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saniro edited this page Feb 16, 2017 · 1 revision

Transaction Properties

The Transaction type exposes the following members.



Name Description
Public property Address Gets or sets the address.
Public property BranchTransaction Gets or sets the branch transaction.
Public property Bundle Gets or sets the bundle.
Public property CurrentIndex Gets or sets the index of the current.
Public property Digest Gets or sets the digest.
Public property Hash Gets or sets the hash.
Public property Index Gets or sets the index.
Public property LastIndex Gets or sets the last index.
Public property Nonce Gets or sets the nonce.
Public property Persistance Gets or sets a value indicating whether this Transaction is persistance.
Public property SignatureFragment Gets or sets the signature fragment.
Public property SignatureMessageChunk Gets or sets the signature message chunk.
Public property Tag Gets or sets the tag.
Public property Timestamp Gets or sets the timestamp.
Public property TrunkTransaction Gets or sets the trunk transaction.
Public property Type Gets or sets the type.
Public property Value Gets or sets the value.
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See Also


Transaction Class
Iota.Lib.CSharp.Api.Model Namespace

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