This tool was developed for analysing stool/microbiome sample where microbes and AMR might be found.
The following Conda channels are required:
conda config --add channels defaults
conda config --add channels bioconda
conda config --add channels conda-forge
Mamba can be installed with:
conda install -c conda-forge mamba
For a fast install of cgemetagenomics, use mamba:
mamba install -c genomicepidemiology cgemetagenomics
Download the cge_db database:
tar -xvzf cge_db.tar.gz
sudo mkdir -m 777 /var/lib/cge
sudo mkdir -m 777 /var/lib/cge/database
mv cge_db /var/lib/cge/database/cge_db
Standard Usage:
cgemetagenomics -i <input_file> -o <output_file>
If your cge_db is not stored in /opt/cge/cge_db:
cgemetagenomics -i <input_file> -o <output_file> -db_dir <path_to_cge_db>
Help Message:
cgemetagenomics -h