CovsirPhy v2.23.0
- [Revise] update the last year in citation, 2020-2021 to 2020-2022 #970
Data loading
- [New] (Global data) booster shots of vaccination is not included in "Vaccinations" data #991
- [New] (Japan data) 3rd shots of vaccination is not included in "Vaccinations" data #969
- [Fix] ExampleData, TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for -: 'numpy.ndarray' and 'Timestamp' #982
- [Fix] Database Lock: numpy.core._exceptions._ArrayMemoryError #983
- [Fix] DataLoader(update_interval=None).japan() raises TypeError #988
- [Question/Docs] How to resolve SubsetNotFoundError: "No records with 'Recovered > 0' in 10000, US were found." for cities with less pandemic prevalence? #974
Special thanks for users and developers!
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