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authentication linkedin

harmenjanssen edited this page Dec 31, 2014 · 1 revision

LinkedIn authentication

Note: when configuring your LinkedIn app take extra care to ensure the callback URLs are correct, they are sticklers for that.


Garp's LinkedIn adapter uses the linkedinapi/linkedin composer package. Install via

composer require linkedinapi/linkedin

Make sure to add composer's autoload functions by adding the following to index.php:



LinkedIn adapter classname suffix, should always be 'LinkedIn':

auth.adapters.linkedin.class = "Linkedin"

LinkedIn app credentials:

auth.adapters.linkedin.consumerKey = "75c4netmgy3kkn"
auth.adapters.linkedin.consumerSecret = "4Ty7XsNz59zPZsTB"

Mapping LinkedIn columns to database columns. Note that in the example below formattedName is the name on the LinkedIn side of things, whereas name is in our own local database.

auth.adapters.linkedin.mapping[formattedName] = "name"
auth.adapters.linkedin.mapping[emailAddress] = "email"
auth.adapters.linkedin.mapping[pictureUrl] = "imageUrl"
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