OpenDSP v0.11.0
- Release focus on tests, tunnings and fixes for better realtime low latency reponse for the whole system.
- Jamrouter is back! after some tests and tunnings he is running smoothly and works out-of-the-box, just plug your midi controller into raspberry usb port and jam!
- dtoverlay=dwc2 for raspberry, better usb support on realtime midi.
- OpenDSP online update. Important OpenDSP updates are now avaliable on a click(avoid a image full release for new updates).
- Added Sequencer64, x42 and lsp plugins +other nice LV2 plugins.
- projectM ported back the opengl es compatibility with raspberry vc4 hardware implementation.
MD5 (opendsp_0.11.0-raspberry_pi2_3.img) = 86290f33735d0e33b62e4db145a376db