using in-vehicle traffic lights with application of head-up display", volume = "10", year = "2016" }
Liang et al., Reading Text While Driving: Understanding Drivers’ Strategic and Tactical Adaptation to Distraction, Human Factors, 2015 | Inattention Environment |paper
Inattention: distraction
Environment: road geometry
@article{2015_HumanFactors_Liang, author = "Liang, Yulan and Horrey, William J and Hoffman, Joshua D", journal = "Human factors", number = "2", pages = "347--359", title = "Reading text while driving: Understanding drivers’ strategic and tactical adaptation to distraction", volume = "57", year = "2015" }
vanLeeuwen et al., Effects of visual fidelity on curve negotiation, gaze behaviour and simulator discomfort, Ergonomics, 2015 | Environment |paper
Environment: road geometry
@article{2015_Ergonomics_vanLeeuwen, author = "van Leeuwen, Peter M and G{\'o}mez i Subils, Carla and Ramon Jimenez, Arnau and Happee, Riender and de Winter, Joost CF", journal = "Ergonomics", number = "8", pages = "1347--1364", publisher = "Taylor \\& Francis", title = "Effects of visual fidelity on curve negotiation, gaze behaviour and simulator discomfort", volume = "58", year = "2015" }
Tivesten et al., The timecourse of driver visual attention in naturalistic driving with adaptive cruise control and forward collision warning, International Driver Distraction and Inattention Conference, 2015 | Driving task Automation |paper
Driving task: vehicle following, hazard response
Automation: lateral control, longitudinal control, warning/guidance
@inproceedings{2015_DDI_Tivesten, author = "Tivesten, E and Morando, A and Victor, T", booktitle = "DDI", title = "The timecourse of driver visual attention in naturalistic driving with adaptive cruise control and forward collision warning", year = "2015" }
Urwyler et al., Age-dependent visual exploration during simulated day- and night driving on a motorway: a cross-sectional study, BMC Geriatrics, 2015 | Demographics Environment |paper
Demographics: age
Environment: visibility
@article{2015_BMCGeriatrics_Urwyler, author = {Urwyler, Prabitha and Gruber, Nicole and M{\"u}ri, Ren{\'e} M and J{\"a}ger, Michael and Bieri, Rahel and Nyffeler, Thomas and Mosimann, Urs P and Nef, Tobias}, journal = "BMC Geriatrics", number = "1", pages = "18", publisher = "Springer", title = "{Age-dependent visual exploration during simulated day-and night driving on a motorway: A cross-sectional study}", volume = "15", year = "2015" }
Kaber et al., Driver behavior in use of guide and logo signs under distraction and complex roadway conditions, Applied Ergonomics, 2015 | Inattention Environment |paper
Inattention: distraction
Environment: sign, construction
@article{2015_AppliedErgonomics_Kaber, author = "Kaber, David and Pankok Jr, Carl and Corbett, Brendan and Ma, Wenqi and Hummer, Joseph and Rasdorf, William", journal = "Applied Ergonomics", pages = "99--106", publisher = "Elsevier", title = "Driver behavior in use of guide and logo signs under distraction and complex roadway conditions", volume = "47", year = "2015" }
Peng et al., Driver’s adaptive glance behavior to in-vehicle information systems, Accident Analysis and Prevention, 2015 | Inattention Environment |paper
Inattention: distraction
Environment: traffic
@article{2015_AccidentAnalysis_Peng, author = "Peng, Yiyun and Boyle, Linda Ng", journal = "Accident Analysis \\& Prevention", pages = "93--101", publisher = "Elsevier", title = "Driver's adaptive glance behavior to in-vehicle information systems", volume = "85", year = "2015" }
vanLeeuwen et al., Vertical field of view restriction in driver training: A simulator-based evaluation, Transportation Research Part F, 2014 | Environment |paper
Environment: visibility, road geometry
@article{2014_TransRes_vanLeeuwen, author = "Van Leeuwen, PM and Happee, R and De Winter, JCF", journal = "Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour", pages = "169--182", publisher = "Elsevier", title = "{Vertical field of view restriction in driver training: A simulator-based evaluation}", volume = "24", year = "2014" }
Tivesten et al., Driving context and visual-manual phone tasks influence glance behavior in naturalistic driving, Transportation Research Part F, 2014 | Inattention Environment |paper
Inattention: distraction
Environment: road type, intersection, visibility
@article{2014_TransRes_Tivesten, author = "Tivesten, Emma and Dozza, Marco", journal = "Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour", pages = "258--272", publisher = "Elsevier", title = "Driving context and visual-manual phone tasks influence glance behavior in naturalistic driving", volume = "26", year = "2014" }
Costa et al., Looking behavior for vertical road signs, Transportation Research Part F, 2014 | Environment |paper
Environment: sign
@article{2014_TransRes_Costa, author = "Costa, Marco and Simone, Andrea and Vignali, Valeria and Lantieri, Claudio and Bucchi, Alberto and Dondi, Giulio", journal = "Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour", pages = "147--155", publisher = "Elsevier", title = "Looking behavior for vertical road signs", volume = "23", year = "2014" }
Ciceri et al., Does driving experience in video games count? Hazard anticipation and visual exploration of male gamers as function of driving experience, Transportation Research Part F, 2014 | |paper
@article{2014_TransRes_Ciceri, author = "Ciceri, Maria Rita and Ruscio, Daniele", journal = "Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour", pages = "76--85", publisher = "Elsevier", title = "{Does driving experience in video games count? Hazard anticipation and visual exploration of male gamers as function of driving experience}", volume = "22", year = "2014" }
Birrell et al., Glance behaviours when using an in-vehicle smart driving aid: A real-world, on-road driving study, Transportation Research Part F, 2014 | Automation |paper
Automation: warning/guidance
@article{2014_TransRes_Birrell, author = "Birrell, Stewart A and Fowkes, Mark", journal = "Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour", pages = "113--125", publisher = "Elsevier", title = "{Glance behaviours when using an in-vehicle smart driving aid: A real-world, on-road driving study}", volume = "22", year = "2014" }
Reimer et al., A study of young adults examining phone dialing while driving using a touchscreen vs. a button style flip-phone, Transportation Research Part F, 2014 | Inattention Demographics |paper
Inattention: distraction
Demographics: gender
@article{2014_TR_Reimer, author = "Reimer, Bryan and Mehler, Bruce and Donmez, Birsen", journal = "Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour", pages = "57--68", publisher = "Elsevier", title = "A study of young adults examining phone dialing while driving using a touchscreen vs. a button style flip-phone", volume = "23", year = "2014" }
Merat et al., Transition to manual: Driver behaviour when resuming control from a highly automated vehicle, Transportation Research Part F, 2014 | Driving task Automation |paper
Driving task: take over control
Automation: lateral control, longitudinal control, TOR
@article{2014_TR_Merat, author = "Merat, Natasha and Jamson, A Hamish and Lai, Frank CH and Daly, Michael and Carsten, Oliver MJ", journal = "Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour", pages = "274--282", publisher = "Elsevier", title = "{Transition to manual: Driver behaviour when resuming control from a highly automated vehicle}", volume = "27", year = "2014" }
Alberti et al., Are experienced drivers more likely than novice drivers to benefit from driving simulations with a wide field of view?, Transportation Research Part F, 2014 | Driving task Environment |paper
Driving task: hazard response
Environment: visibility
@article{2014_TR_Alberti, author = "Alberti, Concetta F and Shahar, Amit and Crundall, David", journal = "Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour", pages = "124--132", publisher = "Elsevier", title = "Are experienced drivers more likely than novice drivers to benefit from driving simulations with a wide field of view?", volume = "27", year = "2014" }
Young et al., Effects of phone type on driving and eye glance behaviour while text-messaging, Safety Science, 2014 | Inattention |paper
Inattention: distraction
@article{2014_SafetyScience_Young, author = "Young, Kristie L and Rudin-Brown, Christina M and Patten, Christopher and Ceci, Ruggero and Lenn{\'e}, Michael G", journal = "Safety Science", pages = "47--54", publisher = "Elsevier", title = "Effects of phone type on driving and eye glance behaviour while text-messaging", volume = "68", year = "2014" }
Lemercier et al., Inattention behind the wheel: How factual internal thoughts impact attentional control while driving, Safety Science, 2014 | Inattention |paper
Inattention: distraction
@article{2014_SafetyScience_Lemercier, author = {Lemercier, C{\'e}line and Pecher, Christelle and Berthi{\'e}, Ga{\"e}lle and Valery, Benoit and Vidal, Vanessa and Paubel, Pierre-Vincent and Cour, Maurice and Fort, Alexandra and Gal{\'e}ra, C{\'e}dric and Gabaude, Catherine and others}, journal = "Safety Science", pages = "279--285", title = "{Inattention behind the wheel: How factual internal thoughts impact attentional control while driving}", volume = "62", year = "2014" }
Lemonnier et al., Discriminating cognitive processes with eye movements in a decision-making driving task, Journal of Eye Movement Research, 2014 | Environment |paper
Environment: traffic, intersection
@article{2014_JEMR_Lemonnier, author = "Lemonnier, Sophie and Br{\'e}mond, Roland and Baccino, Thierry", journal = "Journal of Eye Movement Research", number = "4", pages = "1--14", title = "Discriminating cognitive processes with eye movements in a decision-making driving task", volume = "7", year = "2014" }
SimonsMorton et al., Keep Your Eyes on the Road: Young Driver Crash Risk Increases According to Duration of Distraction, nan, 2014 | Inattention |paper
Inattention: distraction
@article{2014_JAH_SimonsMorton, author = "Simons-Morton, Bruce G and Guo, Feng and Klauer, Sheila G and Ehsani, Johnathon P and Pradhan, Anuj K", journal = "Journal of Adolescent Health", number = "5", pages = "S61--S67", publisher = "Elsevier", title = "Keep your eyes on the road: Young driver crash risk increases according to duration of distraction", volume = "54", year = "2014" }
Lorenz et al., Designing take over scenarios for automated driving: How does augmented reality support the driver to get back into the loop?, Proceedings of Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 2014 | Driving task Inattention Automation |paper
Driving task: take over control, hazard response
Inattention: distraction
Automation: lateral control, longitudinal control, warning/guidance
@inproceedings{2014_HumanFactorsErognomics_Lorenz, author = "Lorenz, Lutz and Kerschbaum, Philipp and Schumann, Josef", booktitle = "Proc. Hum. Factors Ergon. Soc. Annu. Meet.", number = "1", pages = "1681--1685", title = "Designing take over scenarios for automated driving: How does augmented reality support the driver to get back into the loop?", volume = "58", year = "2014" }
Schieber et al., Evaluation of the Visual Demands of Digital Billboards Using a Hybrid Driving Simulator, Proceedings of Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 2014 | Environment |paper
Environment: sign
@inproceedings{2014_HumanFactorsErgonomics_Schieber, author = "Schieber, Frank and Limrick, Kevin and McCall, Robert and Beck, Andrew", booktitle = "Proc. Hum. Factors Ergon. Soc. Annu. Meet.", number = "1", pages = "2214--2218", title = "Evaluation of the visual demands of digital billboards using a hybrid driving simulator", volume = "58", year = "2014" }
He et al., Lane Keeping Under Cognitive Load: Performance Changes and Mechanisms, Human Factors, 2014 | Inattention Environment Automation |paper
Inattention: distraction
Environment: wind
Automation: longitudinal control
@article{2014_HumanFactors_He, author = "He, Jibo and McCarley, Jason S and Kramer, Arthur F", journal = "Human factors", number = "2", pages = "414--426", title = "Lane keeping under cognitive load: performance changes and mechanisms", volume = "56", year = "2014" }
Liang et al., A Looming Crisis: The Distribution of Off-Road Glance Duration in Moments Leading up to Crashes/Near-Crashes in Naturalistic Driving, Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 2014 | Driving task Inattention |paper
Driving task: hazard response
Inattention: distraction
@inproceedings{2014_HFES_Liang, author = "Liang, Yulan and Lee, John D and Horrey, William J", booktitle = "Proc. Hum. Factors Ergon. Soc. Annu. Meet.", number = "1", pages = "2102--2106", title = "A looming crisis: the distribution of off-road glance duration in moments leading up to crashes/near-crashes in naturalistic driving", volume = "58", year = "2014" }
Werneke et al., How do environmental characteristics at intersections change in their relevance for drivers before entering an intersection: analysis of drivers’ gaze and driving behavior in a driving simulator study, Cognition, technology and work, 2014 | Environment |paper
Environment: intersection, traffic
@article{2014_CogTechWork_Werneke, author = "Werneke, Julia and Vollrath, Mark", journal = "Cognition, Technology \\& Work", number = "2", pages = "157--169", publisher = "Springer", title = "How do environmental characteristics at intersections change in their relevance for drivers before entering an intersection: analysis of drivers’ gaze and driving behavior in a driving simulator study", volume = "16", year = "2014" }
Reimer et al., Effects of an ‘Expert Mode’ Voice Command System on Task Performance, Glance Behavior & Driver Physiology, AutomotiveUI, 2014 | Inattention |paper
Inattention: distraction
@inproceedings{2014_ACM_Reimer, author = "Reimer, Bryan and Mehler, Bruce and Dobres, Jonathan and McAnulty, Hale and Mehler, Alea and Munger, Daniel and Rumpold, Adrian", booktitle = "AutomotiveUI", title = "Effects of an 'Expert Mode' voice command system on task performance, glance behavior \\& driver physiology", year = "2014" }
Jones et al., The influence of image valence on visual attention and perception of risk in drivers, Accident Analysis and Prevention, 2014 | Driving task |paper
Driving task: hazard anticipation/detection
@article{2014_AccidentPrevention_Jones, author = "Jones, MP and Chapman, P and Bailey, K", journal = "Accident Analysis \\& Prevention", pages = "296--304", publisher = "Elsevier", title = "The influence of image valence on visual attention and perception of risk in drivers", volume = "73", year = "2014" }
Lehtonen et al., Effect of driving experience on anticipatory look-ahead fixations in real curve driving, Accident Analysis and Prevention, 2014 | Environment |paper
Environment: road geometry
@article{2014_AccidentAnalysis_Lehtonen, author = "Lehtonen, Esko and Lappi, Otto and Koirikivi, Iivo and Summala, Heikki", journal = "Accident Analysis \\& Prevention", pages = "195--208", publisher = "Elsevier", title = "Effect of driving experience on anticipatory look-ahead fixations in real curve driving", volume = "70", year = "2014" }
Benedetto et al., Leftward attentional bias in a simulated driving task, Transportation Research Part F, 2013 | Inattention Environment |paper
Inattention: distraction
Environment: sign
@article{2013_TransRes_Benedetto, author = "Benedetto, Simone and Pedrotti, Marco and Bremond, Roland and Baccino, Thierry", journal = "Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour", pages = "147--153", publisher = "Elsevier", title = "Leftward attentional bias in a simulated driving task", volume = "20", year = "2013" }
Savage et al., Does preoccupation impair hazard perception? A simultaneous EEG and Eye Tracking study, Transportation Research Part F, 2013 | Driving task Inattention |paper
Driving task: hazard anticipation/detection
Inattention: distraction
@article{2013_TransportRes_Savage, author = "Savage, Steven W and Potter, Douglas D and Tatler, Benjamin W", journal = "Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour", pages = "52--62", publisher = "Elsevier", title = "{Does preoccupation impair hazard perception? A simultaneous EEG and eye tracking study}", volume = "17", year = "2013" }
Dukic et al., Effects of Electronic Billboards on Driver Distraction, Traffic Injury Prevention, 2013 | Inattention Environment |paper
Inattention: distraction
Environment: sign, billboard
@article{2013_TrafficInjuryPrevention_Dukic, author = "Dukic, Tania and Ahlstrom, Christer and Patten, Christopher and Kettwich, Carmen and Kircher, Katja", journal = "Traffic Injury Prevention", number = "5", pages = "469--476", publisher = "Taylor \\& Francis", title = "Effects of electronic billboards on driver distraction", volume = "14", year = "2013" }
Romoser et al., Comparing the glance patterns of older versus younger experienced drivers: Scanning for hazards while approaching and entering the Intersection, Transportation Research Part F, 2013 | Driving task Demographics Environment |paper
Driving task: vehicle following, hazard anticipation/detection
Demographics: age
Environment: intersection
@article{2013_TR_Romoser, author = "Romoser, Matthew RE and Pollatsek, Alexander and Fisher, Donald L and Williams, Carrick C", journal = "Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour", pages = "104--116", publisher = "Elsevier", title = "{Comparing the glance patterns of older versus younger experienced drivers: Scanning for hazards while approaching and entering the intersection}", volume = "16", year = "2013" }
Lim et al., Cross-cultural effects on drivers’ hazard perception, Transportation Research Part F, 2013 | Driving task Environment |paper
Driving task: hazard anticipation/detection
Environment: location
@article{2013_TR_Lim, author = "Lim, Phui Cheng and Sheppard, Elizabeth and Crundall, David", journal = "Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour", pages = "194--206", publisher = "Elsevier", title = "Cross-cultural effects on drivers’ hazard perception", volume = "21", year = "2013" }
Jamson et al., Behavioural changes in drivers experiencing highly-automated vehicle control in varying traffic conditions, Transportation Research Part C, 2013 | Inattention Environment Automation |paper
Inattention: distraction, drowsiness
Environment: traffic
Automation: lateral control, longitudinal control
@article{2013_TR_Jamson, author = "Jamson, A Hamish and Merat, Natasha and Carsten, Oliver MJ and Lai, Frank CH", journal = "Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies", pages = "116--125", publisher = "Elsevier", title = "Behavioural changes in drivers experiencing highly-automated vehicle control in varying traffic conditions", volume = "30", year = "2013" }
Yekhshatyan et al., Changes in the Correlation Between Eye and Steering Movements Indicate Driver Distraction, T-ITS, 2013 | Inattention Environment |paper
Inattention: distraction
Environment: road geometry
@article{2013_T-ITS_Yekhshatyan, author = "Yekhshatyan, Lora and Lee, John D", journal = "IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems", number = "1", pages = "136--145", publisher = "IEEE", title = "Changes in the correlation between eye and steering movements indicate driver distraction", volume = "14", year = "2012" }
Ahlstrom et al., A Gaze-Based Driver Distraction Warning System and Its Effect on Visual Behavior, T-ITS, 2013 | Automation |paper
Automation: monitoring, warning/guidance
@article{2013_T-ITS_Ahlstrom, author = "Ahlstrom, Christer and Kircher, Katja and Kircher, Albert", journal = "IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems", number = "2", pages = "965--973", publisher = "IEEE", title = "A gaze-based driver distraction warning system and its effect on visual behavior", volume = "14", year = "2013" }
Scott et al., Visual information search in simulated junction negotiation: Gaze transitions of young novice, young experienced and older experienced drivers, Journal of Safety Research, 2013 | Demographics Environment |paper
Demographics: age
Environment: intersection
@article{2013_SafetyResearch_Scott, author = "Scott, Helen and Hall, Lynne and Litchfield, Damien and Westwood, Diane", journal = "Journal of Safety Research", pages = "111--116", publisher = "Elsevier", title = "{Visual information search in simulated junction negotiation: Gaze transitions of young novice, young experienced and older experienced drivers}", volume = "45", year = "2013" }
Kujala et al., Browsing the information highway while driving: three in-vehicle touch screen scrolling methods and driver distraction, Personal and ubiquitous computing, 2013 | Inattention |paper
Inattention: distraction
@article{2013_PUC_Kujala, author = "Kujala, Tuomo", journal = "Personal and Ubiquitous Computing", number = "5", pages = "815--823", publisher = "Springer", title = "Browsing the information highway while driving: three in-vehicle touch screen scrolling methods and driver distraction", volume = "17", year = "2013" }
Lappi et al., Beyond the tangent point: Gaze targets in naturalistic driving, Journal of Vision, 2013 | Environment |paper
Environment: road geometry
@article{2013_JoV_Lappi, author = "Lappi, Otto and Lehtonen, Esko and Pekkanen, Jami and Itkonen, Teemu", journal = "Journal of Vision", number = "13", pages = "11--11", title = "Beyond the tangent point: gaze targets in naturalistic driving", volume = "13", year = "2013" }
Lehtonen et al., Look-ahead fixations in curve driving, Ergonomics, 2013 | Environment |paper
Environment: road geometry
@article{2013_Ergonomics_Lehtonen, author = "Lehtonen, Esko and Lappi, Otto and Kotkanen, Henri and Summala, Heikki", journal = "Ergonomics", number = "1", pages = "34--44", publisher = "Taylor \\& Francis", title = "Look-ahead fixations in curve driving", volume = "56", year = "2013" }
Lasch et al., Can you ignore it? Effects of album artwork on driver distraction, International Driver Distraction and Inattention Conference, 2013 | Inattention Demographics |paper
Inattention: distraction
Demographics: gender
@inproceedings{2013_DDI_Lasch, author = "Lasch, Annegret and Kujala, Tuomo", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Driver Distraction and Inattention", pages = "1--16", title = "Can you ignore it?--effects of album artwork on driver distraction", year = "2013" }
Kujala et al., Visual-Manual In-Car Tasks Decomposed - Text Entry and Kinetic Scrolling as the Main Sources of Visual Distraction, AutomotiveUI, 2013 | Driving task Inattention |paper
Driving task: maintain speed
Inattention: distraction
@inproceedings{2013_AutomotiveUI_Kujala, author = "Kujala, Tuomo and Silvennoinen, Johanna and Lasch, Annegret", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications", pages = "82--89", title = "Visual-manual in-car tasks decomposed: text entry and kinetic scrolling as the main sources of visual distraction", year = "2013" }
Zhang et al., Driver distraction and performance effects of highway logo sign design, Applied Ergonomics, 2013 | Driving task Inattention Environment |paper
Driving task: hazard anticipation/detection
Inattention: distraction
Environment: sign
@article{2013_AppliedErgonomics_Zhang, author = "Zhang, Yu and Harris, Elizabeth and Rogers, Meghan and Kaber, David and Hummer, Joseph and Rasdorf, William and Hu, Jia", journal = "Applied Ergonomics", number = "3", pages = "472--479", publisher = "Elsevier", title = "Driver distraction and performance effects of highway logo sign design", volume = "44", year = "2013" }
Garrison et al., Impact of Relevance and Distraction on Driving Performance and Visual Attention in a Simulated Driving Environment, Applied Cognitive Psychology, 2013 | Driving task Inattention Environment |paper
Driving task: hazard anticipation/detection
Inattention: distraction
Environment: sign, billboard
@article{2013_ACP_Garrison, author = "Garrison, Teena M and Williams, Carrick C", journal = "Applied Cognitive Psychology", number = "3", pages = "396--405", publisher = "Wiley Online Library", title = "Impact of relevance and distraction on driving performance and visual attention in a simulated driving environment", volume = "27", year = "2013" }
Wong et al., Attention allocation patterns in naturalistic driving, Accident Analysis and Prevention, 2013 | Inattention Environment |paper
Inattention: distraction
Environment: traffic, intersection
@article{2013_AccidentPrevention_Wong, author = "Wong, Jinn-Tsai and Huang, Shih-Hsuan", journal = "Accident Analysis \\& Prevention", pages = "140--147", publisher = "Elsevier", title = "Attention allocation patterns in naturalistic driving", volume = "58", year = "2013" }
Peng et al., Driver’s lane keeping ability with eyes off road: Insights from a naturalistic study, Accident Analysis and Prevention, 2013 | Inattention Demographics Environment |paper
Inattention: distraction
Demographics: age
Environment: road type
@article{2013_AccidentAnalysis_Peng, author = "Peng, Yiyun and Boyle, Linda Ng and Hallmark, Shauna L", journal = "Accident Analysis \\& Prevention", pages = "628--634", publisher = "Elsevier", title = "Driver's lane keeping ability with eyes off road: Insights from a naturalistic study", volume = "50", year = "2013" }
Dozza et al., What factors influence drivers’ response time for evasive maneuvers in real traffic?, Accident Analysis and Prevention, 2013 | Inattention Demographics Environment |paper
Inattention: distraction
Demographics: age, gender
Environment: traffic, road type, visibility
@article{2013_AccidentAnalysis_Dozza, author = "Dozza, Marco", journal = "Accident Analysis \\& Prevention", pages = "299--308", publisher = "Elsevier", title = "What factors influence drivers’ response time for evasive maneuvers in real traffic?", volume = "58", year = "2013" }
Borowsky et al., Exploring the effects of driving experience on hazard awareness and risk perception via real-time hazard identification, hazard classification, and rating tasks, Accident Analysis and Prevention, 2013 | Driving task |paper
Driving task: hazard anticipation/detection
@article{2013_AccidentAnalysis_Borowsky, author = "Borowsky, Avinoam and Oron-Gilad, Tal", journal = "Accident Analysis \\& Prevention", pages = "548--565", publisher = "Elsevier", title = "Exploring the effects of driving experience on hazard awareness and risk perception via real-time hazard identification, hazard classification, and rating tasks", volume = "59", year = "2013" }
Divekar et al., Effect of External Distractions: Behavior and Vehicle Control of Novice and Experienced Drivers Evaluated, Transportation Research Record, 2012 | Driving task Inattention |paper
Driving task: vehicle following, hazard anticipation/detection
Inattention: distraction
@article{2012_TRR_Divekar, author = "Divekar, Gautam and Pradhan, Anuj Kumar and Pollatsek, Alexander and Fisher, Donald L", journal = "Transportation Research Record", number = "1", pages = "15--22", publisher = "SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA", title = "{Effect of external distractions: Behavior and vehicle control of novice and experienced drivers evaluated}", volume = "2321", year = "2012" }
Kaber et al., Driver performance effects of simultaneous visual and cognitive distraction and adaptation behavior, Transportation Research Part F, 2012 | Driving task Inattention |paper
Driving task: vehicle following
Inattention: distraction
@article{2012_TR_Kaber, author = "Kaber, David B and Liang, Yulan and Zhang, Yu and Rogers, Meghan L and Gangakhedkar, Shruti", journal = "Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour", number = "5", pages = "491--501", publisher = "Elsevier", title = "Driver performance effects of simultaneous visual and cognitive distraction and adaptation behavior", volume = "15", year = "2012" }
Kim et al., Efficacy and usage patterns for three types of rearview camera displays during backing up, SAE International, 2015 | Driving task Automation |paper
Driving task: parking, hazard response
Automation: warning/guidance
@techreport{2012_SAE_Kim, author = "Kim, Robyn and Rauschenberger, Robert and Heckman, Genevieve and Young, Doug and Lange, Robert", institution = "SAE Technical Paper", title = "Efficacy and usage patterns for three types of rearview camera displays during backing up", year = "2012" }
Mars et al., Where We Look When We Drive with or without Active Steering Wheel Control, PLOS One, 2012 | Environment Automation |paper
Environment: road geometry
Automation: lateral control
@article{2012_PLOS_Mars, author = "Mars, Franck and Navarro, Jordan", journal = "PloS one", number = "8", pages = "e43858", publisher = "Public Library of Science", title = "Where we look when we drive with or without active steering wheel control", volume = "7", year = "2012" }
Sullivan et al., The role of uncertainty and reward on eye movements in a virtual driving task, Journal of Vision, 2012 | Driving task |paper
Driving task: vehicle following
@article{2012_JoV_Sullivan, author = "Sullivan, Brian T and Johnson, Leif and Rothkopf, Constantin A and Ballard, Dana and Hayhoe, Mary", journal = "Journal of Vision", number = "13", pages = "19--19", publisher = "The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology", title = "The role of uncertainty and reward on eye movements in a virtual driving task", volume = "12", year = "2012" }
Doshi et al., Head and eye gaze dynamics during visual attention shifts in complex environments, Journal of Vision, 2012 | Inattention |paper
Inattention: distraction
@article{2012_JoV_Doshi, author = "Doshi, Anup and Trivedi, Mohan M", journal = "Journal of Vision", number = "2", pages = "9--9", publisher = "The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology", title = "Head and eye gaze dynamics during visual attention shifts in complex environments", volume = "12", year = "2012" }
Reimer et al., A Field Study on the Impact of Variations in Short-Term Memory Demands on Drivers’ Visual Attention and Driving Performance Across Three Age Groups, Human Factors, 2012 | Inattention |paper
Inattention: distraction
@article{2012_HumanFactors_Reimer, author = "Reimer, Bryan and Mehler, Bruce and Wang, Ying and Coughlin, Joseph F", journal = "Human factors", number = "3", pages = "454--468", publisher = "Sage Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA", title = "A field study on the impact of variations in short-term memory demands on drivers’ visual attention and driving performance across three age groups", volume = "54", year = "2012" }
Lee et al., Scrolling and Driving: How an MP3 Player and Its Aftermarket Controller Affect Driving Performance and Visual Behavior, Human Factors, 2012 | Driving task Inattention Environment |paper
Driving task: hazard response, vehicle following
Inattention: distraction
Environment: traffic, construction
@article{2012_HumanFactors_Lee, author = "Lee, John D and Roberts, Shannon C and Hoffman, Joshua D and Angell, Linda S", journal = "Human factors", number = "2", pages = "250--263", publisher = "Sage Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA", title = "Scrolling and driving: How an MP3 player and its aftermarket controller affect driving performance and visual behavior", volume = "54", year = "2012" }
Lasch et al., Designing Browsing for In-Car Music Player - Effects of Touch Screen Scrolling Techniques, Items Per Page and Screen Orientation on Driver Distraction, AutomotiveUI, 2012 | Driving task Inattention |paper
Driving task: maintain speed, maintain lane
Inattention: distraction
@inproceedings{2012_AutomotiveUI_Lasch, author = "Lasch, Annegret and Kujala, Tuomo", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications", pages = "41--48", title = "Designing browsing for in-car music player: effects of touch screen scrolling techniques, items per page and screen orientation on driver distraction", year = "2012" }
Pomarjanschi et al., Gaze Guidance Reduces the Number of Collisions with Pedestrians in a Driving Simulator, ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems, 2012 | Driving task Automation |paper
Driving task: hazard anticipation/detection, hazard response
Automation: warning/guidance
@article{2012_ACM_Pomarjanschi, author = "Pomarjanschi, Laura and Dorr, Michael and Barth, Erhardt", journal = "ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems", number = "2", pages = "1--14", publisher = "ACM New York, NY, USA", title = "Gaze guidance reduces the number of collisions with pedestrians in a driving simulator", volume = "1", year = "2012" }
Werneke et al., What does the driver look at? The influence of intersection characteristics on attention allocation and driving behavior, Accident Analysis and Prevention, 2012 | Environment |paper
Environment: traffic, intersection
@article{2012_AccidentAnalysis_Werneke, author = "Werneke, Julia and Vollrath, Mark", journal = "Accident Analysis \\& Prevention", pages = "610--619", publisher = "Elsevier", title = "What does the driver look at? The influence of intersection characteristics on attention allocation and driving behavior", volume = "45", year = "2012" }
Crundall et al., Some hazards are more attractive than others: Drivers of varying experience respond differently to different types of hazard, Accident Analysis and Prevention, 2012 | Driving task |paper
Driving task: hazard anticipation/detection
@article{2012_AccidentAnalysis_Crundall_1, author = "Crundall, David and Chapman, Peter and Trawley, Steven and Collins, Lyn and Van Loon, Editha and Andrews, Ben and Underwood, Geoffrey", journal = "Accident Analysis \\& Prevention", pages = "600--609", publisher = "Elsevier", title = "{Some hazards are more attractive than others: Drivers of varying experience respond differently to different types of hazard}", volume = "45", year = "2012" }
Crundall et al., Why do car drivers fail to give way to motorcycles at t-junctions?, Accident Analysis and Prevention, 2012 | Environment |paper
Environment: intersection
@article{2012_AccidentAnalysis_Crundall, author = "Crundall, David and Crundall, Elizabeth and Clarke, David and Shahar, Amit", journal = "Accident Analysis \\& Prevention", number = "1", pages = "88--96", publisher = "Elsevier", title = "Why do car drivers fail to give way to motorcycles at t-junctions?", volume = "44", year = "2012" }
Borowsky et al., Drivers’ perception of vulnerable road users: A hazard perception approach, Accident Analysis and Prevention, 2012 | Driving task Environment |paper
Driving task: hazard anticipation/detection
Environment: road type
@article{2012_AccidentAnalysis_Borowsky, author = "Borowsky, Avinoam and Oron-Gilad, Tal and Meir, Anat and Parmet, Yisrael", journal = "Accident Analysis \\& Prevention", number = "1", pages = "160--166", publisher = "Elsevier", title = "{Drivers’ perception of vulnerable road users: A hazard perception approach}", volume = "44", year = "2012" }
Underwood et al., Decisions about objects in real-world scenes are influenced by visual saliency before and during their inspection, nan, 2011 | Environment |paper
Environment: intersection
@article{2011_VR_Underwood, author = "Underwood, Geoffrey and Humphrey, Katherine and Van Loon, Editha", journal = "Vision Research", number = "18", pages = "2031--2038", publisher = "Elsevier", title = "Decisions about objects in real-world scenes are influenced by visual saliency before and during their inspection", volume = "51", year = "2011" }
Vkalveld et al., Do Crashes and Near Crashes in Simulator-Based Training Enhance Novice Drivers’ Visual Search for Latent Hazards?, nan, 2011 | Driving task |paper
Driving task: hazard anticipation/detection
@article{2011_TransRes_Vkalveld, author = "Vlakveld, Willem and Romoser, Matthew RE and Mehranian, Hasmik and Diete, Frank and Pollatsek, Alexander and Fisher, Donald L", journal = "Transportation Research Record", number = "1", pages = "153--160", publisher = "SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA", title = "Do crashes and near crashes in simulator-based training enhance novice drivers’ visual search for latent hazards?", volume = "2265", year = "2011" }
Metz et al., Attention during visual secondary tasks in driving: Adaptation to the demands of the driving task, Transportation Research Part F, 2011 | Driving task Inattention |paper
Driving task: hazard anticipation/detection, hazard response
Inattention: distraction
@article{2011_TR_Metz, author = {Metz, Barbara and Sch{\"o}mig, Nadja and Kr{\"u}ger, Hans-Peter}, journal = "Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour", number = "5", pages = "369--380", publisher = "Elsevier", title = "{Attention during visual secondary tasks in driving: Adaptation to the demands of the driving task}", volume = "14", year = "2011" }
Briggs et al., Emotionally involving telephone conversations lead to driver error and visual tunnelling, Transportation Research Part F, 2011 | Inattention |paper
Inattention: distraction
@article{2011_TR_Briggs, author = "Briggs, Gemma F and Hole, Graham J and Land, Michael F", journal = "Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour", number = "4", pages = "313--323", publisher = "Elsevier", title = "Emotionally involving telephone conversations lead to driver error and visual tunnelling", volume = "14", year = "2011" }
Kujala et al., Effects of menu structure and touch screen scrolling style on the variability of glance durations during in-vehicle visual search tasks, Ergonomics, 2011 | Inattention |paper
Inattention: distraction
@article{2011_Ergonomics_Kujala, author = "Kujala, Tuomo and Saariluoma, Pertti", journal = "Ergonomics", number = "8", pages = "716--732", publisher = "Taylor \\& Francis", title = "Effects of menu structure and touch screen scrolling style on the variability of glance durations during in-vehicle visual search tasks", volume = "54", year = "2011" }
Taylor et al., Long Term Effects of Hazard Anticipation Training on Novice Drivers Measured on the Open Road, Proceedings of International Driving Symposium, 2011 | Driving task |paper
Driving task: hazard anticipation/detection
@inproceedings{2011_DrivSymposium_Taylor, author = "Taylor, Thalia GG and Masserang, Kathleen M and Pradhan, Anuj K and Divekar, Gautam and Samuel, Siby and Muttart, Jeffrey W and Pollatsek, Alexander and Fisher, Donald L", booktitle = "Proc. Internl. Driv. Symp. Hum. Factors Driv. Assess., Train., and Veh. Design", title = "Long term effects of hazard anticipation training on novice drivers measured on the open road", year = "2011" }
Nabatilan et al., Effect of driving experience on visual behavior and driving performance under different driving conditions, Cognition, technology and work, 2011 | Inattention |paper
Inattention: distraction
@article{2011_CTW_Nabatilan, author = "Nabatilan, Larry B and Aghazadeh, Fereydoun and Nimbarte, Ashish D and Harvey, Craig C and Chowdhury, Suman K", journal = "Cognition, Technology \\& Work", number = "4", pages = "355--363", publisher = "Springer", title = "Effect of driving experience on visual behavior and driving performance under different driving conditions", volume = "14", year = "2012" }
Edquist et al., Effects of advertising billboards during simulated driving, Applied Ergonomics, 2011 | Inattention Demographics Environment |paper
Inattention: distraction
Demographics: age
Environment: sign, billboard
@article{2011_AppliedErgonomics_Edquist, author = "Edquist, Jessica and Horberry, Tim and Hosking, Simon and Johnston, Ian", journal = "Applied Ergonomics", number = "4", pages = "619--626", publisher = "Elsevier", title = "Effects of advertising billboards during simulated driving", volume = "42", year = "2011" }
Kujala et al., Measuring Distraction at the Levels of Tactical and Strategic Control: The Limits of Capacity-Based Measures for Revealing Unsafe Visual Sampling Models, Advances in Human-Computer Interaction, 2011 | Inattention Environment |paper
Inattention: distraction
Environment: road geometry
@article{2011_AHCI_Kujala, author = "Kujala, Tuomo and Saariluoma, Pertti", journal = "Advances in Human-Computer Interaction", pages = "1--13", publisher = "Hindawi Limited London, UK, United Kingdom", title = "Measuring distraction at the levels of tactical and strategic control: the limits of capacity-based measures for revealing unsafe visual sampling models", volume = "2011", year = "2011" }
Owens et al., Driver performance while text messaging using handheld and in-vehicle systems, Accident Analysis and Prevention, 2011 | Inattention Demographics |paper
Inattention: distraction
Demographics: age
@article{2011_AccidentAnalysis_Owens, author = "Owens, Justin M and McLaughlin, Shane B and Sudweeks, Jeremy", journal = "Accident Analysis \\& Prevention", number = "3", pages = "939--947", publisher = "Elsevier", title = "Driver performance while text messaging using handheld and in-vehicle systems", volume = "43", year = "2011" }
Andersen et al., Limits of spatial attention in three-dimensional space and dual-task driving performance, Accident Analysis and Prevention, 2011 | Driving task Inattention |paper
Driving task: vehicle following
Inattention: distraction
@article{2011_AccidentAnalysis_Andersen, author = "Andersen, George J and Ni, Rui and Bian, Zheng and Kang, Julie", journal = "Accident Analysis \\& Prevention", number = "1", pages = "381--390", publisher = "Elsevier", title = "Limits of spatial attention in three-dimensional space and dual-task driving performance", volume = "43", year = "2011" }
Bonmez et al., Differences in Off-Road Glances: Effects on Young Drivers’ Performance, Journal of Transportation Engineering, 2010 | Driving task Inattention |paper
Driving task: vehicle following
Inattention: distraction
@article{2010_TransEng_Bonmez, author = "Donmez, Birsen and Boyle, Linda Ng and Lee, John D", journal = "Journal of Transportation Engineering", number = "5", pages = "403--409", publisher = "American Society of Civil Engineers", title = "{Differences in off-road glances: Effects on young drivers’ performance}", volume = "136", year = "2010" }
Klauer et al., An Analysis of Driver Inattention Using a Case-Crossover Approach On 100-Car Data: Final Report, NHTSA, 2010 | Driving task Inattention |paper
Driving task: hazard response
Inattention: distraction
@techreport{2010_TR_Klauer, author = "Klauer, Sheila G and Guo, Feng and Sudweeks, Jeremy and Dingus, Thomas A", institution = "NHTSA", title = "{An analysis of driver inattention using a case-crossover approach on 100-Car data}", year = "2010" }
Huestegge et al., The development of hazard perception: Dissociation of visual orientation and hazard processing, Transportation Research Part F, 2010 | Driving task |paper
Driving task: hazard anticipation/detection
@article{2010_TR_Huestegge, author = {Huestegge, Lynn and Skottke, Eva-Maria and Anders, Sina and M{\"u}sseler, Jochen and Debus, G{\"u}nter}, journal = "Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour", number = "1", pages = "1--8", publisher = "Elsevier", title = "{The development of hazard perception: Dissociation of visual orientation and hazard processing}", volume = "13", year = "2010" }
vanLoon et al., Visual Strategies used for time-to-arrival judgments in driving, Perception, 2010 | Environment |paper
Environment: intersection
@article{2010_Perception_vanLoon, author = "Van Loon, Editha M and Khashawi, Fadhel and Underwood, Geoffrey", journal = "Perception", number = "9", pages = "1216--1229", publisher = "SAGE Publications Sage UK: London, England", title = "Visual strategies used for time-to-arrival judgments in driving", volume = "39", year = "2010" }
Reimer et al., The Impact of Systematic Variation of Cognitive Demand on Drivers’ Visual Attention across Multiple Age Groups, Proceedings of Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 2010 | Inattention |paper
Inattention: distraction
@inproceedings{2010_HumanFactorsErgonomics_Reimer, author = "Reimer, Bryan and Mehler, Bruce and Wang, Ying and Coughlin, Joseph F", booktitle = "Proc. Hum. Factors Ergon. Soc. Annu. Meet.", number = "24", pages = "2052--2055", title = "The impact of systematic variation of cognitive demand on drivers' visual attention across multiple age groups", volume = "54", year = "2010" }
Cooper et al., The Impact of Eye Movements and Cognitive Workload on Lateral Position Variability in Driving, Human Factors, 2010 | Driving task Inattention |paper
Driving task: vehicle following
Inattention: distraction
@article{2010_HumanFactors_Cooper, author = "Cooper, Joel M and Medeiros-Ward, Nathan and Strayer, David L", journal = "Human factors", number = "5", pages = "1001--1014", title = "The impact of eye movements and cognitive workload on lateral position variability in driving", volume = "55", year = "2013" }
Jensen et al., Studying Driver Attention and Behaviour for Three Configurations of GPS Navigation in Real Traffic Driving, CHI, 2010 | Inattention |paper
Inattention: distraction
@inproceedings{2010_CHI_Jensen, author = "Jensen, Brit Susan and Skov, Mikael B and Thiruravichandran, Nissanthen", booktitle = "CHI", pages = "1271--1280", title = "Studying driver attention and behaviour for three configurations of GPS navigation in real traffic driving", year = "2010" }
White et al., The blind date: The effects of change blindness, passenger conversation and gender on looked-but-failed-to-see (LBFTS) errors, Accident Analysis and Prevention, 2010 | Driving task Inattention Demographics |paper
Driving task: hazard anticipation/detection, hazard response
Inattention: distraction
Demographics: gender
@article{2010_AccidentAnalysis_White, author = "White, Cale B and Caird, Jeff K", journal = "Accident Analysis \\& Prevention", number = "6", pages = "1822--1830", publisher = "Elsevier", title = "{The blind date: The effects of change blindness, passenger conversation and gender on looked-but-failed-to-see (LBFTS) errors}", volume = "42", year = "2010" }
Konstantopoulos et al., Driver's visual attention as a function of driving experience and visibility. Using a driving simulator to explore drivers’ eye movements in day, night and rain driving, Accident Analysis and Prevention, 2010 | Environment |paper
Environment: visibility
@article{2010_AccidentAnalysis_Konstantopoulos, author = "Konstantopoulos, Panos and Chapman, Peter and Crundall, David", journal = "Accident Analysis \\& Prevention", number = "3", pages = "827--834", publisher = "Elsevier", title = "Driver's visual attention as a function of driving experience and visibility. Using a driving simulator to explore drivers’ eye movements in day, night and rain driving", volume = "42", year = "2010" }
Borowsky et al., Age, skill, and hazard perception in driving, Accident Analysis and Prevention, 2010 | Driving task Demographics |paper
Driving task: hazard anticipation/detection
Demographics: age
@article{2010_AccidentAnalysis_Borowsky, author = "Borowsky, Avinoam and Shinar, David and Oron-Gilad, Tal", journal = "Accident Analysis \\& Prevention", number = "4", pages = "1240--1249", publisher = "Elsevier", title = "Age, skill, and hazard perception in driving", volume = "42", year = "2010" }