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WiFi Connectivity

Eivind Bøhler edited this page Feb 11, 2023 · 1 revision

WiFi Connectivity

The Wimos D1 Mini ESP8266 module can be flashed with one of the following two firmwares:

  • Richard Bettridge (TheOldNet)'s Hayes-modem compatible Serial WiFi modem
    With this firmware installed on the ESP8266, the COM2 port can be used as a regular old modem, and you can use any terminal program to connect to BBSes, play multiplayer games over modem, etc.
    For download, installation and setup instructions, look at:
  • Marin-ger's esp_slip_router
    This firmware, combined with SLIPPER.EXE and the mTCP suite gives you a TCP/IP stack in DOS, and you can use http, ftp, irc, telnet etc.
    The original firmware can be found here: - though I recommend this fork: because it offers better DNS handling.
    Tip: modify the include/driver/uart.h to add hardware flow control. You can find the mTCP and Slipper tools + an example setup script in the MTCP folder in the TinyLlama repo.

Both of these options are fairly straight forward to get up and running. By default the TinyLlama's BIOS is set to use the standard UART clock dividers (300bps - 115200bps), but you can change that in the BIOS setting if you want to experiment with higher bitrates. I've had success with up to 3Mbps.

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