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Group Meeting Minutes

Angus Farquhar edited this page Oct 31, 2020 · 21 revisions


This page will contain the minutes for all the meetings

Group Meeting - 2020/08/09

Meeting commenced at 1:04pm. All members present.

Meeting closed at 1:38pm. Discussed points listed below.

Team Roles

Team roles are allocated as follows. Responsibilities and decisions for key aspects of these roles will ultimately fall to the people listed. These are broadly defined roles for now.


  • Joshua Carpeggiani


  • Angus Farquhar
  • Haohan Liu

Design/UX/UI & Business

  • Haohan Liu
  • Kevin Wang

Scrum Master

  • Phillip Tinsley

PR Logs

All changes and PRs made will be logged to a file. Already completed by Joshua.


Responsibility for code coverage and test writing will fall to the developer to cover their additions.


As Go is a new language for many, effort should be made to learn some so everyone understands what is happening in the backend.

Team Name

Epic Portfolio -

Domain Name Purchase

The domain name has been purchased from for $95A. All team members willing to contribute 20%.

Custom Email Address

All team members have a unique email address set up at ***

Group Meeting - 2020/08/16

Meeting commenced at 2:00pm. All members present.

Meeting closed at 3:02pm Discussed points listed below.

Local Setup

Everyone should try to set up the repo to run locally through docker. Windows require version 2004.

Concerns Regarding Google Cloud Run/Functions

The point that GCR/F cannot support web sockets and other functions was discussed. It was decided that we should not require these features.

User Authentication

User authentication will be implemented 'from-scratch' through JWT in proto. If this is not completed or fails to meet requirements, we will fall back to Firebase authentication.


Data will be handled through PostgreSQL.

Login will store full name and preferred name to accomodate non-standard names.

Hashing and salting of user logins will happen on backend, according to guidelines on security.stackexchange.

Client Meeting - 2020/08/22

Meeting commenced at 3:00pm. All members present.

Meeting closed at 3:35pm Discussed points listed below.

Project Goal

Build an e-portfolio website


The site should take design cues from existing platforms such as LinkedIn.

The site should aim for responsive design.


There will be primarily two types of users. Spectators and profile owners.

Spectators will only be able to view profiles, whereas profile owners can manage their ePortfolio page.

Profile owner uses the desktop to upload files


The client has no specific requirements for the technology stack.

Potential users

Uni students


MVP 1 - Week 6

  • User accounts
  • User register, login/logout
  • User profiles, videos, hyperlink
  • Handling of image presentation

MVP 2 - Week 9

  • User status(online or offline)

Group Meeting - 2020/10/3

Meeting commenced at 5:00pm. All members present.

Meeting closed at 5:30pm. Discussed points listed below.

  • user edit pop-up
  • auth and login
  • styling on user page

Group Meeting - 2020/10/10

Meeting commenced at 5:00pm. All members present.

Meeting closed at 5:30pm. Discussed points listed below.

  • Search Functionality
  • Planning the last three weeks of development
  • Opening up the discussion about presentation
  • Editing user profiles and how to populate them
  • Discussing how the payload is going to look for module components served to the front-end. Specifically issues with populating two galleries


  • Phillip: Editing user page
  • Angus: Search page
  • Hoahan: Demo Final Page
  • Kevin: Login
  • Josh: back-end

Group Meeting - 2020/10/17

Meeting commenced at 5:00pm. All members present.

Meeting closed at 5:30pm. Discussed points listed below.

  • JSON spec for user edit
  • design of the ordering of modules on user page
  • discussing how to allow user to edit ordering of modules
  • discussion of change from cloud sql to firestore
  • search bar
  • nav bar


  • Phillip: user edit
  • Angus: search, nav, presentation
  • Hoahan: search page
  • Kevin: login
  • Josh: firestore

Group Meeting - 2020/10/31

Meeting commenced at 5:00pm. All members present.

Meeting closed at 5:45pm. Discussed points listed below.

  • Register redirects too early for backend to populate data, so page fails on redirect
  • Should wait for backend to respond
  • Maybe have a loading screen while we wait?
  • Save and edit buttons on user page don't work
  • Edit button should add edit=true
  • Save button should take it out of edit mode
  • Account button should go to account page
  • Account button needs logout drop-down
  • Kevin needs help combining his functional sign in component with signup and register class components


  • Phillip: user edit
  • Angus: help kevin with sign in
  • Hoahan: loading page and report
  • Kevin: sign in
  • Josh: backend