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Toolkit for describing data transformation pipelines by compositing simple reusable components.


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This library is a toolkit for describing data transformation pipelines by compositing simple reusable components.

A typical data-pipeline use-case can be:

  • a system aggregating results from several external services: pipelines are modular, easily rearranged and each individual step can be padded with safety nets and error handling without affecting business logic
  • a system performing iterative analysis on an input: the data-pipeline data model retains intermediate results from all steps, and each result is tagged with lineage metadata

On top of its core feature-set, complying to the data-pipeline model comes with rather nice benefits:

  • out-of-the-box support for micrometer based metrics (success/failure rates, error tracking, etc.)
  • out-of-the-box support for slf4j log markers (pipeline id, component id, etc.)
  • easily pluggable resilience4j based resilience features (retries, time-limiter, etc.)

I. Installation

The library requires Java 17+, in order to use it, add the following in your pom.xml:


Additionally, some optional extension libraries can be added, at the time of this writing this includes:

II. Core Principles

The main goals behind its design were:

  1. having a fairly straightforward API and overall design: pipelines are made from compositing user-defined functions executed in a linear fashion
  2. leveraging this design to introduce useful features: data-model with lineage features, parallel execution, resilience features (retry, time-limiter, etc.), systematic performance metrics, error tracking, etc.

A simplified high-level view of a data-pipeline pipeline looks like the following diagram:

  • the main phase is composed of Step functions, they return a Result and are expected to have no side effect (think of them as almost-pure functions)
  • the end phase is composed of Sink functions, they return void and are expected to induce side effects (e.g. database persistence, message queue push, etc.)
flowchart LR


subgraph PIPELINE[Pipeline]
    direction LR

    subgraph STEP_PHASE[Steps]
        direction LR
        STEP_1(Step 1):::step
        STEP_2(Step 2):::step

    subgraph SINK_PHASE[Sinks]
        direction LR
        SINK_1(Sink 1):::sink

STEP_1 --> STEP_2 --> STEP_N

classDef optional stroke-dasharray: 6 6;
classDef step stroke:#0f0;
classDef sink stroke:#f00;

III. Basic Usage

We'll go through a quick example in order to demonstrate what data-pipeline looks like in action.

The goal of this example is to have a simple pipeline for:

  • performing a basic tokenization of a sentence
  • performing a basic analysis of said tokens
  • recovering results and logging them out
flowchart LR


subgraph PIPELINE[Pipeline]
    direction LR

    subgraph STEP_PHASE[Steps]
        direction LR

    subgraph SINK_PHASE[Sinks]
        direction LR
        MATCH_LOGGER(Match Logger):::sink


classDef optional stroke-dasharray: 6 6;
classDef step stroke:#0f0;
classDef sink stroke:#f00;

Defining steps and sinks

First, we'll design the Tokenizer step, with a basic regex split.

Three things to note here, which will remain true for the following pieces:

  • The step's entrypoint is annotated with @StepConfig, it will be identified at the pipeline build time
  • Some component inputs have to be annotated in order to narrow down their identity, the pipeline input can be supplied with the @Input annotation
  • The step output are expected to be a Result subtype, here we chose to go with a dedicated record
public class Tokenizer
    @StepConfig(id = "tokenizer")
    public TokenizedSentence tokenize(@Input String sentence)
        return new TokenizedSentence(Stream.of(sentence.split("[^\\p{L}]+"))

    public record TokenizedSentence(
        List<String> tokens
    ) implements Result {}

Next up, the Matcher step, with a blacklist specified upon instantiation.

It will recover the tokenizer's output, and produce a Matches record of its findings.

Note the @Current annotation for requesting the currently known value for tokenized sentence. There is more to be said about the semantics of this annotation, which we'll cover in details in the documentation section.

public class Matcher
    private final Set<String> blacklist;
    public Matcher(String... blacklist)
        this.blacklist = Set.of(blacklist);
    @StepConfig(id = "matcher")
    public Matches match(@Current TokenizedSentence tokenized)
        long wordCount = tokenized.tokens().stream().distinct().count();
        Set<String> matches = tokenized.tokens().stream()
        return new Matches(wordCount, matches);
    public record Matches(
        long wordCount,
        Set<String> blacklistMatches
    ) implements Result {}

Finally, our MatchLogger sink works very similarly, except we need the @SinkConfig annotation.

public class MatchLogger
    private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MatchLogger.class);

    @SinkConfig(id = "logger")
    public void log(@Current TokenizedSentence tokenized, @Current Matches matches)
    {"Found {} unique tokens in {}, with {} blacklisted {}", matches.wordCount(), tokenized.tokens(), matches.blacklistMatches().size(), matches.blacklistMatches());

Setting-up the pipeline

Now that we have all our building blocks, creating a Pipeline is simply a matter of combining them.

The Pipeline interface offers a builder initialization method, we'll start from there.

Pipeline<String> pipeline = Pipeline.<String>of("string-processor")
    .registerStep(new Tokenizer())
    .registerStep(new Matcher("mostly", "relatively"))
    .registerSink(new MatchLogger())

Now, calling the pipeline with some sentences:"This is a relatively short and mostly meaningless sentence.");"This is a much longer sentence that should go through the blacklist unscathed.");"Relatively cool objects (temperatures less than several thousand degrees) emit their radiation primarily in the infrared, as described by Planck's law.");"The principles were deliberately non dogmatic, since the brotherhood wished to emphasise the personal responsibility of individual artists to determine their own ideas and methods of depiction.");"The Mystical Nativity, a relatively small and very personal painting, perhaps for his own use, appears to be dated to the end of 1500.");

We should get the following output (given a simplelogger or somesuch properly configured):

[main] INFO MatchLogger - Found 9 unique tokens in [this, is, a, relatively, short, and, mostly, meaningless, sentence], with 2 blacklisted [mostly, relatively]
[main] INFO MatchLogger - Found 13 unique tokens in [this, is, a, much, longer, sentence, that, should, go, through, the, blacklist, unscathed], with 0 blacklisted []
[main] INFO MatchLogger - Found 22 unique tokens in [relatively, cool, objects, temperatures, less, than, several, thousand, degrees, emit, their, radiation, primarily, in, the, infrared, as, described, by, planck, s, law], with 1 blacklisted [relatively]
[main] INFO MatchLogger - Found 23 unique tokens in [the, principles, were, deliberately, non, dogmatic, since, the, brotherhood, wished, to, emphasise, the, personal, responsibility, of, individual, artists, to, determine, their, own, ideas, and, methods, of, depiction], with 0 blacklisted []
[main] INFO MatchLogger - Found 21 unique tokens in [the, mystical, nativity, a, relatively, small, and, very, personal, painting, perhaps, for, his, own, use, appears, to, be, dated, to, the, end, of], with 1 blacklisted [relatively]

As pipelines may use resources (notably a ServiceExecutor for the —optional— async sink execution), it is best to close it down when you are done using it (or consider using a try-with pattern):


IV. Documentation

V. Dev Installation

This project will require you to have the following:

  • Java 17+
  • Git (versioning)
  • Maven (dependency resolving, publishing and packaging)


Toolkit for describing data transformation pipelines by compositing simple reusable components.






