Releases: duck7000/imdbGraphQLPHP
More new methods added
- Added sound method to Title class (all info is in the wiki)
- Added color method to Title Class (all info is in the wiki)
- Added aspectRatio to the Title class (all info is in the wiki)
- Added camera method to Title Class (all info is in the wiki)
New methods added
- Added children, parents and relatives methods to Name class (all info is in the wiki)
- Added cinematographer method to Title Class (all info is in the wiki)
- Added creditKnownFor to the Name class (all info is in the wiki)
- Added releaseDate method to Title Class (all info is in the wiki)
Award added to Name class
Added award method also to the Name class so awards for a person is also supported
Added search by releaseDate to TitleSearch
Added search by releaseDate to TitleSearch
Fixed bug in DateTime in TitleSearchAdvanced
Added award method
Added award method to get all awards for a title
Improved TitleSearchAdvanced class
Soundtrack improved dealing with all upper class characters in title
Changed Person to Name
Changed Person and PersonSearch to Name and NameSearch to better follow imdb
Changed the cache names in config (this won't affect the user)
Added new class
Added TitleSearchAdvanced class, us to advanced searches, all info is in the wiki
Added TitleType to TitleSearch, search on specific type is now possible.
Added originalTitle to TitleSearch output array
Added back caching
- Added back config.php As there are more options needed i have to re enable config file. This way config file can be re used when this updates.
- Added back caching system This is asked for many times but i never added it back as i didn't need it. This project started as a very stripped down version of imdbphp but it has grown fast so i decided to add back caching.
Added localization
Added localization, only a few languages are supported and it only effects title, plotoutline and moreLikeThis (titles only)
Fixed soundtrack bug when there are no credits/comments
Removed all config options and ini overrides
This release removes all config options and ini overrides
The reason is simple, no user uses those options (including me the author) so the code is cleaner and easier to read.
Language is now English (title is in US English)
If you want the original title instead of the English title use originalTitle() instead of title()
If you have a problem with this decision you can use the previous release but any new bug fixes you have to implant them yourself though