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Website Archiving

Simon Worthington edited this page Dec 31, 2021 · 2 revisions

Here you will find a list of website reviews for FORCE11 Website Archiving.

  • Website Review 4: web-archive #arch-rev4 - Dec 21

Website Review 4: web-archive

Public project

Start date: 28 Dec 21

Assigned to: Simon Worthington

Web committee contact: Simon Worthington [email protected]

Conference: Not applicable

Conference: Web project plan TBC

Contact details:

How the website review works

The reviews are small work packages that are coordinated mainly using GitHub issues and Slack. The coordinator will work with the Web Committee.

  1. Review coordinator appointed
  2. A limited number of goals are set
  3. Deadline date set
  4. Task assigned and resolved


  1. Archive Drupal site to
  2. Archive data copied to 3 locations and encrypted, later deposit with FORCE11
  3. Write documentation for this archive work package, including quality assurance steps
  4. Add archive URL to live site for backlink issues on content

Deadline date

5 Jan 2022

