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Note about the behavior of the I2C or SLI in the online mode.


An I2C or SLI connection will be lost in online mode if no new action is taken within 5 seconds, it does not restart. This point has already been addressed in some example programs in 2020. Because the ROBOPro elements of I2C also run via an SLI, the same workaround applies to both.

  • For I2C a dummy operation that is repeated within 5 sec. This can be a simple read.
  • For an SLI a dummy operation to a ROBOPro SLI extension function "StayAwake". Additional information for the SLI developpers only:

ROBOPro workarounds for SLI and I2C:


  • ROBOPro I2C

TXT C/C++ Remote (on-line mode) examples

1 Contact

If you have any questions, problems or suggestions, please contact us: [email protected]

Replacement for the original fischertechnik TXT-C-Programming-Kit-4-1-6

2 Overview

This programming kit for the development of remote applications for the fischertechnik TXT controller contains a library which takes for the communication with the TXT and offers a rich set of higher level API to the end-user. But is also still possible to program directly on TA (transfer area) level.

2.1 Which tools I need?

The solutions and projects are developed and tested with MS-Visual Studio Community 2019 which is free to download and use.

The original SolutionOnlineSamples is using the C14++ dialect and can also be used with the Eclipse 2020-06 workbench.
The new split-up version (into a solution for the library and a solution for the applications) is using the C17++ dialect.
After downloading a solution, it is directly usable with MS Visual Studio 2019.

2.2 Overview of the available MS-Visual Studio solutions.

The original OnlineSamples structure contains a mixer of the low level library stuff and end-user applications and has been split up into a library solution and a application solution now. The library has been extended with similar higher level functions as there were available in the ROBO-interface and TC-controller programming kits. The end-user needs only SolutionTxtApps and can add his projects to it; this solution is also to download directly as .zip file.

  1. SolutionTxtApps

Some examples which are using the FtTxtLib or FtTxtLibDll library, including these libs, updates of the original example applications and some test examples.

  • The library supports the communication thread and has callbacks (events) .
  • It also support a set of higher level API functions as they were also present in the TX-C and Robo-interface programming kits. Like (part of the class ftIF2013TransferAreaComHandlerEx2):
    • ftxStartTransferArea, ftxStopTransferArea, ftxIsTransferActiv, GetTransferAreasArrayAddr
    • StartMotorExCmd, IsMotorExReady
    • SetOutMotorValues, GetOutMotorValues, SetOutMotorInverse
    • SetOutPwmValues, GetOutPwmValues
    • SetFtUniConfig, SetFtMotorConfig, SetFtCntConfig
    • GetInIOValue
    • SetSound, IsSoundReady
    • GetMicLin, GetMicLog

See also the API user manual

  1. SolutionTxtLib

The project to create the static library FtTxtLib and a dynamic link library (DLL) FtTxtLibDll.

The sources Will be come available later.

  1. SolutionOnlineSamples

    The original OnlineSamples.

3 About the PowerShell script Copy(FtTxtLib).ps1

This PowerShell script takes care for the distribution of the result files from the SolutionTxtLib into SolutionTxtApps.

4 Transfer Area (TA)

An introduction about the structure of the transfer area.


  • 2020-08-30 [(c) CvL,]

The FtTxtLib(dll) has been extended with callbacks.

Resolve issue ftxIsTransferActiv(): about TA start.

  • 2020-08-07 [(c) CvL,]

Minor changes.

  • 2020-07-16/30/31 [(c) CvL,]

TXT-C-Programming-Kit-4-6-6_beta-04 Re-development of the solution structure. Re-introduction of a set of higher level API functions.

  • 2020-06-28 [(c) CvL,]

The TA communication thread has been moved from the application to the Txt Lib. See also example TestProg2.

  /// <summary>
  /// 3.1 start the communication thread and configure the Motor/Outputs, Inputs and Counters.
  /// </summary>
  /// <remarks> The configurations need to be set before!  </remarks>
  /// <returns>success or error</returns>
  FtErrors ftxStartTransferArea();

  /// <summary>
  /// 3.2 stop the communication thread
  /// </summary>
  /// <returns>success or error </returns>
  FtErrors ftxStopTransferArea();

   /// <summary>
   /// 3.3 Is the communication thread still running?
   /// </summary>
   /// <returns>Is runningr</returns>
  bool   ftxIsTransferActiv();
  • 2020-06-27 [CvL]

Published beta version for RoboPro 4.6.6/4.7.0 pre-release: TXT-C-Programming-Kit-4-6-6_beta-03

  • 2020-06-24 [CvL]

Published draft version for RoboPro 4.6.6: TXT-C-Programming-Kit-4-6-6_beta-02

Tested with firmware 4.6.6 and on MS-Windows 10 (64 bits)

Development environment: MS-Visual Studio community 2019,
C++ Dialect: C14++

Added: TestProj02 - example about the use of the enhanced motor control (black box)
with the communication between PC and TXT (TA) as thread.

Choice between Compress mode and Simple as setting.

Test console output conditional with TEST as C++ pre-processor definition.

Renamed FtShmem.h into FtShmemTxt.h, add some TXT related comment.
Limited the TA size to master + 1 slave, this because the TXT can only work with 1 slave.

I2C communication is not implemented yet because the protocol for send and responds the I2C communication is not available.

  • 2021-02-13 [CvL]

The issue with the I2C and the SLI in the online mode was already addressed but was difficult to find, A note has been added.

  • 2019-10-13 [CvL]

The problem with the Compressed mode has been resolved.

  • 2018-09-18 [CvL]

The Windows 10 problem around the WinSocket time out settings has been resolved.

Note: Don't forget to fill in the right ip-address

Some additional text output for debugging has also been added.

  • 2016

Original solution published as TXT-C-Programming-Kit-4.1.6.