CovsirPhy v.2.25.0
Breaking changes
- [New] accept city-level data in analysis #1041
- [New] change of data loading scheme: download datasets of selected location #1045
- [New] DataEngineer class for data cleaning, transforming and complementing #1064
Most of classes were deprecated and new classes were created. Please refer to Documentation for tutorials of the new classes.
Others and documentation
- [Fix] address format of county and province: province/country, not country/province #1059
- [Fix] too much time to retrieve dataset from COVID-19 Data Hub #986
- [Revise] stdout when downloading datasets from CovsirPhy/data project #1051
- [Data] failed in ODE parameter estimation with Japan data: IndexError #1087
- [Question/Docs] how to access S-R trend analysis statistical details #894
Special thanks for users and developers!
Related issues and pull requests: