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Reference project with ROSbot XL docking to the charging station with Nav2


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Reference project with ROSbot XL docking to the charging station with Nav2

Docked ROSbot

🛍️ Necessary Hardware

For the execution of this project you need to have ROSbot XL in the Telepresence Package. For autonomous navigation, you will additionally need a LiDAR device that you can get with our Autonomy Package. It is available for purchase as a complete set at our online store.

Quick start


To simplify the execution of this project, we are utilizing just.

Install it with:

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sudo bash -s -- --to /usr/bin

To see all available commands, run just:

$ just
Available recipes:
    husarnet joincode hostname # [PC/ROSbot] connect to Husarnet VPN network
    sync hostname="${SYNC_HOSTNAME}" password="husarion" # [PC] Copy repo content to remote host with 'rsync' and watch for changes
    flash                      # [ROSbot] flash the proper firmware for STM32 microcontroller in ROSbot XL
    udev                       # [ROSbot] setup udevs for managing OAK-1 USB camera permissions
    rosbot                     # [ROSbot] start containers on a physical ROSbot XL
    rosbot-navless             # [ROSbot] start containers on a physical ROSbot XL (without Nav2)
    rosbot-foxglove            # [ROSbot] start containers on a physical ROSbot XL (with Foxglove)
    rosbot-navless-foxglove    # [ROSbot] start containers on a physical ROSbot XL (wthout Nav2, with Foxglove)
    rviz                       # [PC] start RViz
    teleop                     # [PC] start RQT Image View with keyboard teleop and joy2twist
    dock                       # [PC] dock
    undock                     # [PC] undock
    dds-tunning                # [PC/ROSbot] optimize DDS settings; Use if you experience stability issues.

🌎 Step 1: Connecting ROSbot and Laptop over VPN

Ensure that both ROSbot XL and your laptop are linked to the same Husarnet VPN network. If they are not follow these steps:

  1. Setup a free account at, create a new Husarnet network, click the [Add element] button and copy the code from the Join Code tab.
  2. Run in the linux terminal on your PC:
    cd rosbot-xl-docking/ # remember to run all "just" commands in the repo root folder
    just husarnet $JOINCODE my-laptop
  3. Run in the linux terminal of your ROSbot:
    sudo husarnet join $JOINCODE rosbotxl


note that rosbotxl is a default ROSbot hostname used in this project for syncing code. If you want to change it, edit the .env file and change the line:


📡 Step 2: ROSbot-PC Code Sync

Copy the local changes (on PC) to the remote ROSbot

just sync rosbotxl # If name is not provided, the script will use SYNC_HOSTNAME from previous step.


This just sync script locks the terminal and synchronizes online all changes made locally on the robot. rosbotxl is the name of device set in Husarnet.

🔧 Step 3: User Configuration

To ensure proper user configuration, review the content of the .env file and select the appropriate configuration (the default options should be suitable).

  • LIDAR_BAUDRATE - depends on the LiDAR model currently mounted
  • MECANUM - wheel type
  • SYNC_HOSTNAME - type your ROSbot device name the same as in Husarnet


The value of the SYNC_HOSTNAME parameter in the .env file should be the same as the Husarnet hostname for ROSbot XL.

🤖 Step 4: Docker Setup


  1. Connect to the ROSbot.

    ssh husarion@rosbotxl
    cd rosbot-xl-docking


rosbotxl is the name of device set in Husarnet.

  1. Flashing the ROSbot's Firmware.

To flash the Micro-ROS based firmware for STM32F4 microcontroller responsible for low-level functionalities of ROSbot XL, execute in the ROSbot's shell:

just flash
  1. Setting OAK-1 camera udevs.

To make your camera work with ROS, you have to setup permissions for its USB device:

just udev
  1. Running the ROSbot stack.
just rosbot-navless


To show the camera feed and keyboard teleop console, execute below command on your PC:

just teleop

⚓ Step 5: Docking

The default docking configuration assumes that your ROSbot is turned on while it's docked. Place the robot in the charging position and then restart the stack using just rosbot-navless.

  1. Undocking

To initiate the undocking sequence:

just undock

The robot will slowly drive backwards half a meter away from the docking station. Then you can start driving the ROSbot around.

  1. Docking

In order to dock to the charging station, you will have to roughly align with the station. Then use:

just dock

opennav_docking will detect the ArUco marker and autonomously dock the robot.

🚗 Step 6: Autonomous Return to The Charging Station

If you have the Autonomy Package, you can use just rosbot instead of just rosbot-navless to start the ROSbot stack along with the Nav2 autonomy layer. In this case a LiDAR scanner is needed on board. You can still use just teleop to drive manually even with the autonomous stack.

In order to start driving autonomously, start RViz on your PC:

just rviz

Then you can use the "2D Goal Pose" tool from the top bar to make the ROSbot navigate to any location on the map. Remember to undock first!

At any time, ROSbot can autonomously return to the station and attach back to it from any location in the room. To do that, use just dock like before.

🦊 Step 7: Foxglove

You can run the project with Foxglove as a visualization tool. To do that, on your ROSbot execute:

just rosbot-foxglove
# just rosbot-navless-foxglove

and then go to http://{ROSbot hostname/address}:8080/ui in your web browser.


Reference project with ROSbot XL docking to the charging station with Nav2







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