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Getting Started

This guide is designed to help you explore and learn about the API.


The easiest way to start learning about the API is to study sample code. This tutorial is designed for people familiar with the Javascript programming concepts. There are already many good Javascript tutorials available on the Web. The REST API is designed to be easily accessible from any programming language – once you understand the basic concepts of the API, you will be able to apply them in most programming languages.


Supporting libraries

To interact with the REST API, a client application needs to construct HTTP requests. For making JSON based API calls and deal with the returned data we are using jQuery javascript library. For more info see jQuery home page.

Context variables

Throughout this guide we are using the following predefined variables and functions to improve the readability of the code:

  • variable baseUrl: holds the base url of the REST service. To get to a specific REST service we’ll append it to the base url, i.e.:
var baseUrl = '';
var queryUrl = baseUrl + '/query';
  • variable ehrId: holds our sample patient’s ehrId.

  • function getSessionId(): is used to obtain a session (ehr session) used for authentication. In most applications this session is injected as part of the application context and would not be directly handled by javascript.

Base HTML page

All examples bellow are displaying the data retrieved from the server in a very simple HTML page. Here is the source of a skeleton page:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/>
    <title>Think!EHR Rest Example</title>
    <script src="//"></script>
    <script src="js/example.js"></script>

<h3 id="header">
    <!-- header will be rendered here -->
<div id="result">
    <!-- result will be rendered here -->

Function getSessionId()

For clarity here’s a basic example of the function:

function getSessionId() {
    var response = $.ajax({
        type: "POST",
        url: baseUrl + "/session?username=" + encodeURIComponent(username) +
                "&password=" + encodeURIComponent(password),
        async: false
    return response.responseJSON.sessionId;

Note: Refer to Recommendations and Best Practices in Managing HTTP-Based Client Sessions. There are better implementations of session handling function, but this is not the focus of this guide.

The "Hello World" example

Let’s use REST API to fetch some data! The following example shows how to get information about body temperatures measured for a sample patient with a predefined ehrId.

In this example, the following API call is used:

  • GET /view/{ehrId}/body_temperature: returns body temperatures measured for the specified EHR (see details).
    url: baseUrl + "/view/" + ehrId + "/body_temperature",
    type: 'GET',
    headers: {
        "Ehr-Session": sessionId
    success: function (res) {
        $("#header").append("Body Temperatures");
        for (var i in res) {
            $("#result").append(res[i].time + ': ' + res[i].temperature  + res[i].unit + "<br>");

Which returns the following result:

Body Temperatures

2014-03-05T04:01:37.000Z: 37°C
2014-02-14T00:57:00.000Z: 37.4°C
2014-02-07T20:44:28.000Z: 37.1°C
2014-01-23T01:26:05.000Z: 39.7°C
2014-01-11T16:48:31.000Z: 37°C

In addition to retrieving the last set of measured temperatures, it’s also possible to filter results by date. The API description for the body_temperature view lists a parameter from which requires an ISO formatted date (and possibly time) as input. For ISO date and time formats see ISO8601.

Here’s an example with filtering:

    url: baseUrl + "/view/" + ehrId + "/body_temperature",
    type: 'GET',
    data: {
        from: '2014-3-1'
    headers: {
        "Ehr-Session": sessionId
    success: function (res) {
        $("#header").append("Body Temperatures");
        for (var i in res) {
            $("#result").append(res[i].time + ': ' + res[i].temperature + res[i].unit + "<br>");

which, as expected, returns the following result:

Body Temperatures

2014-03-05T04:01:37.000Z: 37°C

Display a patient’s name along with measurement data

The purpose of this example is to introduce the usage of a demographic API to also print patient name along with the result of weight measurements.

The following API calls are used:

  • GET /demographics/ehr/{ehrId}/party: retrieves patient’s demographic data (see details).

  • GET /view/{ehrId}/weight: returns weight measurements for the specified EHR (see details).

    url: baseUrl + "/demographics/ehr/" + ehrId + "/party",
    type: 'GET',
    headers: {
        "Ehr-Session": sessionId
    success: function (data) {
        var party =;
        $("#header").append("Weight measurements for " + party.firstNames + ' ' +
    url: baseUrl + "/view/" + ehrId + "/weight",
    type: 'GET',
    headers: {
        "Ehr-Session": sessionId
    success: function (res) {
        for (var i in res) {
            $("#result").append(res[i].time + ': ' + res[i].weight + res[i].unit + "<br>");

which returns the following result:

Weight measurements for Desiree Hanson

2014-03-09T19:25:20.000Z: 66.7kg
2014-02-27T00:49:07.000Z: 66.7kg
2014-02-07T00:29:51.000Z: 65.3kg
2014-02-03T14:03:21.000Z: 66.7kg
2014-02-01T15:00:40.000Z: 68kg
2014-01-02T17:48:55.000Z: 66.8kg

Create a new patient

The purpose of this example is to show how to create a new patient via demographics API and create his or her EHR.

The following API calls are used:

  • POST /ehr: creates a new EHR (see details).

  • POST /demographics/party: creates a new party in the demographics server and stores an ehrId (see details).

    headers: {
        "Ehr-Session": sessionId
    url: baseUrl + "/ehr",
    type: 'POST',
    success: function (data) {
        var ehrId = data.ehrId;
        $("#header").html("EHR: " + ehrId);

        // build party data
        var partyData = {
            firstNames: "Mary",
            lastNames: "Wilkinson",
            dateOfBirth: "1982-7-18T19:30",
            partyAdditionalInfo: [
                    key: "ehrId",
                    value: ehrId
            url: baseUrl + "/demographics/party",
            type: 'POST',
            contentType: 'application/json',
            data: JSON.stringify(partyData),
            success: function (party) {
                if (party.action == 'CREATE') {
                    $("#result").html("Created: " + party.meta.href);

which returns the following result:

EHR: 8521e620-d38e-4fd6-9071-f785c2ece9b3


Search for a patient by name

The purpose of this example is to show how to find a patient by name.

The following API call is used:

  • POST /demographics/party/query: searches for a party using the party’s name (see details).
    headers: {
        "Ehr-Session": sessionId
var searchData = [
    {key: "firstNames", value: "Mary"},
    {key: "lastNames", value: "Wilkinson"}
    url: baseUrl + "/demographics/party/query",
    type: 'POST',
    contentType: 'application/json',
    data: JSON.stringify(searchData),
    success: function (res) {
        $("#header").html("Search for Mary Wilkinson");
        for (i in res.parties) {
            var party = res.parties[i];
            var ehrId;
            for (j in party.partyAdditionalInfo) {
                if (party.partyAdditionalInfo[j].key === 'ehrId') {
                    ehrId = party.partyAdditionalInfo[j].value;
            $("#result").append(party.firstNames + ' ' + party.lastNames +
                ' (ehrId = ' + ehrId + ')<br>');

which returns the following result:

Search for Mary Wilkinson

Mary Wilkinson (ehrId = 8521e620-d38e-4fd6-9071-f785c2ece9b3)

Search for a patient by ehrId

The purpose of this example is to show how to find a patient by his or her EHR ID.

The following API call is used:

  • POST /demographics/party/query: searches for a party using a patient’s ehrId (see details).
    headers: {
        "Ehr-Session": sessionId
var searchData = [
    {key: "ehrId", value: "8521e620-d38e-4fd6-9071-f785c2ece9b3"}
    url: baseUrl + "/demographics/party/query",
    type: 'POST',
    contentType: 'application/json',
    data: JSON.stringify(searchData),
    success: function (res) {
        $("#header").html("Search by ehrId 8521e620-d38e-4fd6-9071-f785c2ece9b3");
        for (i in res.parties) {
            var party = res.parties[i];
            $("#result").append(party.firstNames + ' ' + party.lastNames + '<br>');

which returns the following result:

Search by ehrId 8521e620-d38e-4fd6-9071-f785c2ece9b3

Mary Wilkinson

Save a new set of measurements of a patient’s body temperature, blood pressure, height and weight

The purpose of this example is to show how to store a new set of measurements.

The following API call is used:

  • POST /composition: stores a new composition (document) with measurements (see details)
    headers: {
        "Ehr-Session": sessionId
var compositionData = {
    "ctx/time": "2014-3-19T13:10Z",
    "ctx/language": "en",
    "ctx/territory": "CA",
    "vital_signs/body_temperature/any_event/temperature|magnitude": 37.1,
    "vital_signs/body_temperature/any_event/temperature|unit": "°C",
    "vital_signs/blood_pressure/any_event/systolic": 120,
    "vital_signs/blood_pressure/any_event/diastolic": 90,
    "vital_signs/height_length/any_event/body_height_length": 171,
    "vital_signs/body_weight/any_event/body_weight": 57.2
var queryParams = {
    "ehrId": ehrId,
    templateId: 'Vital Signs',
    format: 'FLAT',
    committer: 'Belinda Nurse'
    url: baseUrl + "/composition?" + $.param(queryParams),
    type: 'POST',
    contentType: 'application/json',
    data: JSON.stringify(compositionData),
    success: function (res) {
        $("#header").html("Store composition");

which returns the following result:

Store composition

Let’s retrieve one of these measurements by using the view call GET /view/{ehrId}/blood_pressure:

    headers: {
        "Ehr-Session": sessionId
    url: baseUrl + "/view/" + ehrId + "/blood_pressure",
    type: 'GET',
    success: function (res) {
        $("#header").html("Blood pressures");
        for (var i in res) {
            $("#result").append(res[i].time + ': ' + res[i].systolic + '/' + res[i].diastolic + res[i].unit + "<br>");

which returns the following result:

Blood pressures

2014-03-19T13:10:00.000Z: 120/90mm[Hg]

Query data using AQL

The purpose of this example is to show how to use a very simple AQL for querying.

The following API call is used:

    headers: {
        "Ehr-Session": sessionId
var aql = "SELECT c/uid/value as uid, " +
    "c/context/start_time as time, " +
    "c/name/value as name " +
    "FROM EHR[ehr_id/value = '" + ehrId + "'] CONTAINS COMPOSITION c " +
    "ORDER BY c/context/start_time DESC";
    url: baseUrl + "/query?" + $.param({"aql": aql}),
    type: 'GET',
    success: function (res) {
        var rows = res.resultSet;
        for (var i in rows) {
            $("#result").append(rows[i].uid + ': ' + rows[i].name + ' (on ' +
                                rows[i].time.value + ")<br>");

which returns the following result:

Compositions Vital Signs (on 2014-03-09T20:25:20.000+01:00) Vital Signs (on 2014-03-07T18:31:54.000+01:00) Medications (on 2014-02-09T01:08:27.000+01:00)

Clinical decision support

The purpose of this example is to show how to execute a simple guide using the CDS API.

The following API call is used:

  • GET /guide/execute/{guideId}/{ehrIds}: executes CDS guide (see details)
function bmi() {
    return $.ajax({
        url: cdsUrl + "/guide/execute/BMI.Calculation.v.1/" + ehrId,
        type: 'GET',
        headers: {
            "Ehr-Session": sessionId
        success: function (data) {
            if (data instanceof Array) {
                if (data[0].hasOwnProperty('results')) {
                    data[0].results.forEach(function (v, k) {
                        if (v.archetypeId === 'openEHR-EHR-OBSERVATION.body_mass_index.v1') {
                            var rounded = Math.round(v.value.magnitude * 100.0) / 100.0;
                            $("#result").append('BMI: ' + rounded);

function login() {
    return $.ajax({
        type: "POST",
        url: baseUrl + "/session?" + $.param({username: username, password: password}),
        success: function (res) {
            sessionId = res.sessionId;

function logout() {
    return $.ajax({
        type: "DELETE",
        url: baseUrl + "/session",
        headers: {
            "Ehr-Session": sessionId

login().done(function() {

which returns the following result:

BMI: 26.08