A plugin to enable the use of Scoverage in a gradle Scala project.
This has now been deployed to maven central.
buildscript {
repositories {
maven { url "https://oss.sonatype.org/content/groups/public" }
dependencies {
classpath 'org.scoverage:gradle-scoverage:0.4.1-SNAPSHOT'
apply plugin: org.scoverage.ScoveragePlugin
dependencies {
scoverage 'org.scoverage:scalac-scoverage-plugin_2.11:0.99.5'
compile 'org.scala-lang:scala-library:2.11.0'
This creates an additional task testCoverage which will run tests against instrumented code
- instrumenting main scala code
- running JUnit tests against instrumented scala code
- failing the build on lack of coverage
Then launch command :
gradle testScoverage
or gradle checkScoverage
By default, when you launch gradle checkScoverage
build fail if only 75% of project is covered by tests.
To configure it as you want, add this configuration :
checkScoverage {
minimumLineRate = 0.5