Releases: duck7000/imdbGraphQLPHP
Thumbnail finally totally correct
V1.2.0 Update CHANGELOG
Thumb url parameter finally really fixed
Added a new private method to handle imdb thumb url parameters so finally those thumb images are correct.
It is possible to adjust the newImageHeight and newImageWidth variables to a value of your liking, this way the user has control on how big or small those thumb images going to be. At the moment this is possible only inside the methods that use thumb images. This can also be changed to method parameters, let me know if you would want that.
Added original title method
OriginalTitle() gets the original instead of localized title
Bug fix Trailer method
Fixed bug with encoding errors in title used in thumbnail creation
Lot of fixes, changes about thumbnails
Mostly thumbnail creation fixes that deal with some image distorted or wrongly cut/resized
Bug fix
- Fixed a bug that limits cast to 250 items. I changed the GraphQL query and method to make this possible
- Added Calendar class. with this class you can get comingSoon releases as displayed at imdb/calendar
Please read the wiki page with explanations of all different method parameters!
Fixed bug recommendations $thumb not set
Fixed this bug again as it didn't work right
First public release!
Finally the master is stable enough to make a release version
Thanks @tomasdouscha, @GeorgeFive for testing!
Fixed bug recommendations $thumb not set
V1.1.3 Merge branch 'master' of
Changed recommendations
added thumbnail version for recommendations, otherwise some images are huge!
Some like 15 mb 9000 pixels..
PHP will hit the standard memory limit so this is a big deal.