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affeldt-aist committed Aug 31, 2022
1 parent feb7526 commit abc88b5
Showing 1 changed file with 82 additions and 77 deletions.
159 changes: 82 additions & 77 deletions theories/derive.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1007,10 +1007,11 @@ Proof. by move=> /differentiableP df; rewrite diff_val. Qed.

End DifferentialR3_numFieldType.

Section Derive.
Variables (R : numFieldType) (V W : normedModType R).
Section DeriveRU.
Variables (R : numFieldType) (U : normedModType R).
Implicit Types f : R -> U.

Let der1 (U : normedModType R) (f : R -> U) x : derivable f x 1 ->
Let der1 f x : derivable f x 1 ->
f \o shift x = cst (f x) + ( *:%R^~ (f^`() x)) +o_ (0 : R) id.
move=> df; apply/eqaddoE; have /derivable_nbhsP := df.
Expand All @@ -1019,29 +1020,27 @@ have -> : (fun h => (f \o shift x) h%:A) = f \o shift x.
by rewrite derive1E =>->.

Lemma deriv1E (U : normedModType R) (f : R -> U) x :
derivable f x 1 -> 'd f x = ( *:%R^~ (f^`() x)) :> (R -> U).
Lemma deriv1E f x : derivable f x 1 -> 'd f x = ( *:%R^~ (f^`() x)) :> (R -> U).
move=> df; have lin_scal : linear (fun h : R => h *: f^`() x).
by move=> ???; rewrite scalerDl scalerA.
by move=> ? ? ?; rewrite scalerDl scalerA.
have -> : (fun h => h *: f^`() x) = Linear lin_scal by [].
by apply: diff_unique; [apply: scalel_continuous|apply: der1].

Lemma diff1E (U : normedModType R) (f : R -> U) x :
Lemma diff1E f x :
differentiable f x -> 'd f x = (fun h => h *: f^`() x) :> (R -> U).
move=> df; have lin_scal : linear (fun h : R => h *: 'd f x 1).
by move=> ???; rewrite scalerDl scalerA.
by move=> ? ? ?; rewrite scalerDl scalerA.
have -> : (fun h => h *: f^`() x) = Linear lin_scal.
by rewrite derive1E'.
apply: diff_unique; first exact: scalel_continuous.
apply/eqaddoE; have /diff_locally -> := df; congr (_ + _ + _).
by rewrite funeqE => h /=; rewrite -{1}[h]mulr1 linearZ.

Lemma derivable1_diffP (U : normedModType R) (f : R -> U) x :
derivable f x 1 <-> differentiable f x.
Lemma derivable1_diffP f x : derivable f x 1 <-> differentiable f x.
split=> dfx.
by apply/diff_locallyP; rewrite deriv1E //; split;
Expand All @@ -1052,34 +1051,46 @@ have -> : (fun h => (f \o shift x) h%:A) = f \o shift x.
by have /diff_locally := dfx; rewrite diff1E // derive1E =>->.

Lemma derivable1P (U : normedModType R) (f : V -> U) x v :
End DeriveRU.

Section DeriveVW.
Variables (R : numFieldType) (V W : normedModType R).
Implicit Types f : V -> W.

Lemma derivable1P f x v :
derivable f x v <-> derivable (fun h : R => f (h *: v + x)) 0 1.
rewrite /derivable; set g1 := fun h => h^-1 *: _; set g2 := fun h => h^-1 *: _.
suff -> : g1 = g2 by [].
by rewrite funeqE /g1 /g2 => h /=; rewrite addr0 scale0r add0r [_%:A]mulr1.

Lemma derivableP (U : normedModType R) (f : V -> U) x v :
derivable f x v -> is_derive x v f ('D_v f x).
Lemma derivableP f x v : derivable f x v -> is_derive x v f ('D_v f x).
Proof. by move=> df; apply: DeriveDef. Qed.

Lemma diff_derivable (f : V -> W) a v :
differentiable f a -> derivable f a v.
Lemma diff_derivable f a v : differentiable f a -> derivable f a v.
move=> dfa; apply/derivable1P/derivable1_diffP.
by apply: differentiable_comp; rewrite ?scale0r ?add0r.

Global Instance is_derive_cst (U : normedModType R) (a : U) (x v : V) :
is_derive x v (cst a) 0.
Global Instance is_derive_cst (a : W) (x v : V) : is_derive x v (cst a) 0.
apply: DeriveDef; last by rewrite deriveE // diff_val.
by have -> : (fun h => cst a (h *: v + x)) = cst a by rewrite funeqE.

Fact der_add (f g : V -> W) (x v : V) : derivable f x v -> derivable g x v ->
Lemma is_derive_eq f (x v : V) (df f' : W) :
is_derive x v f f' -> f' = df -> is_derive x v f df.
Proof. by move=> ? <-. Qed.

End DeriveVW.

Section Derive_lemmasVW.
Variables (R : numFieldType) (V W : normedModType R).
Implicit Types f g : V -> W.

Fact der_add f g (x v : V) : derivable f x v -> derivable g x v ->
(fun h => h^-1 *: (((f + g) \o shift x) (h *: v) - (f + g) x)) @
0^' --> 'D_v f x + 'D_v g x.
Expand All @@ -1090,50 +1101,50 @@ evar (fg : R -> W); rewrite [X in X @ _](_ : _ = fg) /=; last first.
exact: cvgD.

Lemma deriveD (f g : V -> W) (x v : V) : derivable f x v -> derivable g x v ->
Lemma deriveD f g (x v : V) : derivable f x v -> derivable g x v ->
'D_v (f + g) x = 'D_v f x + 'D_v g x.
Proof. by move=> df dg; apply: cvg_map_lim (der_add df dg). Qed.

Lemma derivableD (f g : V -> W) (x v : V) :
Lemma derivableD f g (x v : V) :
derivable f x v -> derivable g x v -> derivable (f + g) x v.
move=> df dg; apply/cvg_ex; exists (derive f x v + derive g x v).
exact: der_add.

Global Instance is_deriveD (f g : V -> W) (x v : V) (df dg : W) :
Global Instance is_deriveD f g (x v : V) (df dg : W) :
is_derive x v f df -> is_derive x v g dg -> is_derive x v (f + g) (df + dg).
move=> dfx dgx; apply: DeriveDef; first exact: derivableD.
by rewrite deriveD // !derive_val.

Global Instance is_derive_sum n (f : 'I_n -> V -> W) (x v : V)
(df : 'I_n -> W) : (forall i, is_derive x v (f i) (df i)) ->
is_derive x v (\sum_(i < n) f i) (\sum_(i < n) df i).
Global Instance is_derive_sum n (h : 'I_n -> V -> W) (x v : V)
(dh : 'I_n -> W) : (forall i, is_derive x v (h i) (dh i)) ->
is_derive x v (\sum_(i < n) h i) (\sum_(i < n) dh i).
elim: n f df => [f df dfx|f df dfx n ihn].
elim: n h dh => [h dh dhx|h dh dhx n ihn].
by rewrite !big_ord0 //; apply: is_derive_cst.
by rewrite !big_ord_recr /=; apply: is_deriveD.

Lemma derivable_sum n (f : 'I_n -> V -> W) (x v : V) :
(forall i, derivable (f i) x v) -> derivable (\sum_(i < n) f i) x v.
Lemma derivable_sum n (h : 'I_n -> V -> W) (x v : V) :
(forall i, derivable (h i) x v) -> derivable (\sum_(i < n) h i) x v.
move=> df; suff : forall i, is_derive x v (f i) ('D_v (f i) x) by [].
move=> df; suff : forall i, is_derive x v (h i) ('D_v (h i) x) by [].
by move=> ?; apply: derivableP.

Lemma derive_sum n (f : 'I_n -> V -> W) (x v : V) :
(forall i, derivable (f i) x v) ->
'D_v (\sum_(i < n) f i) x = \sum_(i < n) 'D_v (f i) x.
Lemma derive_sum n (h : 'I_n -> V -> W) (x v : V) :
(forall i, derivable (h i) x v) ->
'D_v (\sum_(i < n) h i) x = \sum_(i < n) 'D_v (h i) x.
move=> df; suff dfx : forall i, is_derive x v (f i) ('D_v (f i) x).
move=> df; suff dfx : forall i, is_derive x v (h i) ('D_v (h i) x).
by rewrite derive_val.
by move=> ?; apply: derivableP.

Fact der_opp (f : V -> W) (x v : V) : derivable f x v ->
Fact der_opp f (x v : V) : derivable f x v ->
(fun h => h^-1 *: (((- f) \o shift x) (h *: v) - (- f) x)) @
0^' --> - 'D_v f x.
Expand All @@ -1142,65 +1153,67 @@ move=> df; evar (g : R -> W); rewrite [X in X @ _](_ : _ = g) /=; last first.
exact: cvgN.

Lemma deriveN (f : V -> W) (x v : V) : derivable f x v ->
Lemma deriveN f (x v : V) : derivable f x v ->
'D_v (- f) x = - 'D_v f x.
Proof. by move=> df; apply: cvg_map_lim (der_opp df). Qed.

Lemma derivableN (f : V -> W) (x v : V) :
Lemma derivableN f (x v : V) :
derivable f x v -> derivable (- f) x v.
Proof. by move=> df; apply/cvg_ex; exists (- 'D_v f x); apply: der_opp. Qed.

Global Instance is_deriveN (f : V -> W) (x v : V) (df : W) :
Global Instance is_deriveN f (x v : V) (df : W) :
is_derive x v f df -> is_derive x v (- f) (- df).
move=> dfx; apply: DeriveDef; first exact: derivableN.
by rewrite deriveN // derive_val.

Lemma is_derive_eq (V' W' : normedModType R) (f : V' -> W') (x v : V')
(df f' : W') : is_derive x v f f' -> f' = df -> is_derive x v f df.
Proof. by move=> ? <-. Qed.

Global Instance is_deriveB (f g : V -> W) (x v : V) (df dg : W) :
Global Instance is_deriveB f g (x v : V) (df dg : W) :
is_derive x v f df -> is_derive x v g dg -> is_derive x v (f - g) (df - dg).
Proof. by move=> ??; apply: is_derive_eq. Qed.

Lemma deriveB (f g : V -> W) (x v : V) : derivable f x v -> derivable g x v ->
Lemma deriveB f g (x v : V) : derivable f x v -> derivable g x v ->
'D_v (f - g) x = 'D_v f x - 'D_v g x.
Proof. by move=> /derivableP df /derivableP dg; rewrite derive_val. Qed.

Lemma derivableB (f g : V -> W) (x v : V) :
Lemma derivableB f g (x v : V) :
derivable f x v -> derivable g x v -> derivable (f - g) x v.
Proof. by move=> /derivableP df /derivableP dg. Qed.

Fact der_scal (f : V -> W) (k : R) (x v : V) : derivable f x v ->
Fact der_scal f (k : R) (x v : V) : derivable f x v ->
(fun h => h^-1 *: ((k \*: f \o shift x) (h *: v) - (k \*: f) x)) @
(0 : R)^' --> k *: 'D_v f x.
move=> df; evar (g : R -> W); rewrite [X in X @ _](_ : _ = g) /=; last first.
rewrite funeqE => h.
by rewrite scalerBr !scalerA mulrC -!scalerA -!scalerBr /g.
move=> df; evar (h : R -> W); rewrite [X in X @ _](_ : _ = h) /=; last first.
rewrite funeqE => r.
by rewrite scalerBr !scalerA mulrC -!scalerA -!scalerBr /h.
exact: cvgZr.

Lemma deriveZ (f : V -> W) (k : R) (x v : V) : derivable f x v ->
Lemma deriveZ f (k : R) (x v : V) : derivable f x v ->
'D_v (k \*: f) x = k *: 'D_v f x.
Proof. by move=> df; apply: cvg_map_lim (der_scal df). Qed.

Lemma derivableZ (f : V -> W) (k : R) (x v : V) :
Lemma derivableZ f (k : R) (x v : V) :
derivable f x v -> derivable (k \*: f) x v.
by move=> df; apply/cvg_ex; exists (k *: 'D_v f x); apply: der_scal.

Global Instance is_deriveZ (f : V -> W) (k : R) (x v : V) (df : W) :
Global Instance is_deriveZ f (k : R) (x v : V) (df : W) :
is_derive x v f df -> is_derive x v (k \*: f) (k *: df).
move=> dfx; apply: DeriveDef; first exact: derivableZ.
by rewrite deriveZ // derive_val.

Fact der_mult (f g : V -> R) (x v : V) :
End Derive_lemmasVW.

Section Derive_lemmasVR.
Variables (R : numFieldType) (V : normedModType R).
Implicit Types f g : V -> R.

Fact der_mult f g (x v : V) :
derivable f x v -> derivable g x v ->
(fun h => h^-1 *: (((f * g) \o shift x) (h *: v) - (f * g) x)) @
(0 : R)^' --> f x *: 'D_v g x + g x *: 'D_v f x.
Expand All @@ -1217,30 +1230,29 @@ apply: cvgD; last exact: cvgZr df.
apply: cvg_comp2 (@mul_continuous _ (_, _)) => /=; last exact: dg.
suff : {for 0, continuous (fun h : R => f(h *: v + x))}.
by move=> /continuous_withinNx; rewrite scale0r add0r.
exact/differentiable_continuous/derivable1_diffP/(derivable1P _ _ _).1.

Lemma deriveM (f g : V -> R) (x v : V) :
derivable f x v -> derivable g x v ->
Lemma deriveM f g (x v : V) : derivable f x v -> derivable g x v ->
'D_v (f * g) x = f x *: 'D_v g x + g x *: 'D_v f x.
Proof. by move=> df dg; apply: cvg_map_lim (der_mult df dg). Qed.

Lemma derivableM (f g : V -> R) (x v : V) :
Lemma derivableM f g (x v : V) :
derivable f x v -> derivable g x v -> derivable (f * g) x v.
move=> df dg; apply/cvg_ex; exists (f x *: 'D_v g x + g x *: 'D_v f x).
exact: der_mult.

Global Instance is_deriveM (f g : V -> R) (x v : V) (df dg : R) :
Global Instance is_deriveM f g (x v : V) (df dg : R) :
is_derive x v f df -> is_derive x v g dg ->
is_derive x v (f * g) (f x *: dg + g x *: df).
move=> dfx dgx; apply: DeriveDef; first exact: derivableM.
by rewrite deriveM // !derive_val.

Global Instance is_deriveX (f : V -> R) n (x v : V) (df : R) :
Global Instance is_deriveX f n (x v : V) (df : R) :
is_derive x v f df -> is_derive x v (f ^+ n.+1) ((n.+1%:R * f x ^+n) *: df).
move=> dfx; elim: n => [|n ihn]; first by rewrite expr1 expr0 mulr1 scale1r.
Expand All @@ -1249,17 +1261,14 @@ rewrite scalerA -scalerDl mulrCA -[f x * _]exprS.
by rewrite [in LHS]mulr_natl exprfctE -mulrSr mulr_natl.

Lemma derivableX (f : V -> R) n (x v : V) :
derivable f x v -> derivable (f ^+ n.+1) x v.
Lemma derivableX f n (x v : V) : derivable f x v -> derivable (f ^+ n.+1) x v.
Proof. by move/derivableP. Qed.

Lemma deriveX (f : V -> R) n (x v : V) :
derivable f x v ->
Lemma deriveX f n (x v : V) : derivable f x v ->
'D_v (f ^+ n.+1) x = (n.+1%:R * f x ^+ n) *: 'D_v f x.
Proof. by move=> /derivableP df; rewrite derive_val. Qed.

Fact der_inv (f : V -> R) (x v : V) :
f x != 0 -> derivable f x v ->
Fact der_inv f (x v : V) : f x != 0 -> derivable f x v ->
(fun h => h^-1 *: (((fun y => (f y)^-1) \o shift x) (h *: v) - (f x)^-1)) @
(0 : R)^' --> - (f x) ^-2 *: 'D_v f x.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1288,23 +1297,22 @@ rewrite -scalerA [_ *: f _]mulVf // [_%:A]mulr1.
by rewrite mulrC -scalerA [_ *: f _]mulVf // [_%:A]mulr1.
Unshelve. all: by end_near. Qed.

Lemma deriveV (f : V -> R) x v : f x != 0 -> derivable f x v ->
Lemma deriveV f x v : f x != 0 -> derivable f x v ->
'D_v (fun y => (f y)^-1) x = - (f x) ^- 2 *: 'D_v f x.
Proof. by move=> fxn0 df; apply: cvg_map_lim (der_inv fxn0 df). Qed.

Lemma derivableV (f : V -> R) (x v : V) :
Lemma derivableV f (x v : V) :
f x != 0 -> derivable f x v -> derivable (fun y => (f y)^-1) x v.
move=> df dg; apply/cvg_ex; exists (- (f x) ^- 2 *: 'D_v f x).
exact: der_inv.

End Derive.

Lemma derive1_cst (R : numFieldType) (V : normedModType R) (k : V) t :
(cst k)^`() t = 0.
Lemma derive1_cst (k : V) t : (cst k)^`() t = 0.
Proof. by rewrite derive1E derive_val. Qed.

End Derive_lemmasVR.

Lemma EVT_max (R : realType) (f : R -> R) (a b : R) : (* TODO : Filter not infered *)
a <= b -> {within `[a, b], continuous f} -> exists2 c, c \in `[a, b]%R &
forall t, t \in `[a, b]%R -> f t <= f c.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1576,13 +1584,10 @@ Section is_derive_instances.
Variables (R : numFieldType) (V : normedModType R).

Lemma derivable_cst (x : V) : derivable (fun=> x) 0 1.
Proof. exact/derivable1_diffP/differentiable_cst. Qed.
Proof. exact/diff_derivable. Qed.

Lemma derivable_id (x v : V) : derivable id x v.
apply/derivable1P/derivableD; last exact/derivable_cst.
Proof. exact/diff_derivable. Qed.

Global Instance is_derive_id (x v : V) : is_derive x v id v.
Expand All @@ -1591,7 +1596,7 @@ by rewrite deriveE// (@diff_lin _ _ _ [linear of idfun]).

Global Instance is_deriveNid (x v : V) : is_derive x v -%R (- v).
Proof. by apply: is_deriveN. Qed.
Proof. exact: is_deriveN. Qed.

End is_derive_instances.

Expand Down

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