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100-Driver | paper | link
Description: Videos of drivers performing secondary tasks
Data: driver video
Annotations: action labels
@article{2023_T-ITS_Wang, author = "Wang, Jing and Li, Wenjing and Li, Fang and Zhang, Jun and Wu, Zhongcheng and Zhong, Zhun and Sebe, Nicu", journal = "IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems", publisher = "IEEE", title = "100-Driver: A Large-Scale, Diverse Dataset for Distracted Driver Classification", year = "2023" }
SynDD1 | paper | link
Full name: Synthetic Distracted Driving Dataset
Description: Synthetic dataset for machine learning models to detect and analyze drivers' various distracted behavior and different gaze zones.
Data: driver video
Annotations: gaze area labels, action labels, appearance labels
@article{2023_DiB_Rahman, author = "Rahman, Mohammed Shaiqur and Venkatachalapathy, Archana and Sharma, Anuj and Wang, Jiyang and Gursoy, Senem Velipasalar and Anastasiu, David and Wang, Shuo", journal = "Data in brief", pages = "108793", publisher = "Elsevier", title = "Synthetic distracted driving (syndd1) dataset for analyzing distracted behaviors and various gaze zones of a driver", volume = "46", year = "2023" }
Fatigueview | paper | link
Description: Multi-camera video dataset for vision-based drowsiness detection.
Data: driver video
Annotations: facial landmarks, face/hand bounding boxes, head pose, eye status, pose, drowsiness labels
@article{2022_T-ITS_Yang, author = "Yang, Cong and Yang, Zhenyu and Li, Weiyu and See, John", journal = "IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems", publisher = "IEEE", title = "FatigueView: A Multi-Camera Video Dataset for Vision-Based Drowsiness Detection", year = "2022" }
CoCAtt | paper | link
Full name: A Cognitive-Conditioned Driver Attention Dataset
Description: Videos of drivers and driver scenes in automated and manual driving conditions with per-frame gaze and distraction annotations
Data: driver video, scene video, eye-tracking
Annotations: distraction state, car telemetry, intention labels
@inproceedings{2022_ITSC_Shen, author = "Shen, Yuan and Wijayaratne, Niviru and Sriram, Pranav and Hasan, Aamir and Du, Peter and Driggs-Campbell, Katherine", booktitle = "2022 IEEE 25th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC)", organization = "IEEE", pages = "32--39", title = "CoCAtt: A Cognitive-Conditioned Driver Attention Dataset", year = "2022" }
LBW | paper | link
Full name: Look Both Ways
Description: Synchronized videos from scene and driver-facing cameras of drivers performing various maneuvers in traffic
Data: driver video, scene video, eye-tracking
@inproceedings{2022_ECCV_Kasahara, author = "Kasahara, Isaac and Stent, Simon and Park, Hyun Soo", booktitle = "Computer Vision--ECCV 2022: 17th European Conference, Tel Aviv, Israel, October 23--27, 2022, Proceedings, Part XIII", organization = "Springer", pages = "126--142", title = "Look Both Ways: Self-supervising Driver Gaze Estimation and Road Scene Saliency", year = "2022" }
55 Rides | paper | link
Description: Naturalistic dataset recorded by four drivers and annotated by three raters to determine distraction states
Data: driver video, eye-tracking
Annotations: distraction state, head pose
@inproceedings{2021_ETRA_Kubler, author = {K{\"u}bler, Thomas C and Fuhl, Wolfgang and Wagner, Elena and Kasneci, Enkelejda}, booktitle = "ACM Symposium on Eye Tracking Research and Applications", pages = "1--8", title = "55 Rides: attention annotated head and gaze data during naturalistic driving", year = "2021" }
DAD | paper | link
Full name: Driver Anomaly Detection
Description: Videos of normal and anomalous behaviors (manual/visual distractions) of drivers.
Data: driver video
Annotations: action labels
@inproceedings{2021_WACV_Kopuklu, author = "Kopuklu, Okan and Zheng, Jiapeng and Xu, Hang and Rigoll, Gerhard", booktitle = "Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision", pages = "91--100", title = "Driver anomaly detection: A dataset and contrastive learning approach", year = "2021" }
MAAD | paper | link
Full name: Attended Awareness in Driving
Description: A subset of videos from DR(eye)VE annotated with gaze collected in lab conditions.
Data: eye-tracking, scene video
Annotations: task labels
@inproceedings{2021_ICCVW_Gopinath, author = "Gopinath, Deepak and Rosman, Guy and Stent, Simon and Terahata, Katsuya and Fletcher, Luke and Argall, Brenna and Leonard, John", booktitle = "Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision", pages = "3426--3436", title = {MAAD: A Model and Dataset for" Attended Awareness" in Driving}, year = "2021" }
DGW | paper | link
Full name: Driver Gaze in the Wild
Description: Videos of drivers fixating on different areas in the vehicle without constraining their head and eye movements
Data: driver video
Annotations: gaze area labels
@inproceedings{2021_ICCVW_Ghosh, author = "Ghosh, Shreya and Dhall, Abhinav and Sharma, Garima and Gupta, Sarthak and Sebe, Nicu", booktitle = "ICCVW", title = "Speak2label: Using domain knowledge for creating a large scale driver gaze zone estimation dataset", year = "2021" }
TrafficSaliency | paper | link
Description: 16 videos of driving scenes with gaze data of 28 subjects recorded in the lab with eye-tracker
Data: eye-tracking, scene video
@article{2020_T-ITS_Deng, author = "Deng, Tao and Yan, Hongmei and Qin, Long and Ngo, Thuyen and Manjunath, BS", journal = "IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems", number = "5", pages = "2146--2154", publisher = "IEEE", title = "{How do drivers allocate their potential attention? Driving fixation prediction via convolutional neural networks}", volume = "21", year = "2019" }
NeuroIV | paper | link
Full name: Neuromorphic Vision Meets Intelligent Vehicle
Description: Videos of drivers performing secondary tasks, making hand gestures and observing different regions inside the vehicle recorded with DAVIS and depth sensor
Data: driver video
@article{2020_T-ITS_Chen, author = {Chen, Guang and Wang, Fa and Li, Weijun and Hong, Lin and Conradt, J{\"o}rg and Chen, Jieneng and Zhang, Zhenyan and Lu, Yiwen and Knoll, Alois}, journal = "IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems", number = "2", pages = "1171--1183", publisher = "IEEE", title = "NeuroIV: Neuromorphic vision meets intelligent vehicle towards safe driving with a new database and baseline evaluations", volume = "23", year = "2020" }
LISA v2 | paper | link
Full name: Laboratory for Intelligent and Safe Automobiles
Description: Videos of drivers with and without eyeglasses recorded under different lighting conditions
Data: driver video
@inproceedings{2020_IV_Rangesh, author = "Rangesh, Akshay and Zhang, Bowen and Trivedi, Mohan M", booktitle = "IV", title = "Driver gaze estimation in the real world: Overcoming the eyeglass challenge", year = "2020" }
DGAZE | paper | link
Description: A dataset mapping drivers’ gaze to different areas in a static traffic scene in lab conditions
Data: driver video, scene video
Annotations: bounding boxes
@inproceedings{2020_IROS_Dua, author = "Dua, Isha and John, Thrupthi Ann and Gupta, Riya and Jawahar, CV", booktitle = "IROS", title = "DGAZE: Driver Gaze Mapping on Road", year = "2020" }
DMD | paper | link
Full name: Driving Monitoring Dataset
Description: A diverse multi-modal dataset of drivers performing various secondary tasks, observing different regions inside the car, and showing signs of drowsiness recorded on-road and in simulation environment
Data: driver video, scene video, vehicle data
Annotations: bounding boxes, action labels
@inproceedings{2020_ECCVW_Ortega, author = "Ortega, Juan Diego and Kose, Neslihan and Ca{\\textasciitilde n}as, Paola and Chao, Min-An and Unnervik, Alexander and Nieto, Marcos and Otaegui, Oihana and Salgado, Luis", booktitle = "ECCV", title = "Dmd: A large-scale multi-modal driver monitoring dataset for attention and alertness analysis", year = "2020" }
PRORETA 4 | paper | link
Description: Videos of traffic scenes recorded in instrumented vehicle with driver’s gaze data for evaluating accuracy of detecting driver’s current object of fixation
Data: eye-tracking, driver video, scene video
@inproceedings{2019_IV_Schwehr, author = "Schwehr, Julian and Knaust, Moritz and Willert, Volker", booktitle = "IV", title = "How to evaluate object-of-fixation detection", year = "2019" }
DADA-2000 | paper | link
Full name: Driver Attention in Driving Accident Scenarios
Description: 2000 videos of accident videos collected from video hosting websites with eye-tracking data from 20 subjects collected in the lab.
Data: eye-tracking, scene video
Annotations: bounding boxes, accident category labels
@inproceedings{2019_ITSC_Fang, author = "Fang, Jianwu and Yan, Dingxin and Qiao, Jiahuan and Xue, Jianru and Wang, He and Li, Sen", booktitle = "ITSC", title = "{DADA-2000: Can Driving Accident be Predicted by Driver Attentionƒ Analyzed by A Benchmark}", year = "2019" }
Drive&Act | paper | link
Description: Videos of drivers performing various driving- and non-driving-related tasks
Data: driver video
Annotations: semantic maps, action labels
@inproceedings{2019_ICCV_Martin, author = "Martin, Manuel and Roitberg, Alina and Haurilet, Monica and Horne, Matthias and Rei{\ss}, Simon and Voit, Michael and Stiefelhagen, Rainer", booktitle = "ICCV", title = "Drive\\&act: A multi-modal dataset for fine-grained driver behavior recognition in autonomous vehicles", year = "2019" }
RLDD | paper | link
Full name: Real-Life Drowsiness Datase
Description: Crowdsourced videos of people in various states of drowsiness recorded in indoor environments
Data: driver video
Annotations: drowsiness labels
@inproceedings{2019_CVPRW_Ghoddoosian, author = "Ghoddoosian, Reza and Galib, Marnim and Athitsos, Vassilis", booktitle = "CVPRW", title = "A realistic dataset and baseline temporal model for early drowsiness detection", year = "2019" }
HAD | paper | link
Full name: HAD HRI Advice Dataset
Description: A subset of videos from HDD naturalistic dataset annotated with textual advice containing 1) goals – where the vehicle should move and 2) attention – where the vehicle should look
Data: scene video, vehicle data
Annotations: goal and attention labels
@inproceedings{2019_CVPR_Kim, author = "Kim, Jinkyu and Misu, Teruhisa and Chen, Yi-Ting and Tawari, Ashish and Canny, John", booktitle = "CVPR", title = "Grounding human-to-vehicle advice for self-driving vehicles", year = "2019" }
3MDAD | paper | link
Full name: Multimodal Multiview and Multispectral Driver Action Dataset
Description: Videos of drivers performing secondary tasks
Data: driver video
Annotations: action labels, bounding boxes
@inproceedings{2019_CAIP_Jegham, author = "Jegham, Imen and Ben Khalifa, Anouar and Alouani, Ihsen and Mahjoub, Mohamed Ali", booktitle = "Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns: 18th International Conference, CAIP 2019, Salerno, Italy, September 3--5, 2019, Proceedings, Part I 18", organization = "Springer", pages = "518--529", title = "Mdad: A multimodal and multiview in-vehicle driver action dataset", year = "2019" }
EBDD | paper | link
Full name: EEE BUET Distracted Driving Dataset
Description: Videos of drivers performing secondary tasks
Data: driver video
Annotations: action labels, bounding boxes
@article{2019_TCSVT_Billah, author = "Billah, Tashrif and Rahman, SM Mahbubur and Ahmad, M Omair and Swamy, MNS", journal = "IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology", number = "4", pages = "1048--1062", publisher = "IEEE", title = "Recognizing distractions for assistive driving by tracking body parts", volume = "29", year = "2018" }
H3D | paper | link
Full name: H3D Honda 3D Dataset
Description: A subset of videos from HDD dataset with 3D bounding boxes and object ids for tracking
Data: driver video, vehicle data
Annotations: bounding boxes
@inproceedings{2019_ICRA_Patil, author = "Patil, Abhishek and Malla, Srikanth and Gang, Haiming and Chen, Yi-Ting", booktitle = "2019 International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)", organization = "IEEE", pages = "9552--9557", title = "The h3d dataset for full-surround 3d multi-object detection and tracking in crowded urban scenes", year = "2019" }
DR(eye)VE | paper | link
Description: Driving videos recorded on-road with corresponding gaze data of the driver
Data: eye-tracking, scene video, vehicle data
Annotations: weather and road type labels
@article{2018_PAMI_Palazzi, author = "Palazzi, Andrea and Abati, Davide and Solera, Francesco and Cucchiara, Rita and others", journal = "IEEE TPAMI", number = "7", pages = "1720--1733", title = "{Predicting the Driver's Focus of Attention: the DR (eye) VE Project}", volume = "41", year = "2018" }
BDD-X | paper | link
Full name: Berkeley Deep Drive-X (eXplanation) Dataset
Description: A subset of videos from BDD dataset annotated with textual descriptions of actions performed by the vehicle and explanations justifying those actions
Data: scene video, vehicle data
Annotations: action explanations
@inproceedings{2018_ECCV_Kim, author = "Kim, Jinkyu and Rohrbach, Anna and Darrell, Trevor and Canny, John and Akata, Zeynep", booktitle = "ECCV", title = "Textual explanations for self-driving vehicles", year = "2018" }
HDD | paper | link
Full name: HDD HRI Driving Dataset
Description: A large naturalistic driving dataset with driving footage, vehicle telemetry and annotations for vehicle actions and their justifications
Data: scene video, vehicle data
Annotations: bounding boxes, action labels
@inproceedings{2018_CVPR_Ramanishka, author = "Ramanishka, Vasili and Chen, Yi-Ting and Misu, Teruhisa and Saenko, Kate", booktitle = "CVPR", title = "Toward driving scene understanding: A dataset for learning driver behavior and causal reasoning", year = "2018" }
BDD-A | paper | link
Full name: Berkeley Deep Drive-A (Attention) Dataset
Description: A set of short video clips extracted from the Berkeley Deep Drive (BDD) dataset with additional eye-tracking data collected in the lab from 45 subjects
Data: eye-tracking, scene video, vehicle data
@inproceedings{2018_ACCV_Xia, author = "Xia, Ye and Zhang, Danqing and Kim, Jinkyu and Nakayama, Ken and Zipser, Karl and Whitney, David", booktitle = "ACCV", title = "Predicting driver attention in critical situations", year = "2018" }
C42CN | paper | link
Description: A multi-modal dataset acquired in a controlled experiment on a driving simulator under 4 conditions: no distraction, cognitive, emotional and sensorimotor distraction.
Data: eye-tracking, scene video, physiological signal
@article{2017_NatSciData_Taamneh, author = "Taamneh, Salah and Tsiamyrtzis, Panagiotis and Dcosta, Malcolm and Buddharaju, Pradeep and Khatri, Ashik and Manser, Michael and Ferris, Thomas and Wunderlich, Robert and Pavlidis, Ioannis", journal = "Scientific Data", pages = "170110", title = "A multimodal dataset for various forms of distracted driving", volume = "4", year = "2017" }
DriveAHead | paper | link
Description: Videos of drivers with frame-level head pose annotations obtained from a motion-capture system
Data: driver video
Annotations: occlusion, head pose, depth
@inproceedings{2017_CVPRW_Schwarz, author = "Schwarz, Anke and Haurilet, Monica and Martinez, Manuel and Stiefelhagen, Rainer", booktitle = "Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops", pages = "1--10", title = "Driveahead-a large-scale driver head pose dataset", year = "2017" }
DDD | paper | link
Full name: Driver Drowsiness Detection Dataset
Description: Videos of human subjects simulating different levels of drowsiness while driving in a simulator
Data: driver video
Annotations: drowsiness labels
@inproceedings{2017_ACCV_Weng, author = "Weng, Ching-Hua and Lai, Ying-Hsiu and Lai, Shang-Hong", booktitle = "ACCV", title = "Driver drowsiness detection via a hierarchical temporal deep belief network", year = "2016" }
Dashcam dataset | link
Description: Driving videos with steering information recorded on road
Data: scene video
AUCD2 | paper | link
Full name: American University in Cairo (AUC) Distracted Driver’s Dataset
Description: Videos of drivers performing secondary tasks
Data: driver video
Annotations: action labels
@inproceedings{2017_NeurIPS_Abouelnaga, author = "Abouelnaga, Yehya and Eraqi, Hesham M. and Moustafa, Mohamed N.", booktitle = "NeurIPS Workshop on Machine Learning for Intelligent Transportation Systems", title = "eal-time Distracted Driver Posture Classification", year = "2017" }
DROZY | paper | link
Description: Videos and physiological data from subjects in different drowsiness states after prolonged waking
Data: driver video, physiological signal
Annotations: drowsiness labels
@inproceedings{2016_WACV_Massoz, author = "Massoz, Quentin and Langohr, Thomas and Fran{\c{c}}ois, Cl{\'e}mentine and Verly, Jacques G", booktitle = "WACV", title = "The ULg multimodality drowsiness database (called DROZY) and examples of use", year = "2016" }
TETD | paper | link
Full name: Traffic Eye Tracking Dataset
Description: A set of 100 images of traffic scenes with corresponding eye-tracking data from 20 subjects
Data: eye-tracking, scene images
@article{2016_T-ITS_Deng, author = "Deng, Tao and Yang, Kaifu and Li, Yongjie and Yan, Hongmei", journal = "IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems", number = "7", pages = "2051--2062", publisher = "IEEE", title = "Where does the driver look? Top-down-based saliency detection in a traffic driving environment", volume = "17", year = "2016" }
DAD | paper | link
Description: Videos of accidents recorded with dashboard cameras sourced from video hosting sites with annotations for accidents and road users involved in them
Data: scene video
Annotations: bounding boxes, accident category labels
@inproceedings{2016_ACCV_Chan, author = "Chan, Fu-Hsiang and Chen, Yu-Ting and Xiang, Yu and Sun, Min", booktitle = "ACCV", title = "Anticipating accidents in dashcam videos", year = "2016" }
Brain4Cars | paper | link
Description: Synchronized videos from scene and driver-facing cameras of drivers performing various maneuvers in traffic
Data: driver video, scene video, vehicle data
Annotations: action labels
@inproceedings{2015_ICCV_Jain, author = "Jain, Ashesh and Koppula, Hema S and Raghavan, Bharad and Soh, Shane and Saxena, Ashutosh", booktitle = "ICCV", title = "Car that knows before you do: Anticipating maneuvers via learning temporal driving models", year = "2015" }
SFD | link
Full name: State Farm Distracted Driver Detection
Description: Videos of drivers performing secondary tasks
Data: driver video
Annotations: action labels
DIPLECS Surrey | paper | link
Description: Driving videos with steering information recorded in different cars and environments
Data: scene video, vehicle data
@article{2015_TranVehTech_Pugeault, author = "Pugeault, Nicolas and Bowden, Richard", journal = "IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology", number = "12", pages = "5424--5438", publisher = "IEEE", title = "How much of driving is preattentive?", volume = "64", year = "2015" }
YawDD | paper | link
Full name: Yawning Detection Dataset
Description: Recordings of human subjects in parked vehicles simulating normal driving, singing and taslking, and yawning
Data: driver video
Annotations: bounding boxes, action labels
@inproceedings{2014_ACM_Abtahi, author = "Abtahi, Shabnam and Omidyeganeh, Mona and Shirmohammadi, Shervin and Hariri, Behnoosh", booktitle = "Proceedings of the ACM Multimedia Systems Conference", title = "{YawDD: A yawning detection dataset}", year = "2014" }
3DDS | paper | link
Full name: 3D Driving School Dataset
Description: Videos and eye-tracking data of people playing 3D driving simulator game
Data: eye-tracking, scene video
@inproceedings{2011_BMVC_Borji, author = "Borji, Ali and Sihite, Dicky N and Itti, Laurent", booktitle = "BMVC", title = "Computational Modeling of Top-down Visual Attention in Interactive Environments.", year = "2011" }
DIPLECS Sweden | paper | link
Description: Driving videos with steering information recorded in different cars and environments
Data: scene video, vehicle data
@inproceedings{2010_ACCV_Pugeault, author = "Pugeault, Nicolas and Bowden, Richard", booktitle = "ECCV", title = "Learning pre-attentive driving behaviour from holistic visual features", year = "2010" }
BU HeadTracking | paper | link
Full name: Boston University Head Tracking Dataset
Description: Videos and head tracking information for multiple human subjects recorded in diverse conditions
Data: driver video
Annotations: head pose
@article{2000_PAMI_LaCascia, author = "La Cascia, Marco and Sclaroff, Stan and Athitsos, Vassilis", journal = "IEEE Transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence", number = "4", pages = "322--336", publisher = "IEEE", title = "Fast, reliable head tracking under varying illumination: An approach based on registration of texture-mapped 3D models", volume = "22", year = "2000" }