Releases: midilab/opendsp
OpenDSP v0.11.0
- Release focus on tests, tunnings and fixes for better realtime low latency reponse for the whole system.
- Jamrouter is back! after some tests and tunnings he is running smoothly and works out-of-the-box, just plug your midi controller into raspberry usb port and jam!
- dtoverlay=dwc2 for raspberry, better usb support on realtime midi.
- OpenDSP online update. Important OpenDSP updates are now avaliable on a click(avoid a image full release for new updates).
- Added Sequencer64, x42 and lsp plugins +other nice LV2 plugins.
- projectM ported back the opengl es compatibility with raspberry vc4 hardware implementation.
MD5 (opendsp_0.11.0-raspberry_pi2_3.img) = 86290f33735d0e33b62e4db145a376db
OpenDSP 0.10.0
- tickless kernel support and opendsp handler integration for it( cpu1 system, cpu2 drivers/irqs/sound/video cpu2,3 opendsp apps in tickless mode
- new giada 0.16
- Xalsarawmidi with a2jmidid for best midi results
- Setup new rtirq priorities for irq tasks on raspberry pi2/3
- Added missing processing menu access
- Processing out-of-the-box jack audio/midi support integration
- Start packing Mods separatly for sharable Mods over internet
- new force display mode to overwrite mod configuration
- added force_display options on system config(force display of mods to a chosed one)
- auto save mod/project and general config for automatic session restore
- setup legacy vc4 video drivers for more stability, you can enable the fake or full kms if you need to. (check video area of wiki)
- setup DNSSEC=no to avoid dhcp problems on some networks
- Finished basic OSC and MIDI control for load modules, projects and system control
- Added Sooperlooper LV2 version
- change default resolution to 720p(if you have problems just move back to hdmi_safe opention)
- sdl2 for rpi new, with hardware acelleration support!
- compiling mesa with vc4(raspberry GPU driver) support
- added libva
- added sdl2 with hardware accel support for raspberry
- omxplayer for smooth video player(controlled via MIDI/OSC!)
- vlc compiled with video acceleration support
- recompile mesa for raspberry vc4 video hardware acceleration support
OpenDSP v0.9.0
New Features
Easy and hackable .cfg format to create you own embeded app in seconds, we call it Mod.
Each Mod can handle 1 or more app defined on mod/app/ecosystem.cfg.
Mods can setup all connection relation state between apps.
It supports MIDI Program Changes to change projects on any kinda of Mod enviroment.
The ecosystem consist of the following apps+plugins
- loopers
- giada
- luppp
- djing
- mixxx
- wxax
- daw/sequencer
- lmms
- hydrogen
- qtractor
- non-daw
- non-mixer
- non-sequencer
- trackers
- sunvox
- milkytrack
- modular synthesis
- carla
- carla-rack
- ingen
- video
- lebiniou
- xjadeo
- vlc
- Modular Programming
- puredata
- non-session-manager
- Plugins
- 410 audio plugins, from effects to classic synthesizer emulations, get more info on opendsp official website:
Full info on
md5sum: 0c4c3d5ce2b5d534a7b4a5cb6fef88ad
md5sum: a53962fee063032397ad46f456c73622
If your sdcard are on /dev/sdb you can write opendsp by using the following command:
dd bs=1M if=opendsp_0.9-raspberry_pi23.img of=/dev/sdb status=progress
OpenDSP v0.9.4
New Features
- Mods are directory packs now to make it easy to manage, share and backup
- Added Processing for DSP video programming
- Ecasound mixer added for models 422(4 channels, 2 sends/returns, 2 outputs) and 822(8 channels, 2 sends/returns, 2 outputs) for old school Dub and Techno music
- inteligent display managment for low resource devices
- opendsp menu handling for no mod loaded
- auto connect port managment needs to parse spaces and special characters for non regex problems
- midiRT works spliting all channels to channel 1 again now, easier to handle midi controllers
- Support for ecasound on opendsp systemd service by adding TERM env var
- use jack_api to check if we really got that conneciton made.
- remove .config/ingen link to disable gui write on directory
- network fallback address on eth0 for non dhcpded networks
- give sane permitions for /home/opendsp
- generate gdk loaders.cache
- python-rtmidi broke installation
- locales not used purged from storage to gain some space
- rtirq reverted to the last version
Check integrity of your zip image
MD5SUM: fc1d5ca49da1923504f4d693e78835e6
You can download and install to write your opendsp image into a SDCARD.
Calf plugins Package Update Fix
This package fix the usage of all calf plugins on opendsp.
Connect opendsp to your network, open the network share and copy the package calf-git.pkg.tar.xz to the folder named updates/ and wait till that package automatically disappear on updates/ folder
First beta test image
First public image release aimed for Raspberry PI 2 and 3 only.
It has support for 2 apps:
Plugmod -> Modular audio enviroment based on Ingen from drobilla.
Djing -> Djing environemnt based on Mixxx
On first boot opendsp will resize your sdcard /data partition to the maximun size of it. Turn on and wait until you got the OPENDSP login screen.
At this time you should have Plugmod environment up and running, also a projectM based visualizer for your fresh music ideas to become visual art. All the parameters can be configured on system.cfg
Connect via Network ethernet: If your network has DHCP server you only need to open your web browser and go to http://opendsp to have access to virtual display. On main display you can plug your hdmi monitor to have a nice visualizer responds to your music.
Connect via Network Wifi dongle: connect your dongle at boot time, find the access point named "OpenDSP", use the password default "opendspd"
Connect via SSH: # ssh opendsp@opendsp, password: "opendsp"
Connect via VNC: opendsp:5900
Connect via WEB Browser: http://opendsp
You can access all your user data via windows network to be accessed at Mac, windows or linux. Just open your network share area and find the one named "opendsp"
A djing environment can be setup at boot by just configuring the system.cfg at user data partition.
more info to come on oficial website