Releases: duck7000/imdbGraphQLPHP
Releases · duck7000/imdbGraphQLPHP
Added new methods and fixed bugs
- Title class added new method featuredReviews
- Title class added new method isAdult
- Title class added image url (full and thumb) to director, writer, composer, producer, cinematographer, stunts, thanks, visualEffects and specialEffects
- Title and Name class fixed bug missing logger in __construct
- Title class removed all references of titleCase method (didn't work right) Request class added curl timeout setting to prevent endless loop
- GraphQL class changed to throw exception instead of empty object if something goes wrong with imdb GraphQL api call
- Title class soundtrack Fixed bug anchor link in creditSplit
- Title, TitleSearch, TitleSearchAdvanced and Name class Fixed query bug (some users had problems with the chosen layout)
- Title class fixed bug missing var featuredReviews
- Name class added image url (full and thumb) to award, creditKnownFor and credit
Major version bump
- Title and Name class changed almost all methods to use grapQlGetAll method so above 250 items can be fetched
- Title class alsoKnownAs fixed bug comments and added lanuage, languagId and countryId to output array
- Title class changed output of director, writer, composer, producer, cinematographer, stunts, thanks, visualEffects and specialEffects
These methods all have name, id, jobs, attributes and episodes info from now on. - Title class goof and trivia are now categorized in the output array just like connections, Trivia: added names, isSpoiler and trademark. Goof: added spoil parameter.
- Title class faq changed parameter $spoiler to $spoil for consistency.
- Title class mainPhoto added parameter thumb to choose between thumbnail (100x100 pixels) or large image (max 1000 pixels)
Added logger and some fixes
- Title and Name class changed checkRedirect, better api call, documented by imdb
- Added logger, for the moment only on GraphQL API call
- Title class, added space stripping on query of creditsQuery() due to hoster character limits
Multiple fixes and additions
- Title class changed output of Director, composer, producer, writer, thanks, stunts, visual effects, cinematographer and special effects to output array instead of string for jobs and episode credits
- Title class episode, photo parameter thumb is true or false, true == thumbnail, false == large image max 1000 pixels
- Name class photo parameter thumb is true or false, true == thumbnail, false == large image max 1000 pixels
- Title class added thanks,stunts,visual effects and special effects methods
- Title and Name class added checkRedirect to check if an imdbid is redirected or not
- Title and Name class added externalSites method
- fixed multiple doc blocs
Bug fixes
- Episodes improved images, added $imgSize parameter for small, medium or full images and renamed img_url to imgUrl
- Title class recommendations added titleCase function to title
- Title class trailer fixed bug amount parameter returning 2 instead of one trailer
- Title class award fixed misspelt array index name, awardPerons to awardPersons
- Title class titleYear added titleCase function to title and originalTitle
Fixed bug episodes limit
- Fixed bug 250 items limit on episodes, now all episodes are returned
- Title class episodes, added thumb parameter true for thumbnail or false for full image url
- Title class episodes, added airdateParts array to episodes, array(day, month,year) as int
- Title class trailer, added amount parameter (int), this controls how many trailers are returned, default: 1
New methods and a few additions
- Added professions method to Name Class, gets all professions of a person
- Renamed popRank method to rank
- Added rank method to Name Class, gets current rank of a person at imdb
- Added pubother method to Name Class, this gets other works of a person
- Added current to spouse method, this indicates if a spouse is the current one or not
- Added dateText to spouse method, this is the fromeDate and toDate in plain text
All info is in the wiki
more new methods added
- Added helper method for GraphQL paginated (to get paginated content just like in Title class)
- Added credit method to Name Class, Gets all credits for a person (all info is in the wiki)
More new methods added
- Added connections method to Title class, Gets all connections a title (all info is in the wiki)
- Added akaName method to Name Class, Gets all alternative names for a person (all info is in the wiki)
New methods added
- Added popRank method to Title class, Gets the popularity rank of a title (all info is in the wiki)
- Added faq method to Title Class, Gets all frequent asked questions of this title (all info is in the wiki)