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Web Analytics

René Reitmann edited this page Jun 24, 2021 · 3 revisions


This document describes what we currently track with Matomo which is an open source web analytics platform hosted by our IT-Support.

If you are interested in analyzing user behavior in the MDM, you will need to request access to from Ruth Cordes. That web interface can only be accessed from within the DZHW-network (e.g. via VPN).

Since the MDM is a Single Page Application we use Matomos JavaScript Tracking Client to track the following pieces of information:


Matomo tries to unduplicate visitors by setting a cookie with a generated visitor ID in the browser (see here for details). A visitor can make multiple visits per day (see here for details). For each visitor the following pieces of information are tracked:

  • IP (without last two segments (e.g. 10.0.x.x))
  • device
  • operating system
  • browser
  • screen resolution
  • referrer (from which site does the visitor come from (e.g. Google))

Therefore it is possible to answer the following questions:

  • Which browsers are mostly used for the MDM?
  • Where do most visitors come from?


We track each page change in the MDM and we track how long a visitor stays on a page. Therefore it is possible to answer questions like the following:

  • How often is a data package details page visited?
  • Do the visitors find the shopping cart details page?
  • On which page do the visitors leave the MDM?


We track the following pieces of information when a visitor uses the search in the MDM:

  • Type of domain object searched for (e.g. data package, survey, variable,...)
  • The string the visitor typed into the search input
  • Number of search results

Therefore it is possible to answer the following questions:

  • Which search strings are used most frequently?
  • Which search strings entered by the visitor lead to no results?

Since we currently do not track the search filter which the visitor used, we cannot evaluate if a search returned no results because of the search string or because of the combination of filter and search string.


We track when a visitor clicks a download link in the MDM. Therefore it is possible to generate reports about the download frequency of MDM attachments. However those numbers do not include direct downloads, e.g. when a user receives a download link via email.

Events and Goals

Matomo allows to track arbitrary events (e.g. visitor clicks a specific button) in order to be able to understand what a visitor does in the application. Those events have to be defined in the MDM client code. Currently we track the following events:

  • "report-publications": tracked when a visitor clicks one of the buttons which can be used to report related publications.
  • "download-method-report": tracked when a visitor clicks a download link of a method report.
  • "add-to-shopping-cart": tracked when a visitor clicks the button "Add to shopping cart".
  • "checkout-shopping-cart": tracked when a visitor clicks the button "Order free of charge"

Among others, events can be used to track conversion goals. The following conversion goals are currently defined:

  • "Warenkorb an DLP gesendet": reached when event "checkout-shopping-cart" is tracked
  • "Benutzer*in möchte Publikationen melden": reached when event "report-publications" is tracked
  • "Daten- und Methodenbericht heruntergeladen": reachend when event "download-method-report" is tracked