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Data import scripts for the Relation Engine (KBase)

Utilities for reproducible imports into the Relation Engine from various data sources.

To run some of these importers, you need to have the RE_ADMIN auth role in your environment (CI or prod).

This is an experimental utility that imports various data into an ArangoDB graph.

Build status (master): Build Status codecov

NOTE: Coverage only includes files that are at least touched by tests. There are many files that have no tests at all, and so the actual coverage of this repo is much lower than reported.


Install Python 3.10, optionally using pyenv:

Then install pipenv and run:

pipenv sync --dev

Running tests

To run tests, arangodb must be running locally on the default port with default root credentials. You can run arangodb using docker-compose with docker-compse up. However, we have found that running arangodb outside the docker container is ~10x faster for reasons that are currently unknown. Assuming a tarball based install with the bin directory of the tarball on the path, this command line will launch arangodb as a daemon using ./temparagodata as its data directory:

arangodb start --server.arangod=arangod --starter.mode single ./temparangodata

Note that you may have to increase the maximum open file count for your OS to 8192 in order for arangodb to start.

Then from the repository root:

make test

To stop arangodb:

arangodb stop

Time travelling delta loaders

Time travelling code is in the relation_engine directory / package.

It is expected that users running the loaders are familiar with the data types being loaded, python programming, and KBase infrastructure. For details on the data processing of each loader, consult the corresponding class.

See the description of the delta load algorithm for details on how the loaders operate.

Rolling back a load

Loads can be rolled back with the relation_engine/batchload/ script.

Existing loaders

Use the --help option to get instructions for how to use each of the loaders.

NCBI Taxonomy Dump Format


GTDB Taxonomy

Since GTDB does not have stable IDs for nodes, the delta loader may not be able to track nodes correctly across loads.


RDP Taxonomy

Since RDP does not have stable IDs for nodes, the delta loader may not be able to track nodes correctly across loads.


OBOGraph Ontology JSON Format


The loader has been used to load GO and ENVO ontologies.


  • ArangoDB must be version 3.5.0+
  • All node and edge collections must have the following persistent indexes
    • id, expired, created
    • expired, created, last_version

Creating new loaders

A loader for NCBI taxonomy is supplied in relation_engine/ncbi/taxa/loaders and can be examined as an example.

To create a new loader, at minimum an edge provider, a node provider, and a CLI must be created.

Edge and node providers

The providers are simply iteratables that provide edges and nodes as a dict. There are working implementations in relation_engine\ncbi\taxa\

Nodes must contain an id field. This ID must uniquely identify the node in the graph and be stable from version to version of the graph (unless the node is deleted or merged.)

Edges must contain id, from, and to fields. The ID has the same semantics as the node ID, and the from and to fields contain the ids of the nodes where the edge originates and terminates.

If the graph contains merge edges, a merge edge provider can be constructed in the same way as a standard edge provider, where from is the ID of the merged node.

Otherwise, all other fields in the nodes and edges are preserved and inserted into the RE as is, except for a few special fields:

Field Use
_rev ArangoDB internal use
_key ArangoDB internal use
_id ArangoDB internal use
_from ArangoDB internal use
_to ArangoDB internal use
_collection Specify the collection that will contain an edge. This field is ignored for nodes and merge edges. If there is no value for this field, the default edge collection is used.
last_version the ID of the last load in which the edge or node appeared.
first_version the ID of the first load in which the edge or node appeared.
created the timestamp, in unix epoch milliseconds, when the edge or node came into existence.
expired the timestamp, in unix epoch milliseconds, when the edge or node was deleted.
release_created the timestamp, in unix epoch milliseconds, when the edge or node came into existence at the data source.
release_expired the timestamp, in unix epoch milliseconds, when the edge or node was deleted at the data source.

These fields, with the exception of _collection, will be overwritten if included in the dicts emitted from the providers. In the case of edges, _collection will be removed from the edge prior to inserting the edge into the appropriate collection.

In the context of the RE, it is expected that the combination of an ID and a timestamp uniquely identifies a node or edge. Thus, for a particular ID the created -> expired range should not overlap for nodes in separate loads.


The CLI code takes user arguments (such as the load version and timestamp) and puts all the parts together to get the load to proceed.

  • There is a working implementation at relation_engine/ncbi/taxa/loaders/
  • Create the node and edge providers.
    • This will depend on the implementation of the providers
    • Optionally, create a merge edge provider
  • Create an instance of the ArangoBatchTimeTravellingDB class. This class is located in relation_engine/batchload/
    • If not using the _collection field to specify the collection to which an edge belongs for all edges, the default edge collection MUST be specified. If the _collection field is missing for an edge, the default edge collection will be used.
    • If multiple edge collections are to be used, they must be provided in the edge_collections argument. The default edge collection, if any, may be omitted from this list.
    • If a merge provider is available, specify the merge collection in the merge_collection argument.
  • Call load_graph_delta in relation_engine/batchload/
    • If a merge provider is available, specify the provider in the merge_source argument.

Prior development and scripts

Development of the delta loader previously took place in There are also possibly helpful one-off scripts there.


  • Much of the code is not well tested.
  • Handling merge edges in the delta loader could be improved.
    • Merge edges are never expired.
    • Currently only handles merge edges where
      • The merged node was present in the prior load and
      • The target node is present in the current load.


When developing improvements to current loaders or adding new loaders to the repo, increment the semantic version in relation_engine/ Currently only the GTDB and NCBI taxa loaders have an option to print the version - if changes are made to other loaders add the ability to print the version there as well.


Relation engine importers








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