File tree
1,224 files changed
lines changed- .github/workflows
- bin
- dependencies
- docs/reference
- images
- projects
- opendr_ws
- images
- src
- opendr_bridge
- include/opendr_bridge
- msg
- src/opendr_bridge
- srv
- opendr_data_generation
- scripts
- opendr_perception
- include/opendr_perception
- scripts
- src
- opendr_planning
- include/opendr_planning
- scripts
- src
- opendr_simulation
- scripts
- srv
- perception
- scripts
- opendr_ws_2
- images
- src
- opendr_bridge
- opendr_bridge
- resource
- test
- opendr_data_generation
- opendr_data_generation
- resource
- test
- opendr_interface
- include/opendr_interface
- msg
- src
- srv
- opendr_perception
- opendr_perception
- resource
- test
- opendr_planning
- launch
- opendr_planning
- protos
- resource
- test
- worlds
- opendr_simulation
- opendr_simulation
- resource
- test
- python
- control
- eagerx
- data
- demos
- mobile_manipulation
- robots_world/models
- Kallax
- meshes
- Kallax2
- meshes
- muesli2
- meshes
- reemc_table_low
- single_demo_grasp
- simulation_ws/src
- franka_description
- meshes/visual
- robots
- panda_moveit_config
- config
- launch
- single_demo_grasping_demo
- inference
- samples
- launch
- objects
- protos
- scripts
- worlds
- perception
- activity_recognition
- benchmark
- demos
- continual_transformer_encoder
- online_recognition
- activity_recognition
- templates
- face_recognition
- demos
- facial_expression_recognition
- image_based_facial_emotion_estimation
- face_detector
- landmark_based_facial_expression_recognition
- benchmark
- fall_detection
- demos
- heart_anomaly_detection
- multimodal_human_centric
- audiovisual_emotion_recognition
- rgbd_hand_gesture_recognition
- object_detection_2d
- centernet
- detr
- gem
- nanodet
- nms
- cluster_nms
- fast_nms
- img_temp
- seq2seq-nms
- soft_nms
- retinaface
- ssd
- yolov3
- yolov5
- object_detection_3d
- benchmark
- configs
- media
- demos/voxel_object_detection_3d
- configs
- fonts
- media
- models
- o3m_lidar
- templates
- object_tracking_2d
- benchmark
- media
- demos
- fair_mot_deep_sort
- media
- templates
- siamrpn
- object_tracking_3d/benchmark
- media
- panoptic_segmentation/efficient_ps
- pose_estimation
- high_resolution_pose_estimation
- demos
- lightweight_open_pose
- demos
- jetbot
- results
- simulation_pose
- protos
- worlds
- textures
- static
- templates
- utils
- semantic_segmentation/bisenet
- skeleton_based_action_recognition
- benchmark
- demos
- slam/full_map_posterior_gmapping
- src
- fmp_slam_eval
- cfg/rviz
- launch
- nodes
- scripts
- src
- fmp_slam_eval
- enums
- urdf
- map_simulator
- launch
- rosbags
- scenarios
- commands
- maps
- robots
- sensors
- scripts
- src
- map_simulator
- geometry
- primitives
- map_obstacles
- robot_commands
- message
- misc
- move
- openslam_gmapping
- build_tools
- configfile
- docs
- grid
- gridfastslam
- include/gmapping
- configfile
- grid
- gridfastslam
- log
- particlefilter
- scanmatcher
- sensor
- sensor_base
- sensor_odometry
- sensor_range
- utils
- log
- scanmatcher
- sensor
- sensor_base
- sensor_odometry
- sensor_range
- utils
- slam_gmapping
- gmapping
- launch
- msg
- src
- test
- slam_gmapping
- speech_command_recognition
- simulation
- SMPL+D_human_models
- examples
- src
- webots
- smpl_webots
- controllers/smpl_animation
- libraries/smpl_util
- include
- src
- protos
- worlds
- human_dataset_generation
- human_model_generation
- demos
- imgs_input
- msk
- rgb
- synthetic_multi_view_facial_image_generation
- algorithm
- BFM_Remove_Neck
- imgs
- example/Images
- utils
- cython
- visualize
- Rotate_and_Render
- data
- experiments
- models
- networks
- sync_batchnorm
- options
- trainers
- util
- demos/imgs_input
- utils
- ambiguity_measure
- hyperparameter_tuner
- src
- c_api
- opendr
- control
- mobile_manipulation
- single_demo_grasp
- engine
- perception
- activity_recognition
- continual_transformer_encoder
- cox3d
- algorithm
- datasets
- utils
- x3d
- algorithm
- compressive_learning
- face_recognition
- facial_expression_recognition
- image_based_facial_emotion_estimation
- algorithm
- model
- utils
- landmark_based_facial_expression_recognition
- heart_anomaly_detection
- multimodal_human_centric
- audiovisual_emotion_learner
- object_detection_2d
- centernet
- datasets
- detr
- algorithm
- datasets
- models
- gem
- algorithm
- nanodet
- algorithm
- config
- legacy_v0.x_configs
- EfficientNet_Lite
- RepVGG
- Transformer
- nanodet
- data
- dataset
- transform
- evaluator
- inferencer
- model
- arch
- backbone
- fpn
- head
- assigner
- loss
- module
- weight_averager
- trainer
- util
- ssd
- utils
- yolov3
- yolov5
- object_detection_3d/voxel_object_detection_3d
- second_detector/core/cc/nms
- object_tracking_2d
- datasets
- deep_sort
- algorithm
- fair_mot
- algorithm/lib/models
- networks
- siamrpn
- data_utils
- object_tracking_3d
- ab3dmot
- algorithm
- datasets
- panoptic_segmentation
- efficient_ps
- algorithm
- pose_estimation
- hr_pose_estimation
- lightweight_open_pose
- skeleton_based_action_recognition
- algorithm/models
- speech_recognition
- edgespeechnets
- matchboxnet
- quadraticselfonn
- planning/end_to_end_planning
- envs
- webots
- protos
- worlds
- pretrained_model
- utils
- simulation/human_model_generation
- utilities/PIFu/lib
- utils
- ambiguity_measure
- hyperparameter_tuner
- tests
- sources/tools
- control/mobile_manipulation
- perception
- activity_recognition
- continual_transformer_encoder
- cox3d
- x3d
- facial_expression_recognition
- image_based_facial_emotion_estimation
- landmark_based_facial_expression_recognition
- object_detection_2d
- nanodet
- yolov5
- object_detection_3d/voxel_object_detection_3d
- object_tracking_2d
- fair_mot
- siamrpn
- object_tracking_3d/ab3dmot
- pose_estimation/high_resolution_pose_estimation
- skeleton_based_action_recognition
- costgcn
- pstgcn
- stbln
- stgcn
- tagcn
- planning/end_to_end_planning
- simulation/human_model_generation
- utils
Some content is hidden
Large Commits have some content hidden by default. Use the searchbox below for content that may be hidden.
1,224 files changed
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41 | 47 |
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42 | 49 |
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43 | 51 |
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44 | 52 |
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45 | 54 |
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46 |
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49 |
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50 |
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51 | 59 |
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53 |
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55 |
| - | |
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57 | 65 |
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58 |
| - | |
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59 | 67 |
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60 | 68 |
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61 |
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62 | 70 |
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63 | 71 |
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64 |
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66 |
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67 |
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81 |
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84 |
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86 | 101 |
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90 | 106 |
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102 |
| - | |
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103 | 120 |
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104 | 121 |
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105 | 122 |
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106 | 123 |
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107 |
| - | |
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108 | 125 |
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109 |
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