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PlayStation DualShock3

趙 漠居(Zhao, Moju) edited this page Apr 20, 2021 · 6 revisions

PlayStation DualShock3


Install for wireless connection

Please refer to

$ sudo apt-get install  pyqt4-dev-tools   libusb-dev libjack-dev libbluetooth-dev python-dbus -y
$ git clone
$ cd qtsixa
$ make
$ sudo make install

Bluetooth Problem of ubuntu 18.04


Connect the controller with host PC via USB cable, and run following command:

$ sudo sixpair

Wireless Connection

Unplug the joystick from the computer, and run following command:

$ sixad --start

Press the PS button in the middle of the joystick and the connection will be activated.

Start sixad on boots

edit /etc/rc.local, and add following description before exit 0

sixad --start 

Note: if you can not connect with pc even pressing the PS button, please restart the sixad by following command:

$ sixad -r

Common commands:

command action
start motor arming (please do this before takeoff)
cross-left + circle takeoff (this can be received by robot only after motor arming)
cross-right + square landing
select (short push) force landing (without xy position control, robot will descend slowly)
select (long push, > 2.0s) halt (i.e. stop motor immediately )
triangle xy(horizontal) velocity control mode
cross(X) xy(horizontal) position control mode
cross-down xy(horizontal) attitude control mode
left stick vertical movement in world x axis (only available in velocity/attitude control mode)
left stick horizontal movement in world y axis (only available in velocity/attitude control mode)
left stick vertical + L2 movement in baselink (local) x axis (only available in velocity/attitude control mode)
left stick horizontal + L2 movement in baselink (local) y axis (only available in velocity/attitude control mode)
right stick vertical movement in z axis
right stick horizontal movement in yaw axis

For more information about ps3joy in ros, please check here


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