All URIs are relative to
Method | HTTP request | Description |
ProductsGet | GET /products | Get list all products. |
ProductsIdDelete | DELETE /products/{id} | Delete products. |
ProductsIdGet | GET /products/{id} | Get products. |
ProductsIdPut | PUT /products/{id} | Update products. |
ProductsPost | POST /products | Create products. |
ProductResponse ProductsGet (int currentPage, int pageSize, string authorization, string sortBy = null, string filter = null)
Get list all products.
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Flowaccount.OpenAPITools.Api;
using Flowaccount.OpenAPITools.Client;
using Flowaccount.OpenAPITools.Model;
namespace Example
public class ProductsGetExample
public static void Main()
Configuration.Default.BasePath = "";
var apiInstance = new ProductsApi(Configuration.Default);
var currentPage = 56; // int | Query current page products item. <br>Example Pattern: <ex>/products?currentPage=1 </ex><ex>/products?currentPage=1&pageSize=20</ex>
var pageSize = 56; // int | Query products list amount per page. <br>Example Pattern: <ex> /products?pageSize=20 </ex>
var authorization = authorization_example; // string | (default to "Bearer accessToken")
var sortBy = sortBy_example; // string | Query products list amount per page. <br>Example Pattern: <ex> /products?sortBy=[{'name':'productcode','sortOrder':'asc'}]</ex> (optional)
var filter = filter_example; // string | Query products list amount per page. <br>Example Pattern: <ex> /products?filter=[{'columnName':'categoryId','columnValue':'517727','columnPredicateOperator':'And'}]</ex> (optional)
// Get list all products.
ProductResponse result = apiInstance.ProductsGet(currentPage, pageSize, authorization, sortBy, filter);
catch (ApiException e)
Debug.Print("Exception when calling ProductsApi.ProductsGet: " + e.Message );
Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
currentPage | int | Query current page products item. <br>Example Pattern: <ex>/products?currentPage=1 </ex><ex>/products?currentPage=1&pageSize=20</ex> | |
pageSize | int | Query products list amount per page. <br>Example Pattern: <ex> /products?pageSize=20 </ex> | |
authorization | string | [default to "Bearer accessToken"] | |
sortBy | string | Query products list amount per page. <br>Example Pattern: <ex> /products?sortBy=[{'name':'productcode','sortOrder':'asc'}]</ex> | [optional] |
filter | string | Query products list amount per page. <br>Example Pattern: <ex> /products?filter=[{'columnName':'categoryId','columnValue':'517727','columnPredicateOperator':'And'}]</ex> | [optional] |
No authorization required
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
Status code | Description | Response headers |
200 | 200 response | - |
401 | 401 response | - |
500 | 500 response | - |
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DeleteResponse ProductsIdDelete (string authorization, string id)
Delete products.
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Flowaccount.OpenAPITools.Api;
using Flowaccount.OpenAPITools.Client;
using Flowaccount.OpenAPITools.Model;
namespace Example
public class ProductsIdDeleteExample
public static void Main()
Configuration.Default.BasePath = "";
var apiInstance = new ProductsApi(Configuration.Default);
var authorization = authorization_example; // string | (default to "Bearer accessToken")
var id = id_example; // string | เลข Id Contact
// Delete products.
DeleteResponse result = apiInstance.ProductsIdDelete(authorization, id);
catch (ApiException e)
Debug.Print("Exception when calling ProductsApi.ProductsIdDelete: " + e.Message );
Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
authorization | string | [default to "Bearer accessToken"] | |
id | string | เลข Id Contact |
No authorization required
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
Status code | Description | Response headers |
200 | 200 response | - |
401 | 401 response | - |
500 | 500 response | - |
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ProductResponse ProductsIdGet (string authorization, string id)
Get products.
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Flowaccount.OpenAPITools.Api;
using Flowaccount.OpenAPITools.Client;
using Flowaccount.OpenAPITools.Model;
namespace Example
public class ProductsIdGetExample
public static void Main()
Configuration.Default.BasePath = "";
var apiInstance = new ProductsApi(Configuration.Default);
var authorization = authorization_example; // string | เลข Id Product (default to "Bearer accessToken")
var id = id_example; // string |
// Get products.
ProductResponse result = apiInstance.ProductsIdGet(authorization, id);
catch (ApiException e)
Debug.Print("Exception when calling ProductsApi.ProductsIdGet: " + e.Message );
Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
authorization | string | เลข Id Product | [default to "Bearer accessToken"] |
id | string |
No authorization required
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
Status code | Description | Response headers |
200 | 200 response | - |
401 | 401 response | - |
500 | 500 response | - |
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ProductResponse ProductsIdPut (string authorization, string id)
Update products.
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Flowaccount.OpenAPITools.Api;
using Flowaccount.OpenAPITools.Client;
using Flowaccount.OpenAPITools.Model;
namespace Example
public class ProductsIdPutExample
public static void Main()
Configuration.Default.BasePath = "";
var apiInstance = new ProductsApi(Configuration.Default);
var authorization = authorization_example; // string | เลข Id Product (default to "Bearer accessToken")
var id = id_example; // string |
// Update products.
ProductResponse result = apiInstance.ProductsIdPut(authorization, id);
catch (ApiException e)
Debug.Print("Exception when calling ProductsApi.ProductsIdPut: " + e.Message );
Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
authorization | string | เลข Id Product | [default to "Bearer accessToken"] |
id | string |
No authorization required
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
Status code | Description | Response headers |
200 | 200 response | - |
401 | 401 response | - |
500 | 500 response | - |
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ProductResponse ProductsPost (string authorization, Product product)
Create products.
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Flowaccount.OpenAPITools.Api;
using Flowaccount.OpenAPITools.Client;
using Flowaccount.OpenAPITools.Model;
namespace Example
public class ProductsPostExample
public static void Main()
Configuration.Default.BasePath = "";
var apiInstance = new ProductsApi(Configuration.Default);
var authorization = authorization_example; // string | (default to "Bearer accessToken")
var product = new Product(); // Product |
// Create products.
ProductResponse result = apiInstance.ProductsPost(authorization, product);
catch (ApiException e)
Debug.Print("Exception when calling ProductsApi.ProductsPost: " + e.Message );
Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
authorization | string | [default to "Bearer accessToken"] | |
product | Product |
No authorization required
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
Status code | Description | Response headers |
200 | 200 response | - |
401 | 401 response | - |
500 | 500 response | - |
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