The latest version of Asciidoctor can transfer asciidoc
to Html
file. While the previous version of Asciidoctor did not support to transfer asciidoc
to html
Transfer asciidoc to html, it should use two tools: asciidoctor and Pandoc.
The plugin depends on the Asciidoctor gem, named[asciidoctor]. You can install the gem using:
$ gem install asciidoctor
- There is a package installer at pandoc’s download page. If you later want to uninstall the package, you can do so by downloading this script and running it with perl
After installation, it can use command in terminal like:
$ asciidoctor rest_examples.asciidoc
By this, it output an html file of rest_examples.html which is uploaded in the same directory.
Firstly, transfer AsciiDoc to Docbook5 file by using following codes.
asciidoctor -b docbook5 rest_examples.asciidoc
It will output an xml file which is a docbook file.
Then use Pandoc to transfer docbook file to markdown file by
pandoc rest_examples.xml -f docbook -t markdown -s -o