Releases: lisphilar/covid19-sir
CovsirPhy v.2.25.0
Breaking changes
- [New] accept city-level data in analysis #1041
- [New] change of data loading scheme: download datasets of selected location #1045
- [New] DataEngineer class for data cleaning, transforming and complementing #1064
Most of classes were deprecated and new classes were created. Please refer to Documentation for tutorials of the new classes.
Others and documentation
- [Fix] address format of county and province: province/country, not country/province #1059
- [Fix] too much time to retrieve dataset from COVID-19 Data Hub #986
- [Revise] stdout when downloading datasets from CovsirPhy/data project #1051
- [Data] failed in ODE parameter estimation with Japan data: IndexError #1087
- [Question/Docs] how to access S-R trend analysis statistical details #894
Special thanks for users and developers!
Related issues and pull requests:
CovsirPhy v2.24.0
- [New] ODE parameter prediction with AutoML #1010
- [New/Revise] will be merged to Scenario.predict() #1006
- [Discuss] time series forecasting without selecting delay period #792
Scenario analysis
- [New] find out the best/worst scenarios #1012
- [New] rename scenario name #1022
- [New] delete scenarios with regular expressions #1023
- [Question/Docs] Paramters to tweek #999
Special thanks for users and developers!
Related issues and pull requests:
CovsirPhy v2.23.1
Data loading
- [Fix] vaccination data (1st, 2nd) was removed from total vaccination data mistakenly #996
Special thanks for users and developers!
Related issues and pull requests:
CovsirPhy v2.23.0
- [Revise] update the last year in citation, 2020-2021 to 2020-2022 #970
Data loading
- [New] (Global data) booster shots of vaccination is not included in "Vaccinations" data #991
- [New] (Japan data) 3rd shots of vaccination is not included in "Vaccinations" data #969
- [Fix] ExampleData, TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for -: 'numpy.ndarray' and 'Timestamp' #982
- [Fix] Database Lock: numpy.core._exceptions._ArrayMemoryError #983
- [Fix] DataLoader(update_interval=None).japan() raises TypeError #988
- [Question/Docs] How to resolve SubsetNotFoundError: "No records with 'Recovered > 0' in 10000, US were found." for cities with less pandemic prevalence? #974
Special thanks for users and developers!
Related issues and pull requests:
CovsirPhy v2.22.2
Scenario analysis
- [Fix] fit_predict() raises TypeError when zeros are used as parameter values #954
- [Fix] class Scenario estimate_accuracy() and fit() returns KeyError #957
Special thanks for users and developers!
Related issues and pull requests:
CovsirPhy v2.22.1
Data loading
- [Fix] when country argument not used raises TypeError #916
- [Fix] JHUData.records(): complement is done after subsetting with start date #921
- [Fix] JHUData.subset(country="China") raises SubsetNotFoundError #951
Special thanks for users and developers!
Related issues and pull requests:
CovsirPhy v2.22.0
Data loading
- [New] Extending support for County level COVID-19 Impact Assessment #851
- [New] DataLoader.collect() to collect all datasets for scenario analysis #853
- [New] Specify strftime format with CountryData.cleaned(date_format) when we use local dataset (Fix: Using Own Dataset Not Work Anymore) #856
- [New] dataset regarding mobility data #862
- [New] flexible configuration of variables in OxCGRTData and MobilityData #899
- [New] JHUData.cleaned() includes ISO3 codes, the number of infected cases and population #900
- [New] OxCGRTData accepts province level data #901
- [Fix] exclude international aggregates and partial subnational data from automatically loaded vaccine data #891
- [Fix] DeprecationWarning with dependencies and ColoredMap #909
- [Deprecate] DataLoader.linelist() and LineListData class for a while because it is difficult to get regularly updated linelist #866
- [Deprecate] JHUData.from_dataframe() and JHUData.replace() #905
- [Deprecate] DataLoader.population() and PopulationData class #904
- [Deprecate] PCRData.replace() #912
- [Deprecate] CountryData class #913
Phase editting
- [Fix] ValueError when adding phases manually to fully-complemented data #878
- [Fix] KeyError when adding new phases after clearing all past phase #879
- [Fix] results of parameter estimation is not cleared by Scenario.clear(include_past=True) #880
ODE parameter estimation
- [Fix] snl.estimate_accuracy() showing error without snl.trend() #895
- [Fix] Scenario.estimate(): argument phases does not work #911
- [New] [forecasting] include the number of elapsed days from indicator change points in X #842
- [New] [forecasting] user interface to add features to X #843
- [Revise] [forecasting] mask highly correlated features #858
- [Revise] [forecasting] include log-transformed indicator values in X #860
Documentation and discussion
- [Question/Kaggle] SEWIRF Linelist data kde plot #838
- [Docs] update Functionalities section of README #850
- [Docs] how to export high resolution TIFF images #874
- [Discuss] evaluation tool of impact of interventions including vaccination #644
Special thanks for your discussions!
Related issues and pull requests:
CovsirPhy v2.21.0
Data visualization
- [New] class/function for scatter plot #819
ODE parameter estimation
- [Revise] improve parameter estimation performance with shorter timeout_iteration (and constant liar optionally) #833
- [New] select algorithms of forecasting #795
- [New] [forecasting] plot predicted vs. true parameter values #815
- [Revise] [forecasting] use all candidates of delay period to create delayed X #816
- [Revise] [forecasting] use MAPE as the default evaluation metrics and prevent overfitting #813
- [Revise] [forecasting] X include Indicators(n)/Indicators(n-1) #823
- [Revise] [forecasting] hyperparameter tuning of SVR with Bayesian optimization #831
- [Docs] update estimate_delay_days.ipynb to fix AttributeError #829
- [Docs] use vaccine data in example/ #836
@Inglezos and @jparra0419, special thanks for your discussions!
Related issues and pull requests:
CovsirPhy v2.20.3
- [Fix] error in updating CovsirPhy to 2.20.2 with Anaconda #800
Data loading
- [Fix/Question] Use of local dataset. time not converted to date #791
- [Fix/Revise] [forecasting] data is shuffled when splitting the data to train/test #802
- [Revise] use SVR as a regressor in forecasting #803
- [Fix/Revise] [forecasting] select n_componets of PCA by percentages in decision tree regressor #806
@Inglezos and @jparra0419, special thanks for your discussions!
Related issues and pull requests:
CovsirPhy v2.20.2
- [Fix] test score is quite low #783
- [Fix] error handling is not clear when a error is raised with regressor #784
- [Fix] low accuracy when backtesting because correlation of ODE parameters are not considered #786
- [Fix] data augmentation improves training/test score just for show #789
- [Discuss] select features independently for all the ODE parameters #778
@Inglezos, special thanks for your discussions!
Related issues and pull requests: