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Merge pull request #732 from affeldt-aist/continuous_20220822
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generalization of continuous_measurable_fun
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CohenCyril authored Sep 1, 2022
2 parents abc88b5 + 9acbfd0 commit b73fb68
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Showing 3 changed files with 143 additions and 85 deletions.
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -45,6 +45,14 @@

- in `derive.v`:
+ lemma `diff_derivable`
- in `topology.v`:
+ lemma `continuous_inP`
- in `lebesgue_measure.v`:
+ lemma `open_measurable_subspace`
+ lemma ``subspace_continuous_measurable_fun``
+ corollary `open_continuous_measurable_fun`
- in `topology.v`:
+ lemmas `open_setIS`, `open_setSI`, `closed_setIS`, `closed_setSI`

### Changed

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30 changes: 25 additions & 5 deletions theories/lebesgue_measure.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1487,12 +1487,32 @@ move=> q; case: ifPn => // qfab; apply: is_interval_measurable => //.
exact: is_interval_bigcup_ointsub.

Lemma continuous_measurable_fun (f : R -> R) : continuous f ->
measurable_fun setT f.
Lemma open_measurable_subspace (D : set R) (U : set (subspace D)) :
measurable D -> open U -> measurable (D `&` U).
move=> /continuousP cf; apply: (measurability (RGenOpens.measurableE R)).
move=> _ [_ [a [b ->] <-]]; rewrite setTI.
by apply: open_measurable; exact/cf/interval_open.
move=> mD /open_subspaceP [V [oV] VD]; rewrite setIC -VD.
by apply: measurableI => //; exact: open_measurable.

Lemma subspace_continuous_measurable_fun (D : set R) (f : subspace D -> R) :
measurable D -> continuous f -> measurable_fun D f.
move=> mD /continuousP cf; apply: (measurability (RGenOpens.measurableE R)).
move=> _ [_ [a [b ->] <-]]; apply: open_measurable_subspace => //.
by exact/cf/interval_open.

Corollary open_continuous_measurable_fun (D : set R) (f : R -> R) :
open D -> {in D, continuous f} -> measurable_fun D f.
move=> oD; rewrite -(continuous_open_subspace f oD).
by apply: subspace_continuous_measurable_fun; exact: open_measurable.

Lemma continuous_measurable_fun (f : R -> R) :
continuous f -> measurable_fun setT f.
by move=> cf; apply: open_continuous_measurable_fun => //; exact: openT.

End coutinuous_measurable.
Expand Down
190 changes: 110 additions & 80 deletions theories/topology.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2127,7 +2127,7 @@ move=> N_gt0 P [n _ Pn]; exists (n * N)%N => //= m.
by rewrite /= -leq_divRL//; apply: Pn.

Lemma near_inftyS (P : set nat) :
Lemma near_inftyS (P : set nat) :
(\forall x \near \oo, P (S x)) -> (\forall x \near \oo, P x).
Proof. case=> N _ NPS; exists (S N) => // [[]]; rewrite /= ?ltn0 //. Qed.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -5703,6 +5703,29 @@ Lemma closed_subspaceW (U : set T) :
closed (U : set T) -> closed (U : set (subspace A)).
Proof. by move=> /closed_openC/open_subspaceW/open_closedC; rewrite setCK. Qed.

Lemma open_setIS (U : set (subspace A)) : open A ->
open (U `&` A : set T) = open U.
move=> oA; apply/propext; rewrite open_subspaceP.
split=> [|[V [oV <-]]]; last exact: openI.
by move=> oUA; exists (U `&` A); rewrite -setIA setIid.

Lemma open_setSI (U : set (subspace A)) : open A -> open (A `&` U) = open U.
Proof. by move=> oA; rewrite -setIC open_setIS. Qed.

Lemma closed_setIS (U : set (subspace A)) : closed A ->
closed (U `&` A : set T) = closed U.
move=> oA; apply/propext; rewrite closed_subspaceP.
split=> [|[V [oV <-]]]; last exact: closedI.
by move=> oUA; exists (U `&` A); rewrite -setIA setIid.

Lemma closed_setSI (U : set (subspace A)) :
closed A -> closed (A `&` U) = closed U.
Proof. by move=> oA; rewrite -setIC closed_setIS. Qed.

Lemma closure_subspaceW (U : set T) :
U `<=` A -> closure (U : set (subspace A)) = closure (U : set T) `&` A.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -5741,6 +5764,92 @@ Qed.

End Subspace.

Global Instance subspace_filter {T : topologicalType}
(A : set T) (x : subspace A) :
Filter (nbhs_subspace x) := nbhs_subspace_filter x.

Global Instance subspace_proper_filter {T : topologicalType}
(A : set T) (x : subspace A) :
ProperFilter (nbhs_subspace x) := nbhs_subspace_filter x.

Notation "{ 'within' A , 'continuous' f }" :=
(continuous (f : (subspace A) -> _)).

Section SubspaceRelative.
Context {T : topologicalType}.
Implicit Types (U : topologicalType) (A B : set T).

Lemma nbhs_subspace_subset A B (x : T) :
A `<=` B -> nbhs (x : subspace B) `<=` nbhs (x : subspace A).
rewrite /nbhs //= => AB; case: (nbhs_subspaceP A); case: (nbhs_subspaceP B).
- by move=> ? ?; apply: within_subset => //=; exact: (nbhs_filter x).
- by move=> ? /AB.
- by move=> Bx ? W /nbhs_singleton /(_ Bx) ? ? ->.
- by move=> ? ?.

Lemma continuous_subspaceW {U} A B (f : T -> U) :
A `<=` B ->
{within B, continuous f} -> {within A, continuous f}.
by move=> ? ctsF ? ? ?; apply: (@nbhs_subspace_subset A B) => //; exact: ctsF.

Lemma nbhs_subspaceT (x : T) : nbhs (x : subspace setT) = nbhs x.
rewrite {1}/nbhs //=; have [_|] := nbhs_subspaceP (@setT T); last by cbn.
rewrite eqEsubset withinE; split => [W [V nbhsV]|W ?]; last by exists W.
by rewrite 2!setIT => ->.

Lemma continuous_subspaceT_for {U} A (f : T -> U) (x : T) :
A x -> {for x, continuous f} -> {for x, continuous (f : subspace A -> U)}.
rewrite /filter_of/nbhs/=/prop_for => inA ctsf.
have [_|//] := nbhs_subspaceP A x.
apply: (cvg_trans _ ctsf); apply: cvg_fmap2; apply: cvg_within.
by rewrite /subspace; exact: nbhs_filter.

Lemma continuous_subspaceT {U} A (f : T -> U) :
{in A, continuous f} -> {within A, continuous f}.
rewrite continuous_subspace_in ?in_setP => ctsf t At.
by apply continuous_subspaceT_for => //=; apply: ctsf.

Lemma continuous_open_subspace {U} A (f : T -> U) :
open A -> {within A, continuous f} = {in A, continuous f}.
rewrite openE continuous_subspace_in /= => oA; rewrite propeqE ?in_setP.
by split => + x /[dup] Ax /oA Aox; rewrite /filter_of /= => /(_ _ Ax);
rewrite -(nbhs_subspace_interior Aox).

Lemma continuous_inP {U} A (f : T -> U) : open A ->
{in A, continuous f} <-> forall X, open X -> open (A `&` f @^-1` X).
move=> oA; rewrite -continuous_open_subspace// continuousP.
by under eq_forall do rewrite -open_setSI//.

Lemma pasting {U} A B (f : T -> U) : closed A -> closed B ->
{within A, continuous f} -> {within B, continuous f} ->
{within A `|` B, continuous f}.
move=> ? ? ctsA ctsB; apply/continuous_closedP => W oW.
case/continuous_closedP/(_ _ oW)/closed_subspaceP: ctsA => V1 [? V1W].
case/continuous_closedP/(_ _ oW)/closed_subspaceP: ctsB => V2 [? V2W].
apply/closed_subspaceP; exists ((V1 `&` A) `|` (V2 `&` B)); split.
by apply: closedU; exact: closedI.
rewrite [RHS]setIUr -V2W -V1W eqEsubset; split=> ?.
by case=> [[][]] ? ? [] ?; [left | left | right | right]; split.
by case=> [][] ? ?; split=> []; [left; split | left | right; split | right].

End SubspaceRelative.

Section SubspaceUniform.
Local Notation "A ^-1" := ([set xy | A (xy.2, xy.1)]) : classical_set_scope.
Context {X : uniformType} (A : set X).
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -5849,85 +5958,6 @@ Canonical subspace_pseudoMetricType :=

End SubspacePseudoMetric.

Global Instance subspace_filter {T : topologicalType}
(A : set T) (x : subspace A) :
Filter (nbhs_subspace x) := nbhs_subspace_filter x.

Global Instance subspace_proper_filter {T : topologicalType}
(A : set T) (x : subspace A) :
ProperFilter (nbhs_subspace x) := nbhs_subspace_filter x.

Notation "{ 'within' A , 'continuous' f }" :=
(continuous (f : (subspace A) -> _)).

Section SubspaceRelative.
Context {T : topologicalType}.
Implicit Types (U : topologicalType) (A B : set T).

Lemma nbhs_subspace_subset A B (x : T) :
A `<=` B -> nbhs (x : subspace B) `<=` nbhs (x : subspace A).
rewrite /nbhs //= => AB; case: (nbhs_subspaceP A); case: (nbhs_subspaceP B).
- by move=> ? ?; apply: within_subset => //=; exact: (nbhs_filter x).
- by move=> ? /AB.
- by move=> Bx ? W /nbhs_singleton /(_ Bx) ? ? ->.
- by move=> ? ?.

Lemma continuous_subspaceW {U} A B (f : T -> U) :
A `<=` B ->
{within B, continuous f} -> {within A, continuous f}.
by move=> ? ctsF ? ? ?; apply: (@nbhs_subspace_subset A B) => //; exact: ctsF.

Lemma nbhs_subspaceT (x : T) : nbhs (x : subspace setT) = nbhs (x) .
rewrite {1}/nbhs //=; have [_|] := nbhs_subspaceP (@setT T); last by cbn.
rewrite eqEsubset withinE; split => [W [V nbhsV]|W ?]; last by exists W.
by rewrite 2!setIT => ->.

Lemma continuous_subspaceT_for {U} A (f : T -> U) (x : T) :
A x -> {for x, continuous f} -> {for x, continuous (f : subspace A -> U)}.
rewrite /filter_of/nbhs/=/prop_for => inA ctsf.
have [_|//] := nbhs_subspaceP A x.
apply: (cvg_trans _ ctsf); apply: cvg_fmap2; apply: cvg_within.
by rewrite /subspace; exact: nbhs_filter.

Lemma continuous_subspaceT {U} A (f : T -> U) :
{in A, continuous f} -> {within A, continuous f}.
rewrite continuous_subspace_in ?in_setP => ctsf t At.
by apply continuous_subspaceT_for => //=; apply: ctsf.

Lemma continuous_open_subspace {U} A (f : T -> U) :
@open T A -> {within A, continuous f} = {in A, continuous f}.
rewrite openE continuous_subspace_in /= => oA; rewrite propeqE ?in_setP.
by split => + x /[dup] Ax /oA Aox; rewrite /filter_of /= => /(_ _ Ax);
rewrite -(nbhs_subspace_interior Aox).

Lemma pasting {U} A B (f : T -> U) : closed A -> closed B ->
{within A, continuous f} -> {within B, continuous f} ->
{within A `|` B, continuous f}.
move=> ? ? ctsA ctsB; apply/continuous_closedP => W oW.
case/continuous_closedP/(_ _ oW)/closed_subspaceP: ctsA => V1 [? V1W].
case/continuous_closedP/(_ _ oW)/closed_subspaceP: ctsB => V2 [? V2W].
apply/closed_subspaceP; exists ((V1 `&` A) `|` (V2 `&` B)); split.
by apply: closedU; exact: closedI.
rewrite [RHS]setIUr -V2W -V1W eqEsubset; split=> ?.
by case=> [[][]] ? ? [] ?; [left | left | right | right]; split.
by case=> [][] ? ?; split=> []; [left; split | left | right; split | right].

End SubspaceRelative.

Lemma continuous_compact {T U : topologicalType} (f : T -> U) A :
{within A, continuous f} -> compact A -> compact (f @` A).
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