RA2YR:Brute Force 0.8.40
- chronomonkey shield is back
- chronomonkey is no longer immune to rad
- cnc-net client gui improvements
- added 6 minutes option to chrono supplies dd
- added random crates checkbox back
- fixed default option for chrono supplies in lobby gui
- buffed FV+GGI weapons
- removed obsolete code
- Wolverine ROT increased
- added disable bronto sw for disable chrono checkbox
- nerfed bronto
- fixed some shadows
- seal and tanya has sensors now
- harriers should be avaiable to build as soon as player gets airpod
- some fixes in animaldoomsday
- virus particles buff
- minor changes in goodie crates logic
- increased ptero flying loop volume
- minor cleaning in rulesmd.ini
- pavement size increased
- AI improvements
- Hospital should be passable for units now
- removed deployer from t-rex in animaldoomsday
- added AIInnerBase=yes to AI's clonned conyards
- mapfix for amazon map
- mapfix for amazon map
- fixed map bfrmx_mp04t8
- updated phobos with my own build
- removed vehicle cap in crates
- added chronobox
- added chronobox money cost to swcost dd in cgui
- attempt to fix ai no sell back checkbox
- added moneybox
- added lootboxes checkbox to cgui
- fixed some cgui issues
- removed tiberiumcrate from lootbox
- attempt to switch to Phobos Include instead of Ares' one
- 2nd attempt to indroduce Phobos' Include and Inheritance to the mod
- fixed tutorial map
- tutorial map improvements
- no need techlab to build ships no more, only conyard and vehfactory
- very minor Yuri naval AI changes