- Information about the use of the SolutionTxtApps.
- Document history
This Visual Studio solution contains some examples about remote programming for the fischertechnik TXT controller. This with the use of the FtTxtLib. The FtTxtLib can be used as static or as dynamic (dll) library. Switching between static and dynamic library is not too difficult.
This FtTxtLib has been extended with the communication thread and a set of higher level API's.
With this approach, the structure that was in use with the TX-Controler and the Robo-Interface is similar now.
The examples has been compiled with MS-Visual Studio 2019 (v142).
Windows SDK version: 10.0.18362.0.
C++ language standard: ISO C++17 Standard (std:c++17).
See: remote TXT API user manual
for the functionality of the fischertechnik::txt::remote::api::ftIF2013TransferAreaComHandlerEx2
The projects:
gives examples of the use of the remote TXT API's.
The FtTxt library files are present in the solution root directory FtLibs
. There is a Release
and a Debug
If a application is using the DLL version, the FtTxtLibDll.dll needs to be present in the same directory as the application (.exe
The accompanying include files are present in the solution root directory Includes
The FtTxtLib.h
is multi functional. The static library FtTxtLib.lib will be used if _LIB
has been defined in C/C++ Preprocessor definition.
The FtTxtLib.h needs to be included in the project and contains the next sections:
#ifdef _LIB
#define FtPro_API
#define FtPro_API __declspec(dllexport)
#define FtPro_API __declspec(dllimport)
$(Configuration) takes care for the Release or Debug version. <br/
Note: All project can used with static or dynamic link library.
Show the use of the communication thread and give some examples about testing the enhanced motor control functionality with keyboard commands.
Is the same as the original solution but now with the use of the FtTxtLib
Save a stream of images to a directory.
(no communication thread)
Is the same as the original solution but now with the use of the FtTxtLib
Show to use of an actuator and a sensor.
(no communication thread)
See also callbacks user manual.
Example with the C-functions or static methods.
Example with object methods, use of std::bind
and std::placeholders
Example with object methods, use of lambda expressions
- 2020-08-30 API with callbacks (events) 466.1.2
- (c) 2020-07-14/31 TesCaWeb.nl [C van Leeuwen] 466.1.1 new