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2023 PSC Meeting Reports

François Prunayre edited this page Dec 11, 2023 · 4 revisions

Date: 7-12-2023



  • Jeroen, Florent, Jose, Francois


  • Report on GeoNetwork User meeting Brussels
  • Roadmap for GN / GN-UI / microservices.
  • DCAT support
  • PR / Some users would appreciate indication of origin of funding (like QGIS do which also highlight this in changelog)
  • we should respond to osgeo budget 2024 request
  • Identify sponsorship opportunities for the project in 2024


User meeting

  • Utilized Slido for conducting polls.
  • We didn't present any updates or developments from this year; the time was too limited.
  • Our focus was on gathering user feedback regarding their needs, potential contributions, and funding aspects.
  • There was a strong interest in supporting DCAT (Data Catalog Vocabulary).
  • Users expressed the need for regular meetings, suggesting biannual gatherings, both online and through in-person workshops.
  • Feedback from FGN emphasized the need for greater transparency in operations and suggested that community-driven rather than company-led organization would be preferable.

Discussion on Geonetwork-ui

  • Clarification needed on the project's scope: Is it intended to replace the current system or just serve as a new user interface?
  • The dependency on geOrchestra.
  • Concerns raised about whether 'Geonetwork-ui' is an appropriate name.
  • Consideration of embedding it in the installer.
  • Initially intended to replace the current UI, but later shifted towards simplification.
  • If replacing GeoNetwork isn't the goal (for instance, it might remain a light skin of GeoNetwork as suggested by Jeroen), this should be clearly stated.
  • Presence of two separate development teams.
  • The need to formalize and clarify the project's objectives.
  • Discussion on the next UI for the official GeoNetwork:
    • The necessity to move away from AngularJS and initiate a discussion on this transition.

DCAT support

  • Improve ISO metadata record eport to various DCAT flavors
    • GeoNetwork provide export to DCAT based on various work made since 2012.
    • Goal: Improve export to DCAT formats (convert ISO-19115-3 to DCAT, DCAT-AP, GeoDCAT-AP, mobility DCAT, DCAT HVD).
    • Identify validation tools for the output
    • ISO stays the basis
    • Sponsors: BRGM, Wallonia(ongoing work)
  • DCAT editing in GeoNetwork
    • Use an agnostic model of DCAT in XML (kind of pivot format), with a XSD, and XSLT mappers to/from real DCAT plugins. It is close to what has been propose for the simple metadata edition.
    • Interested parties: Geocat BV


  • Add sponsor in PR title
  • Maybe try the Github project, or think about it. Does it have a value for the core devs.
  • Use the discussion board instead of the mailing list ?

OSgeo budget

  • 1K (improve a code sprints, pay for something specific)
  • Possibility to ask for more money (GeoTools request 15K and got 10K)
  • Next OSGeo board in a week or 2.

Sponsoring other projects

  • Eg. MKdocs


  • Check pages for correct reflection of the PSC members (Jeroen)
  • Define Camptocamp perspective about the geonetwork-ui (Florent)
  • PR template / Add “Funded by “
  • Think of ideas to claim for OSGeo budget

Date: 26-10-2023



  • Jose
  • François
  • Olivia


  • Release of 4.2.7 / 4.4.1 - 22 of November: changes allowed until 15 November 


  • Docker published today for version 4.4.0 
  • Review Docker install instructions for 4.2.x / 4.4.x as seem hard to follow..
    • ToDo - Discuss with Jody / Juan
  • Roadmap for GN / GN-UI / microservices.
  • Check for each release to update the versions of the main libraries (minor versions).


  • Document current DCAT support.
  • Prepare a document with a proposal for branch maintenance and list features expected in new versions. 
  • Check with Jody about the workflow to make automatic backports PR.
  • Check with Juan about the redirects for the manual in the application help links.
  • Update doc manual url in the OnlineHelpDirective for 4.2.x and 4.4.x.

Date: 28-09-2023



  • Jose
  • François
  • Juan Luis
  • Jo
  • Jeroen (chair)




  • Merge important PRs for next releases
  • Release 4.4.0 / 4.2.6 / 3.12.11 on Wednesday 4 october
  • Publish MkDocs on 
  • Document current DCAT support
  • Make a PSC voting for 3.12.x end-of-life (end of March 2024) 

Actions from previous meeting

Date: 23-08-2023

Location : Bolsena


  • Jose
  • François
  • Florent
  • Juan
  • Michel
  • Olivia
  • Sébastien


Actions from previous meeting

  • Merge important PRs for next releases
  • Release 4.4.0 and 4.2.6 in September with the same set of features
  • Organize a talk about data ingestion/api stuff
  • Organize a PSC meeting about gn-ui strategy and governance
  • Add documentation in helm-charts repo (and add geonetwork)

Date: 06-07-2023



  • François Prunayre
  • Florent Gravin
  • Jose Garcia
  • Jeroen Ticheler


Actions from previous meeting


  • October 3 : GeoNetwork user meeting in Swisstopo
    • Provide a list of people to invite to Michel by Wednesday next week
    • Draft agenda next week
    • Suggestion to organize a poll in September
  • Issue on clean install if initial records imported creates a wrong index schema (eg. a metadata having a date in a text field may create an index field typed as date if not declared in index structure) ? 
  • Branches
    • After release 4.2.5, add 4.2.x for minor release
    • And use main branch for Java 11 and Spring 5

Date: 25-05-2023



  • François Prunayre
  • Florent Gravin
  • Jo Cook
  • Jose Garcia


  1. Review pull requests and issues to identify different cases.
  2. Discuss branch management.
  3. Metadata101

Actions from previous meeting

Notes from the 25-05-2023 meeting

  • Florent requested to clarify the release process.
  • Discussed approaches to manage GeoNetwork versions by the different companies.
  • Discussed Java 11 upgrade challenges and proposed to work in Bolsena codesprint.
  • Discussed about what requires a proposal or not. 
    • Not for small features or bug fixes.
    • New features or visual changes.
    • Benefits:
      • Facilitate discussion between developers.
      • Help to look for funding.
  • Discussed how to manage the documentation:
    • Florent suggested putting documentation in the code repository.
    • Ask Jody Garnettabout how GeoServer manages the documentation.
  • Most schemas in metadata101 are not maintained.
    • How to highlight which are not maintained? 
  • Behavior in communication channels:
    • Make smoother communication.
  • Check if there is a budget for pull request review to improve the number of reviews / quality.
  • OGC GeoDCAT group:
    • Florent indicates to be more active for proposals, like facets.

Date: 04-05-2023



  • François Prunayre
  • Florent Gravin
  • Jeroen Ticheler
  • Jose

Actions from Previous meetings

  • Florent to contact Francois to see if he is attending the Lausanne Codesprint
  • Organize a call about opendata visions (maybe at LSN codesprint)
  • Rearrange date of April PSC meeting so it doesn't clash with Lausanne codesprint - Moved to 4 May 2023


  1. Decide on note taker for this meeting
  2. Workshop(s) and Presentations FOSS4G
  3. Code Sprint Lausanne
  4. GeoNetwork developments
    1. Should we enable "Private vulnerabilities reporting" similar to the GeoServer project? (facilitates the request of CVE numbers etc...)
  5. Release Planning / 
  6. OSGeo Budget 2023


Notes from the 04-05-2023 meeting

Date: 30-03-2023



  • Jeroen Ticheler
  • Jo Cook
  • Simon Pigot
  • Florent Gravin

Actions from previous meeting

  • Send an email to Jesse and Emanuele to ask them if they want to stay in the PSC or not (Jeroen)
    • Jesse confirmed removal
    • Emanuele confirmed removal
  • Send proposal to FOSS4G before the 28th of Feb 2023 (Florent, Paul, Jeroen)
  • Clarify who is coming to the code sprint, people, remote or indoor
    • Michel Gabriel, Jose Garcia, Jeroen Ticheler in person
    • Jody Garnett remote
  • Organize a workshop to better support DCAT and open data eco system (who?)


  1. Decide on note taker for this meeting
  2. Review PSC membership
  3. Workshop(s) and Presentations FOSS4G
  4. Code Sprint Lausanne
  5. GeoNetwork developments
    1. How to maintain a stable release and where to do developments?
  6. Release Planning / 
  7. OSGeo Budget 2023


  • Florent to contact Francois to see if he is attending the Lausanne Codesprint
  • Organize a call about opendata visions (maybe at LSN codesprint)
  • Rearrange date of April PSC meeting so it doesn't clash with Lausanne codesprint

Notes from the 30-03-2023 meeting

  • Jo taking notes
  • Jeroen emailed Jesse and Emanuele, they are both happy to stand down from the PSC
  • No other changes to PSC membership
  • FOSS4G proposals (State of GeoNetwork, approach for new editor) submitted by Florent but no feedback yet
  • No Geonetwork workshop though
  • Michel and Jose from Geocat attending Lausanne Codesprint in person, Jody online
    • Michel and Jose interested in geonetwork-ui, ogc-api
  • Jo and Elena from Astun hoping to participate remotely in the first two days
    • Possibly able to work on documentation, if not other things
  • Florent, Olivia and Sebastien from CamptoCamp
  • Bolsena will be happening from August 20th for 2 weeks
  • CamptoCamp starting on data platform project, looking at a data API (picking up on work started at Bolsena some years ago)
  • Geonetwork 4 now able to export entire catalog as DCAT
  • No progress on OSGeo budget

Date: 23-02-2023



  • Jeroen Ticheler
  • François Prunayre
  • Florent Gravin (takes notes)
  • Jo Cook
  • Jose Garcia
  • Paul Genuchten



  • Send an email to Jesse and Emanuele to ask them if they want to stay in the PSC or not (Jeroen)
    • Jesse confirmed removal
  • Send proposal to FOSS4G before the 28th of Feb 2023 (Florent, Paul, Jeroen)
  • Clarify who is coming to the code sprint, people, remote or indoor
  • Organize a workshop to better support DCAT and open data eco system (who?)



Who is going ?

  • Paul
  • Florent
  • Jeroen
  • Francois ? What presentation ?
  • Alternative editor proposal (Florent)
  • State of GeoNetwork (Florent, Jeroen)
  • Keep the tradition of leading a workshop (Paul, Jeroen)

OGC OSGEO AFS Codesprint 25-27 april

Could be a intermediate code sprint Who is going ?

  • Florent, Olivia, Christophe, Sebastien
  • GeoCat BV ?
  • Francois ?
  • Jo 2 days remote ?
  • Paul/Luis remote Topic
  • Florent OGC API Record:
    • plug geonetwork-ui to an OGC API records backend and have abstraction on the backend.
    • OGC API record browser
    • MeDAL (Metadata Abstraction Library)
  • Francois: testing ongoing already
  • Jo: low entry level documentation (geonetwork-ui or other things)
  • Setup MkDocs
  • Open data

GeoNetwork development

GeoCat BV

  • Migrating Enterprise version to version 4.2 and wishes to have a very stable version.
  • Want to create a 4.2.x branch to be stable and have a main branch for devs.
  • Freeze 4.2.x to security fixes and small devs.
  • Release GN 4.2.3 in a couple of weeks
  • Make a tag of OGC API Records 4.2.3 too
  • New feature: filter out some fields depending on the user privileges


  • Minor changes, some issues


  • Stabilizing on 4.2
  • Trying to port back some code about the shared object.
  • Data API (for dataviz purpose in the record view)
  • Trying to improve open data interoperability (simple harvester and XSL)
  • Lot’s of stuff in geonetwork-ui (editor, backoffice, dataviz)
  • New GeoNetwork dev Sebastien Riollet


  • Moving to GN 4.2 and learning how to apply old customisation.
  • New colleague working with GeoNetwork (low level documentation).


  • Make GeoNetwork not only geo ?
  • Embrace the open data world ?


  • AngularJS not supported, an issue ?
  • GeoCat has several ideas (UI for the European project).
  • Tries to find funding at the EU level
  • Jo/Astun gives very good feedback on the datahub and start deploying it


  • Michel has done a POC with Mkdocs

OSGEO 2023 Budget

  • Jeroen requested 1K
  • Will ask more for Bolsena 20th August (for 2 weeks)
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