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281 lines (241 loc) · 23.4 KB

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281 lines (241 loc) · 23.4 KB

Flowaccount.OpenAPITools - the C# library for the FlowAccount Open API โปรแกรมบัญชีออนไลน์ใช้งานง่าย สำหรับธุรกิจที่พึ่งเริ่มต้น # Introduction Servers Production site: api url: Beta test site: api url:

This C# SDK is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:

  • API version: 2-oas3
  • SDK version: 1.0.0
  • Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.CSharpClientCodegen For more information, please visit

Frameworks supported

  • .NET 4.0 or later
  • Windows Phone 7.1 (Mango)


The DLLs included in the package may not be the latest version. We recommend using NuGet to obtain the latest version of the packages:

Install-Package RestSharp
Install-Package Newtonsoft.Json
Install-Package JsonSubTypes

NOTE: RestSharp versions greater than 105.1.0 have a bug which causes file uploads to fail. See RestSharp#742


Run the following command to generate the DLL

  • [Mac/Linux] /bin/sh
  • [Windows] build.bat

Then include the DLL (under the bin folder) in the C# project, and use the namespaces:

using Flowaccount.OpenAPITools.Api;
using Flowaccount.OpenAPITools.Client;
using Flowaccount.OpenAPITools.Model;


A .nuspec is included with the project. You can follow the Nuget quickstart to create and publish packages.

This .nuspec uses placeholders from the .csproj, so build the .csproj directly:

nuget pack -Build -OutputDirectory out Flowaccount.OpenAPITools.csproj

Then, publish to a local feed or other host and consume the new package via Nuget as usual.

Getting Started

using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Flowaccount.OpenAPITools.Api;
using Flowaccount.OpenAPITools.Client;
using Flowaccount.OpenAPITools.Model;

namespace Example
    public class Example
        public static void Main()

            Configuration.Default.BasePath = "";
            var apiInstance = new AuthenticationApi(Configuration.Default);
            var contentType = contentType_example;  // string |  (default to "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
            var grantType = grantType_example;  // string |  (optional) 
            var scope = scope_example;  // string |  (optional) 
            var clientId = clientId_example;  // string |  (optional) 
            var clientSecret = clientSecret_example;  // string |  (optional) 

                // Generate Access Token
                AuthenResponse result = apiInstance.TokenPost(contentType, grantType, scope, clientId, clientSecret);
            catch (ApiException e)
                Debug.Print("Exception when calling AuthenticationApi.TokenPost: " + e.Message );
                Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);


Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to

Class Method HTTP request Description
AuthenticationApi TokenPost POST /token Generate Access Token
BillingNotesApi BillingNotesEmailDocumentPost POST /billing-notes/email-document Send email billing notes document.
BillingNotesApi BillingNotesGet GET /billing-notes Get list all billing notes documents.
BillingNotesApi BillingNotesIdAttachmentPost POST /billing-notes/{id}/attachment Add Attachment to billing notes document.
BillingNotesApi BillingNotesIdDelete DELETE /billing-notes/{id} Get billing notes document.
BillingNotesApi BillingNotesIdGet GET /billing-notes/{id} Get billing notes document.
BillingNotesApi BillingNotesIdStatusKeyStatusIdPost POST /billing-notes/{id}/status-key/{statusId} Change status of billing notes document.
BillingNotesApi BillingNotesInlinePost POST /billing-notes/inline Create billing notes document with discount and tax inline.
BillingNotesApi BillingNotesPost POST /billing-notes Create billing notes document.
BillingNotesApi BillingNotesSharedocumentPost POST /billing-notes/sharedocument Share link billing notes document.
CashInvoiceApi CashInvoicesEmailDocumentPost POST /cash-invoices/email-document Send email cash invoices document.
CashInvoiceApi CashInvoicesGet GET /cash-invoices Get list all cash invoices documents
CashInvoiceApi CashInvoicesIdAttachmentPost POST /cash-invoices/{id}/attachment Add Attachment to cash invoices document.
CashInvoiceApi CashInvoicesIdDelete DELETE /cash-invoices/{id} Get cash invoices document.
CashInvoiceApi CashInvoicesIdGet GET /cash-invoices/{id} Get cash invoices document.
CashInvoiceApi CashInvoicesIdPaymentPost POST /cash-invoices/{id}/payment Change paid status of cash invoices document.
CashInvoiceApi CashInvoicesIdStatusKeyStatusIdPost POST /cash-invoices/{id}/status-key/{statusId} Change status of cash invoices document.
CashInvoiceApi CashInvoicesInlinePost POST /cash-invoices/inline Create cash invoices document with discount and tax inline.
CashInvoiceApi CashInvoicesPost POST /cash-invoices Create cash invoices document.
CashInvoiceApi CashInvoicesSharedocumentPost POST /cash-invoices/sharedocument Share link cash invoices document.
ContactsApi ContactsGet GET /contacts Get list all contacts.
ContactsApi ContactsIdDelete DELETE /contacts/{id} Delete contacts.
ContactsApi ContactsIdGet GET /contacts/{id} Get contacts.
ContactsApi ContactsIdPut PUT /contacts/{id} Update contacts.
ContactsApi ContactsPost POST /contacts Create contacts
ExpensesApi ExpensesCategoriesAccountingGet GET /expenses/categories/accounting Accounting categorys expenses document.
ExpensesApi ExpensesCategoriesBusinessGet GET /expenses/categories/business Business categorys expenses document.
ExpensesApi ExpensesEmailDocumentPost POST /expenses/email-document Send email expenses document.
ExpensesApi ExpensesGet GET /expenses Get list all expenses documents.
ExpensesApi ExpensesIdAttachmentPost POST /expenses/{id}/attachment Add Attachment to expenses.
ExpensesApi ExpensesIdDelete DELETE /expenses/{id} Get expenses document.
ExpensesApi ExpensesIdGet GET /expenses/{id} Get expenses document.
ExpensesApi ExpensesIdPaymentPost POST /expenses/{id}/payment Change paid status of expenses document.
ExpensesApi ExpensesIdStatusKeyStatusIdPost POST /expenses/{id}/status-key/{statusId} Change status of expenses document.
ExpensesApi ExpensesInlinePost POST /expenses/inline Create expenses document with discount and tax inline.
ExpensesApi ExpensesPost POST /expenses Create expenses document.
ExpensesApi ExpensesSharedocumentPost POST /expenses/sharedocument Share link expenses documents.
ProductsApi ProductsGet GET /products Get list all products.
ProductsApi ProductsIdDelete DELETE /products/{id} Delete products.
ProductsApi ProductsIdGet GET /products/{id} Get products.
ProductsApi ProductsIdPut PUT /products/{id} Update products.
ProductsApi ProductsPost POST /products Create products.
PurchaseOrderApi PurchasesOrdersEmailDocumentPost POST /purchases-orders/email-document Send email purchase order document.
PurchaseOrderApi PurchasesOrdersGet GET /purchases-orders Get list all purchase order documents.
PurchaseOrderApi PurchasesOrdersIdAttachmentPost POST /purchases-orders/{id}/attachment Add Attachment to purchase order document.
PurchaseOrderApi PurchasesOrdersIdDelete DELETE /purchases-orders/{id} Get purchase order document.
PurchaseOrderApi PurchasesOrdersIdGet GET /purchases-orders/{id} Get purchase order document.
PurchaseOrderApi PurchasesOrdersIdStatusKeyStatusIdPost POST /purchases-orders/{id}/status-key/{statusId} Change status of purchase order document.
PurchaseOrderApi PurchasesOrdersInlinePost POST /purchases-orders/inline Create purchase order document with discount and tax inline.
PurchaseOrderApi PurchasesOrdersPost POST /purchases-orders Create purchase order document.
PurchaseOrderApi PurchasesOrdersSharedocumentPost POST /purchases-orders/sharedocument Share link purchase order document.
QuotationsApi QuotationsEmailDocumentPost POST /quotations/email-document Send email quotations document.
QuotationsApi QuotationsGet GET /quotations Get list all quotations documents.
QuotationsApi QuotationsIdAttachmentPost POST /quotations/{id}/attachment Add Attachment to quotations document.
QuotationsApi QuotationsIdDelete DELETE /quotations/{id} Get quotations document.
QuotationsApi QuotationsIdGet GET /quotations/{id} Get quotations document.
QuotationsApi QuotationsIdStatusKeyStatusIdPost POST /quotations/{id}/status-key/{statusId} Change status of quotations document.
QuotationsApi QuotationsInlinePost POST /quotations/inline Create quotations document with discount and tax inline.
QuotationsApi QuotationsPost POST /quotations Create quotations document.
QuotationsApi QuotationsSharedocumentPost POST /quotations/sharedocument Share link quotations document.
ReceiptApi ReceiptsEmailDocumentPost POST /receipts/email-document Send email receipt document.
ReceiptApi ReceiptsGet GET /receipts Get list all receipt documents
ReceiptApi ReceiptsIdAttachmentPost POST /receipts/{id}/attachment Add Attachment to receipt document.
ReceiptApi ReceiptsIdDelete DELETE /receipts/{id} Get receipt document.
ReceiptApi ReceiptsIdGet GET /receipts/{id} Get receipt document.
ReceiptApi ReceiptsIdPaymentPost POST /receipts/{id}/payment Change paid status of receipt document.
ReceiptApi ReceiptsIdStatusKeyStatusIdPost POST /receipts/{id}/status-key/{statusId} Change status of receipt document.
ReceiptApi ReceiptsInlinePost POST /receipts/inline Create receipt document with discount and tax inline.
ReceiptApi ReceiptsPost POST /receipts Create cash receipt document.
ReceiptApi ReceiptsSharedocumentPost POST /receipts/sharedocument Share link receipt document.
ReceivingInventoryApi PurchasesEmailDocumentPost POST /purchases/email-document Send email receiving inventory document.
ReceivingInventoryApi PurchasesGet GET /purchases Get list all receiving inventory documents.
ReceivingInventoryApi PurchasesIdAttachmentPost POST /purchases/{id}/attachment Add Attachment to receiving inventory document.
ReceivingInventoryApi PurchasesIdDelete DELETE /purchases/{id} Get receiving inventory document.
ReceivingInventoryApi PurchasesIdGet GET /purchases/{id} Get receiving inventory document.
ReceivingInventoryApi PurchasesIdStatusKeyStatusIdPost POST /purchases/{id}/status-key/{statusId} Change status of receiving inventory document.
ReceivingInventoryApi PurchasesInlinePost POST /purchases/inline Create receiving inventory document with discount and tax inline.
ReceivingInventoryApi PurchasesPost POST /purchases Create receiving inventory document.
ReceivingInventoryApi PurchasesSharedocumentPost POST /purchases/sharedocument Share link receiving inventory document.
TaxInvoiceApi TaxInvoicesEmailDocumentPost POST /tax-invoices/email-document Send Email tax invoice document
TaxInvoiceApi TaxInvoicesGet GET /tax-invoices Get list all tax invocie documents.
TaxInvoiceApi TaxInvoicesIdAttachmentPost POST /tax-invoices/{id}/attachment Add Attachment to tax Invoices document.
TaxInvoiceApi TaxInvoicesIdDelete DELETE /tax-invoices/{id} Get tax invoices document.
TaxInvoiceApi TaxInvoicesIdGet GET /tax-invoices/{id} Get tax invoices document.
TaxInvoiceApi TaxInvoicesIdPaymentPost POST /tax-invoices/{id}/payment Change paid status of tax-invoice document.
TaxInvoiceApi TaxInvoicesIdStatusKeyStatusIdPost POST /tax-invoices/{id}/status-key/{statusId} Change status of tax invoices document.
TaxInvoiceApi TaxInvoicesInlinePost POST /tax-invoices/inline Create tax invocie document with discount and tax inline.
TaxInvoiceApi TaxInvoicesPost POST /tax-invoices Create tax invocie document.
TaxInvoiceApi TaxInvoicesSharedocumentPost POST /tax-invoices/sharedocument Share link tax invoice document.
WithholdingTaxApi WithholdingTaxesEmailDocumentPost POST /withholding-taxes/email-document Send email withholding tax document.
WithholdingTaxApi WithholdingTaxesGet GET /withholding-taxes Get list all withholding tax documents.
WithholdingTaxApi WithholdingTaxesIdAttachmentPost POST /withholding-taxes/{id}/attachment Add Attachment to expenses.
WithholdingTaxApi WithholdingTaxesIdDelete DELETE /withholding-taxes/{id} Get withholding tax document.
WithholdingTaxApi WithholdingTaxesIdGet GET /withholding-taxes/{id} Get withholding tax document.
WithholdingTaxApi WithholdingTaxesIdStatusKeyStatusIdPost POST /withholding-taxes/{id}/status-key/{statusId} Change status of withholding tax document.
WithholdingTaxApi WithholdingTaxesPost POST /withholding-taxes Create withholding tax document.
WithholdingTaxApi WithholdingTaxesSharedocumentPost POST /withholding-taxes/sharedocument Share link withholding tax documents.

Documentation for Models

Documentation for Authorization

All endpoints do not require authorization.