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saniro edited this page Feb 16, 2017 · 1 revision

IotaApi Methods

The IotaApi type exposes the following members.



Name Description
Public method AddNeighbors Adds the neighbor(s) to the node. It should be noted that this is only temporary, and the added neighbors will be removed from your set of neighbors after you relaunch IRI. (Inherited from IotaCoreApi.)
Public method AttachToTangle Attaches the specified transactions (trytes) to the Tangle by doing Proof of Work. You need to supply branchTransaction as well as trunkTransaction (basically the tips which you're going to validate and reference with this transaction) - both of which you'll get through the getTransactionsToApprove API call. (Inherited from IotaCoreApi.)
Public method BroadcastAndStore Wrapper function that broadcasts and stores the specified trytes
Public method BroadcastTransactions Broadcasts the transactions. (Inherited from IotaCoreApi.)
Public method FindTransactionObjects Finds the transaction objects.
Public method FindTransactionObjectsByBundle Finds the transaction objects by bundle.
Public method FindTransactions Finds the transactions using the specified arguments as search criteria (Inherited from IotaCoreApi.)
Public method FindTransactionsByAddresses Finds the transactions by addresses.
Public method FindTransactionsByApprovees Finds the transactions by approvees.
Public method FindTransactionsByBundles Finds the transactions by bundles.
Public method FindTransactionsByDigests Finds the transactions by digests.
Public method GetBalances Gets the balances. (Inherited from IotaCoreApi.)
Public method GetBundle This function returns the bundle which is associated with a transaction. Input can by any type of transaction (tail and non-tail). If there are conflicting bundles (because of a replay for example) it will return multiple bundles. It also does important validation checking (signatures, sum, order) to ensure that the correct bundle is returned.
Public method GetInclusionStates Gets the inclusion states of the specified transactions (Inherited from IotaCoreApi.)
Public method GetInputs Gets all possible inputs of a seed and returns them with the total balance. This is either done deterministically (by genearating all addresses until findTransactions is empty and doing getBalances), or by providing a key range to use for searching through.
Public method GetLatestInclusion Gets the latest inclusion.
Public method GetNeighbors Gets the neighbors the node is connected to (Inherited from IotaCoreApi.)
Public method GetNewAddress Generates a new address from a seed and returns the remainderAddress. This is either done deterministically, or by providing the index of the new remainderAddress
Public method GetNodeInfo Gets the node information. (Inherited from IotaCoreApi.)
Public method GetTips Gets the tips. (Inherited from IotaCoreApi.)
Public method GetTransactionsObjects Gets the transactions objects.
Public method GetTransactionsToApprove Gets the transactions to approve. (Inherited from IotaCoreApi.)
Public method GetTransfers Gets the transfers which are associated with a seed. The transfers are determined by either calculating deterministically which addresses were already used, or by providing a list of indexes to get the transfers from.
Public method GetTrytes Gets the raw transaction data (trytes) of a specific transaction. These trytes can then be easily converted into the actual transaction object using the constructor of Transaction (Inherited from IotaCoreApi.)
Public method InterruptAttachingToTangle Interrupts and completely aborts the attachToTangle process. (Inherited from IotaCoreApi.)
Public method PrepareTransfers Main purpose of this function is to get an array of transfer objects as input, and then prepare the transfer by generating the correct bundle, as well as choosing and signing the inputs if necessary (if it's a value transfer). The output of this function is an array of the raw transaction data (trytes)
Public method RemoveNeighbors Removes the neighbor(s) from the node. (Inherited from IotaCoreApi.)
Public method ReplayBundle Replays the bundle.
Public method SendTransfer Wrapper function that basically does prepareTransfers, as well as attachToTangle and finally, it broadcasts and stores the transactions locally.
Public method SendTrytes Sends the trytes.
Public method StoreTransactions Stores the specified transactions in trytes into the local storage. The trytes to be used for this call are returned by attachToTangle. (Inherited from IotaCoreApi.)
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See Also


IotaApi Class
Iota.Lib.CSharp.Api Namespace

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