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File metadata and controls

432 lines (330 loc) · 15.3 KB


The Initializer is a component responsible for the initialization of a pipeline's "payload".

Payloads are used for two things:

  • they are a piece of data inferred from the input, as such they can be used for patterns where your pipelines work on a domain entity which has to be resolved from external input
  • they are taken as input by the Indexer functions in order to determine the object set which influences how Step functions are executed

It is important to note that payloads are not always relevant to a pipeline, most of the time you won't need them and arguably if you can avoid them it will result in lower complexity. By default, if you don't specify an Initializer (and thus, an Indexer) the Pipeline will use a placeholder payload and run all steps on it. If that is your case, you can directly skip to the next section.


The Indexer functions are responsible for picking what objects the pipeline steps will be executed on. Each Step will run once for each indexed "object", as a result, the Indexer can be considered as the place that determines the step execution flow.

In the example below, if the Indexer A indexes a single object, all defined steps will be executed on it once:

flowchart LR
    subgraph INIT_PHASE[Initialization]
        direction LR
        OBJECT_A[Object A]:::init
    subgraph STEP_PHASE[Step Phase]
        direction LR
        STEP_A1(Step 1A):::step
        STEP_A2(Step 2A):::step
        STEP_A3(Step 3A):::step
    INDEXER -- index --> OBJECT_A --> STEP_A1 --> STEP_A2 --> STEP_A3

    classDef init stroke:yellow;
    classDef step stroke:#0f0;

If the Indexer A returns a collection of objects, or if several Indexer functions index different objects, steps will be executed once on each of them:

flowchart LR
    subgraph INIT_PHASE[Initialization]
        direction LR
        OBJECT_A[Object A]:::init
        OBJECT_B[Object B]:::init
    subgraph STEP_PHASE[Step Phase]
        direction LR
        STEP_A1(Step 1A):::step
        STEP_A2(Step 2A):::step
        STEP_A3(Step 3A):::step
        STEP_B1(Step 1B):::step
        STEP_B2(Step 2B):::step
        STEP_B3(Step 3B):::step
    INDEXER -- index --> OBJECT_A --> STEP_A1 --> STEP_A2 --> STEP_A3
    INDEXER -- index --> OBJECT_B --> STEP_B1 --> STEP_B2 --> STEP_B3

    classDef init stroke:yellow;
    classDef step stroke:#0f0;

Each Step sequence has its own control flow, so for instance if you apply a ResultEvaluator on a Step and trigger a DISCARD_AND_CONTINUE strategy, you can block a Step branch and follow-up on the others:

flowchart LR
    subgraph INIT_PHASE[Initialization]
        direction LR
        OBJECT_A[Object A]:::init
        OBJECT_B[Object B]:::init
    subgraph STEP_PHASE[Step Phase]
        direction LR
        STEP_A1(Step 1A):::step
        STEP_A2(Step 2A):::step
        STEP_A3(Step 3A):::step
        STEP_B1(Step 1B):::step
        STEP_B2(Step 2B):::disabled
        STEP_B3(Step 3B):::disabled
    INDEXER -- index --> OBJECT_A --> STEP_A1 -- CONTINUE --> STEP_A2 -- CONTINUE --> STEP_A3
    INDEXER -- index --> OBJECT_B --> STEP_B1 -- DISCARD_AND_CONTINUE --x STEP_B2 -.- STEP_B3:::disabled

    classDef init stroke:yellow;
    classDef step stroke:#0f0;
    classDef disabled stroke-dasharray: 3 3;

🚨 Currently, an Indexer can only return Indexable objects, i.e. with a declared uid() method. The Pipeline will consider the indexable's uid and only index a given value once.

💡 If no Indexer is specified, the default indexing strategy is which will attempt to index the payload as a whole (as a result, the payload is expected to be Indexable).


An Initializer is a function that takes the pipeline input and context as arguments, and return the pipeline's payload.

Simple Scenario

For the sake of the following example, we'll consider a hypothetical scenario where we get a variety of inputs pertaining to vehicles that need to be analyzed For each pipeline input we'll get a bunch of data that allow us to reconstruct our Vehicle entity.

public record Vehicle(
    String uid, // we'll use the vehicle's own uid as the Indexable identifier
    Weight weight,
    Metadata metadata
) implements Indexable {}

A corresponding Initializer could look something like the following:

public class MyInitializer implements Initializer<MyInput, Vehicle>
    public Vehicle initialize(MyInput input, Context<Vehicle> context, UIDGenerator generator)
        return new Vehicle(
            //the constructor arguments are suggestive obviously

You will need at least one Indexable for the pipeline to run, by default the Pipeline will attempt to index the payload itself, which is possible here given we made the Vehicle an Indexable. From there, you can register it the following way.

Pipeline<MyInput> pipeline = Pipeline.of("my-pipeline", new MyInitializer())
    /* ...and others */

From there, you steps registered in this pipeline can access the payload via the @Payload annotation:

public MyResult doStuff(@Payload Vehicle vehicle) { /**/ }

Multiple Indexing

One more scenario we'll consider is having a payload containing multiple indexables, in essence we can represent our target structure like this:

flowchart LR
    subgraph INIT_PHASE[Initialization]
        direction LR
        INDEXER(Vehicle Indexer):::init
        OBJECT_A[Vehicle A]:::init
        OBJECT_B[Vehicle B]:::init
        OBJECT_N[Vehicle n]:::init
    subgraph STEP_PHASE[Step Phase]
        direction LR
        STEP_A1(Step 1A):::step
        STEP_A2(Step 2A):::step
        STEP_A3(Step 3A):::step
        STEP_B1(Step 1B):::step
        STEP_B2(Step 2B):::step
        STEP_B3(Step 3B):::step

        STEP_N1(Step 1n):::step
        STEP_N2(Step 2n):::step
        STEP_N3(Step 3n):::step
    INDEXER -- index --> OBJECT_A --> STEP_A1 --> STEP_A2 --> STEP_A3
    INDEXER -- index --> OBJECT_B --> STEP_B1 --> STEP_B2 --> STEP_B3
    INDEXER -. index .-> OBJECT_N:::optional -.-> STEP_N1:::optional -.-> STEP_N2:::optional -.-> STEP_N3:::optional

    classDef init stroke:yellow;
    classDef step stroke:#0f0;
    classDef optional stroke-dasharray: 6 6;

For each vehicle in the payload, we'll perform a series of operations, for a start we'll have our new Initializer with a new payload structure:

public record VehicleGroup(
    List<Vehicle> vehicles
) {}

public class MyInitializer implements Initializer<MyInput>
    public VehicleGroup initialize(MyInput input, Context context, UIDGenerator generator)
        //the code below is an illustration only
        return new VehicleGroup(input.someData().stream()
            .map(data -> new Vehicle(

Then we'll use a MultiIndexer on it:

public static class MyIndexer implements MultiIndexer<VehicleGroup>
    public Collection<? extends Indexable> resolve(VehicleGroup payload)
        return payload.vehicles();

Then build our pipeline:

Pipeline<MyInput> pipeline = Pipeline.of("my-pipeline", new MyInitializer())
    .registerIndexer(new MyIndexer())
    /* ...and others */

In this pipeline, we can have our steps accessing their respective Vehicle by leveraging the @Object annotation, and just like before we can also access the @Payload:

public MyResult doStuff(@Object Vehicle vehicle, @Payload VehicleGroup group) { /**/ }


Initializer functions can be supplied to a pipeline builder "as-is", passing it directly to the of builder method:

Pipeline<MyInput, VehicleGroup> pipeline = Pipeline.of("my-pipeline", new MyInitializer())
    /* ...and others */

This is fine for simple setups and already gets you some of the data-pipeline feature-set (component architecture, various integrations, pipeline-level default behaviours, etc.). But at some point you will want finer-grained configuration at the component level, and this is where the InitializerAssembler steps in.

The InitializerAssembler accepts an Initializer (the one you would be providing directly to the pipeline) and offers you a way to plug in local tweaks:

Pipeline<MyInput> pipeline = Pipeline.of("my-pipeline", builder -> builder
        .initializer(new MyInitializer())
    /* ...and others */

In the snippet above, we added an error handler on the initializer. This is the kind of thing you could be doing if your component has to interact with an unreliable database or external API, for instance.

As we will show in the following sections, some of these options can be set through the @InitializerConfig annotation. It should be noted that the InitializerAssembler options have precedence over the @InitializerConfig, so the latter is a good place to put your initializer defaults for instance.

Function Modifiers

The InitializerAssembler accepts a variety of function modifiers which will alter how the Initializer is executed. All of these are optional, but can be very useful in implementing more sophisticated patterns.

Error Handlers

The InitializerErrorHandler is a wrapper which role is to act on exceptions thrown by the Initializer it is applied to. These handlers are useful:

  • as exception wrappers: their contract gives access to the original Initializer exception, you can wrap the exception in order to standardize their signature, or introduce an exception type that can encapsulate metadata
  • as error recovery procedures: they can be leveraged for running fallback code

Error handlers also have a dedicated documentation section.

Pipeline<MyInput> pipeline = Pipeline.of("my-pipeline", builder -> builder
        .initializer(new MyInitializer())
        .withErrorHandler((ex, ctx, gen) -> {
            logger.error("Error: {}", ex.getMessage());
            return produceRecoveryVehicleGroup(); // the InitializerErrorHandler can choose between re-throwing/wrapping the exception, or returning a backup payload

An error handler can be applied via the @InitializerConfig annotation if the InitializerErrorHandler has a default constructor:

@InitializerConfig(errorHandler = MyErrorHandler.class)
public MyPayload doStuff() { /**/ }

Possible Inputs

Initializer functions accept a variety of inputs, which can be combined as needed. Some will be mapped by type directly as they are related to Pipeline internals (e.g. Context), others will need additional semantics via annotations.


When an argument is annotated with @Input, the pipeline will attempt to map it to its own input:

public MyPayload doStuff(@Input SomeType in) { /**/ }

If the requested input type do not match with the pipeline's input type, an IllegalArgumentException will be thrown at execution time.


The PipelineTag can be passed as argument, they are mapped by type so no specific annotation is required.

Pipeline tags are generated at the very start of the pipeline and contain the following properties:

@InitializerConfig(id = "my-initializer")
public MyPayload doStuff(PipelineTag tag)
     * The following would print something along the lines of:
     * PipelineTag[uid=2zongloalw6vwnbrs7joqgf0cxh, pipeline=my-pipeline, author=anonymous]
    //return ...


The ComponentTag can be passed as argument, they are mapped by type so no specific annotation is required.

Component tags are generated at the start of each component run and contain the following properties:

@InitializerConfig(id = "my-initializer")
public MyPayload doStuff(ComponentTag tag)
     * The following would print something along the lines of:
     * ComponentTag[uid=2zongm8nvgu7jrlc5tl0tbgcexk, pipelineTag=PipelineTag[uid=2zongloalw6vwnbrs7joqgf0cxh, pipeline=my-pipeline, author=anonymous], id=my-initializer, family=INITIALIZER]
    //return ...


The Context can be mapped by type, it gives you access to the pipeline's context:

public MyPayload doStuff(Context context)
    //context.get("my_metadata_key", SomeType.class).orElseThrow();

More info on the context in the pipeline's section.

Single entries in the context can be passed via the @Context annotation:

public MyPayload doStuff(@Context("some_entry") String someEntry) { /**/ }

/* The argument can be an `Optional`, it will be empty if no match can be found */
public MyPayload doStuff(@Context("some_entry") Optional<String> someEntry) { /**/ }


You can access the UIDGenerator currently in use by the pipeline by requesting it as an argument:

public MyPayload doStuff(UIDGenerator generator)

This can be useful if you want to harmonize the generation of UIDs between data-pipeline managed data and more business-centric data.

Typically, if data-lineage is a concern, you might want to persist the PipelineTag or ComponentTag in some data store. It may then be relevant to use the same UID generation strategy for other data models, as these UIDs can have properties such as being time-stamped or lexicographically sortable.