MDX is extremely powerful in that it has 4 integrated capabilities:
- Structured Data - human-friendly YAML-based frontmatter
- Unstructed Content - human-friendly Markdown below the frontmatter
- Executable Code - develop Javascript/Typescript functions to export
- UI Components - design and render JSX/React Components
- - MDX Search, Edit, & Preview Dashboard
- - AI Functions, Workflows, and Agents in MDX
- - Develop and Document APIs entirely in MDX
- - Develop CRUD-based Apps entirely in MDX
- - MDX as Structured Data, Unstructured Content, Code, & UI
- - Manipulate, Compile & Evaluate MDX Content & Data
- - Develop NPM Packages & SDKs entirely with MDX
- - Develop Websites entirely with MDX
- - React Components and MDX Utilities