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Digital Strategy Exec Summary

Simon Worthington edited this page Jan 3, 2022 · 3 revisions

Digital Strategy - driven by goals and evaluation

2021 Website Committee - See full documentation here - Force11 – Digital Strategy v1.0 Jan 2020 SW

Change way of working to support regular updates (goals)

FORCE11 Digital Strategy and user personas. Key points:

  • Monitor against SEO and operations goals: conference; summer school; working groups; and editorial
  • Introduce DevOps and Agile methods so site can be incrementally updated by FORCE11 organisation
  • Reduce costs
  • Enable back office and community workflows
  • Turnaround digital presence from survive to thrive: Technical overhead of Drupal has prevented wider development input from organisation and community
  • Ease of use: posting, adding new designs for campaigns
  • Increase revenues: profile with funders, conference, member donations, and merchandise
  • Enable membership/ CRM management: community development
  • Enable GitHub/Lab community use
  • Security: moderate user signup; spam control; disaster recovery in place and tested

Site personas (evaluation)

Note: How personas are used in UX

  • Early Career Researchers (ECR)
  • Global south scholars
  • Open science community
  • Community decision makers
  • Open infrastructure builders
  • Funders
  • Humanities and STEM scholars
  • Scholarly publishers

Design principles / Objectives

  • Automation of services to reduce technical bottleneck and cost on maintenance: So purchase plugins where possible
  • Easy maintenance, development and content structure by FORCE11 organisation volunteers
  • Implement DevOps and Agile development environment
  • Picture sources so article artwork doesn’t look like image bank
  • Integrate external services: see list below
  • Have all external content appear (copied, embedded) or be linked to site
  • Must bring across URL aliases (this affects WP configs)
  • Revenue: Members donations and merchandise products