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趙 漠居(Zhao, Moju) edited this page May 29, 2021 · 1 revision

Core Chip

blox NEO-M9N series

Pin assignment

URAT: 5V(Orange), GND(Black), TX (White), RX (Yellow)
I2C: SCL (Red), SDA (Green)

Software for configuration

We need to use U-Center to change configuration in Windows

Change configuration

Use customized uart-usb cable to connect with sensor module (TODO: please add picture here)

U-Center for configuration

Select proper port from the left-top "connector" icon and also the baudrate from neighboring "signal" icon.

When the connection is established, the "connector" icon will turn to be green.

Method1 (recommended): load configuration file

  1. Click Tools/Receiver Configration: test
  2. Load the configuration file and click Transfer file -> GNSS (TODO: please rename the configuration file) test

Method2: manually modify configuration one by one

  1. Rates:

    • Time Source: 1-GPS time
    • Measurement Period: 101[ms](9.9Hz). See this issue
    • Please click send to apply the change every time: test
  2. UBX-CFG(Config)-MSG(Messages) - Message: 01-07 NAV-PVT UART1: check (i.e., 1) - Message: 01-06 NAV-SOL UART1: uncheck (i.e., 0) - Please click send to apply the change every time: test

  3. UBX-CFG(Config)-PRT(Ports) - Baudrate: 19200 - Please click send to apply the change every time: test

  4. UBX-CFG(Config)-CFG(Configuration) - Check Save current configuration and Click Send test

  5. Export configuration file: from Tools/Receiver Configuration, fill DROTK_DP0105_M9N.txt and click Transfer GNSS -> file test