Releases: dotnet/android
.NET 9 Preview 6, Android 34.99.0-preview.6.340
How to install?
This release is not yet available from the Visual Studio installer. Download the .NET 9 Preview 6 SDK, followed by:
> dotnet workload install android
Successfully installed workload(s) android.
To verify installation:
> dotnet workload list
Installed Workload Id Manifest Version Installation Source
android 34.99.0-preview.6.340/9.0.100-preview.6 SDK 9.0.100-preview.6
What's Changed
- $(AndroidPackVersionSuffix)=preview.6; net9 is 34.99.0.preview.6 by @pjcollins in #8989
- Enable marshal methods by default, except when Blazor is used by @grendello in #8925
- [ci] Run "Push Internal" job on AzurePipelines-EO pool by @pjcollins in #8991
- [ci] Update .NET version installed for MAUI tests by @pjcollins in #8995
- [GitHub] Keep GH issue templates up to date. by @jpobst in #8942
- [build] Add option to skip Mono MDK provisioning by @pjcollins in #8993
- [build] Do not provision JDK 8 by @pjcollins in #8999
- [templates] Update Wear OS en template string by @pjcollins in #9005
- [tests] Reduce default build output verbosity by @pjcollins in #9002
- [manifest-attribute-codegen] Automatically generate manifest attributes from Android SDK data. by @jpobst in #8781
- [Mono.Android] Fix omitted Gl* constants. by @jpobst in #9009
- [Mono.Android] Fix incorrect value for enum
. by @jpobst in #9003 - [api-merge] Update "constant" values if they change between API levels. by @jpobst in #9004
- Use new binutils URL by @grendello in #9019
- Make fast deployment work with aab files by @dellis1972 in #8990
- Update java-interop and android-tools submodule mentions by @pjcollins in #9023
- [ci] Update sdk-insertions trigger by @pjcollins in #9029
- Link Code of Conduct by @pjcollins in #9034
- [ci] Fix android source path for MAUI test job by @pjcollins in #9030
- [ci] Update checkout path for nightly build by @pjcollins in #9028
- [Mono.Android-Tests] Fix repo URL in redirect tests by @pjcollins in #9035
- Ignore split configs when bundle config moves shared libraries to base.apk by @grendello in #8987
- [trimming] preserve custom views and
by @jonathanpeppers in #8954 - [runtime] Explicitly align application shared library to page size by @grendello in #9041
- Keep all .NET runtime classes by @vcsjones in #9044
- Make APK and shared library alignment configurable by @grendello in #9046
New Contributors
Full Changelog: 34.99.0-preview.5.308...34.99.0-preview.6.340
.NET 9 Preview 5, Android 34.99.0-preview.5.308
How to install?
This release is not yet available from the Visual Studio installer. Download the .NET 9 Preview 5 SDK, followed by:
> dotnet workload install android
Successfully installed workload(s) android.
To verify installation:
> dotnet workload list
Installed Workload Id Manifest Version Installation Source
android 34.99.0-preview.5.308/9.0.100-preview.5 SDK 9.0.100-preview.5
What's Changed
- $(AndroidPackVersionSuffix)=preview.5; net9 is 34.99.0.preview.5 by @jonathanpeppers in #8896
- [docs] Reorganize public Documentation by @jonpryor in #8889
- Bump $(AndroidNetPreviousVersion) to 34.0.95 by @pjcollins in #8898
- [Mono.Android] fix potential leak in Java.Lang.Thread by @jonathanpeppers in #8900
- [Xamarin.Android.Build.Tasks] fix detection of "Android libraries" by @jonathanpeppers in #8904
- Test fixlocalizationtests branch by @dellis1972 in #8895
- [api-merge] Add
info. by @jpobst in #8897 - [main] Update dependencies from dotnet/installer by @dotnet-maestro in #8912
- Bump NDK to r26d by @grendello in #8868
- [Mono.Android] Dispose of the
on error by @jonpryor in #8907 - [main] Update dependencies from dotnet/installer by @dotnet-maestro in #8921
- Update README by @rachelkang in #8913
- [Xamarin.Android.Build.Tests] Fix ActionBarSherlock URL by @jonpryor in #8926
- [docs] Add "Getting Started" docs by @jonpryor in #8934
- It's ".NET for Android", not ".NET Android" by @jonpryor in #8933
- [trimming] fix custom applications for
by @jonathanpeppers in #8936 - [build] bump to
34.0.113 by @jonathanpeppers in #8943 - [ci] Improve maestro artifact publishing by @pjcollins in #8945
- [ci] Re-enable to push to dotnet9 feed by @pjcollins in #8950
- [build] fix code-flow from dotnet/installer, .NET 9.0.100-preview.5.24262.2 by @jonathanpeppers in #8949
- Native call tracing infrastructure + native build system overhaul by @grendello in #8857
- [Microsoft.Android.Templates] Add icons to templates by @jonpryor in #8883
- [Mono.Android] AndroidMessageHandler should follow 308: permanent redirect by @simonrozsival in #8951
- [ci] Use long version for maestro publishing by @pjcollins in #8964
- [s360] Ignore irrelevant warnings by @jonpryor in #8962
- Update OneLocBuildToken by @MSylvia in #8973
- [Mono.Android] Bind API-35 Beta 2. by @jpobst in #8948
- Bump LLVM to 18.1.6 by @grendello in #8969
- Change libunwind submodule branch by @grendello in #8978
- Force loc task pool image to windows by @MSylvia in #8983
- Remove Enhanced Fast Deployment by @dellis1972 in #8959
- [ci] Update path for generated
files by @jonpryor in #8980
New Contributors
- @rachelkang made their first contribution in #8913
Full Changelog: 34.99.0-preview.4.272...34.99.0-preview.5.308
.NET 9 Preview 4, Android 34.99.0-preview.4.272
How to install?
This release is not yet available from the Visual Studio installer. Download the .NET 9 Preview 4 SDK, followed by:
> dotnet workload install android
Successfully installed workload(s) android.
To verify installation:
> dotnet workload list
Installed Workload Id Manifest Version Installation Source
android 34.99.0-preview.4.272/9.0.100-preview.4 SDK 9.0.100-preview.4
What's Changed
- $(AndroidPackVersionSuffix)=preview.4; net9 is 34.99.0.preview.4 by @jonathanpeppers in #8831
- [Xamarin.Android.Build.Tasks] Bump to NuGet 6.7.1 by @pjcollins in #8833
- Add test for Binding Projects Incremental Build by @dellis1972 in #8706
- [ci] Use managed identity for ApiScan by @pjcollins in #8823
- [LayoutBindings] LayoutBindings: 'PreserveAttribute' is obsolete warnings by @dellis1972 in #8529
- Bump 'NuGet.*' and 'Newtonsoft.Json' NuGet versions. by @jpobst in #8825
- [Xamarin.Android.Build.Tasks] Update to newer ILRepack which supports debug files. by @jpobst in #8839
- Bump binutils to 17.0.6-7.2.1 by @grendello in #8806
- Bump to xamarin/monodroid@fefc158ef3 by @pjcollins in #8850
- Switch 64-bit hashes to xxhash3 by @grendello in #8721
- [APIScan] Scan extra symbols and update parameters by @pjcollins in #8812
- Update THIRD-PARTY-NOTICES.txt generation code by @grendello in #8853
- Bumps LLVM to v18.1.3 and XA utils version to 8.0.0 by @grendello in #8852
- [ci] Update dependabot ignore list by @pjcollins in #8864
- Don't use CDN by @directhex in #8846
- Add a unit test to check environment processing by @dellis1972 in #8856
- [Mono.Android] Commit baseline PublicAPI files for API-35. by @jpobst in #8840
- [Mono.Android] Bind Android 15 DP 2 by @jpobst in #8741
- [Xamarin.Android.Build.Tasks] Remove "Xamarin" from messages by @jonpryor in #8884
- [AndroidToolTask] Log tool output as error by @pjcollins in #8861
- [Mono.Android] Bind API-35 Beta 1. by @jpobst in #8891
- Bump to binutils based on LLVM 18.1.4 by @grendello in #8885
- Remove MonoArchive_BaseUri from Configurables.cs by @akoeplinger in #8890
- Bump to xamarin/monodroid@a5742221b3 by @pjcollins in #8893
- [build] Bump $(AndroidNetPreviousVersion) to 34.0.95 by @pjcollins in #8898
- [Mono.Android] fix potential leak of RunnableImplementors by @jonathanpeppers in #8900
- [Xamarin.Android.Build.Tasks] fix detection of "Android libraries" by @jonathanpeppers in #8904
- Bump to xamarin/monodroid@9ca6d9f6 by @dellis1972 in #8895
Full Changelog: 34.99.0-preview.3.231...34.99.0-preview.4.272
.NET 8 Servicing, Android 34.0.113
The latest .NET MAUI
component is available in Visual Studio 2022 17.11 Preview 2:
You can also download the .NET 8 SDK directly, followed by:
> dotnet workload install android
Successfully installed workload(s) android.
To verify installation:
> dotnet workload list
Installed Workload Id Manifest Version Installation Source
android 34.0.113/8.0.100 SDK 8.0.300
Also see the Known Issues in .NET 8.
What's Changed
- [ci] Migrate to the 1ES template by @pjcollins in #8876
- [ci] Use NuGetAuthenticate@1 (#8676) by @pjcollins in #8877
- [Xamarin.Android.Build.Tasks] Remove "Xamarin" from messages by @jonpryor in #8884
- Bump to xamarin/xamarin-android-tools/release/8.0.1xx@d50747cb by @jonpryor in #8892
- [Xamarin.Android.Build.Tasks] fix detection of "Android libraries" by @jonathanpeppers in #8904
- [Mono.Android] fix potential leak of RunnableImplementors by @jonathanpeppers in #8900
- [release/8.0.2xx] [build] use new Mono archive URL by @jonathanpeppers in #8931
- Bump binutils to 17.0.6-7.2.2 by @grendello in #8867
- [Xamarin.Android.Build.Tasks] set
for older API levels by @jonathanpeppers in #8777
Full Changelog: 34.0.95...34.0.113
.NET 9 Preview 3, Android 34.99.0-preview.3.231
How to install?
This release is not yet available from the Visual Studio installer. Download the .NET 9 Preview 3 SDK, followed by:
> dotnet workload install android
Successfully installed workload(s) android.
To verify installation:
> dotnet workload list
Installed Workload Id Manifest Version Installation Source
android 34.99.0-preview.3.231/9.0.100-preview.3 SDK 9.0.100-preview.3
What's Changed
- $(AndroidPackVersionSuffix)=preview.3; net9 is 34.99.0.preview.3 by @jonathanpeppers in #8765
- Bump to xamarin/monodroid@e13723e701 by @pjcollins in #8771
- [tests] fix duplicate sources in
by @jonathanpeppers in #8772 - [Xamarin.Android.Build.Tasks] set
for older API levels by @jonathanpeppers in #8777 - [Mono.Android] fix trimming warnings, part 2 by @jonathanpeppers in #8758
- [ci] Migrate to the 1ES template by @pjcollins in #8747
- [ci] Do not use self annotation for yaml-templates by @pjcollins in #8783
- [ci] Add 1ESPT override to MSBuild test stages by @pjcollins in #8784
- [ci] Fix SDL Sources Analysis for PRs from forks by @pjcollins in #8785
- [Mono.Android] Fix race condition in AndroidMessageHandler by @simonrozsival in #8753
- [docs] update notes about
by @jonathanpeppers in #8713 - [build] Include MIT license in most NuGet packages by @pjcollins in #8787
- [templates] Remove redundant "template" from display name. by @jpobst in #8773
- Bump to xamarin/monodroid@77124dc1 by @jonpryor in #8804
- [Mono.Android] Fix missing enum issues that cause BG8800 warnings. by @jpobst in #8707
- [Mono.Android] is now "trimming safe" by @jonathanpeppers in #8778
- [Microsoft.Android.Templates] Update EN localization templatestrings. by @jpobst in #8808
- [ci] Don't auto-retry APK test suites. by @jpobst in #8811
- [runtime] Remove the last vestiges of desktop builds by @grendello in #8810
- AssetPack Support by @dellis1972 in #8631
- Make all assemblies RID-specific by @grendello in #8478
- Prevent NREX when instantiating Java.Lang.StackTraceElement by @grendello in #8795
- Bump from 8.2.47 to 8.3.37 in /src/r8 by @dependabot in #8816
- [One .NET] "greenfield" projects opt into trimming by @jonathanpeppers in #8805
- Fix assembly count when satellite assemblies are present by @grendello in #8790
- [runtime] Optionally disable inlining by @grendello in #8798
- [Xamarin.Android.Build.Tasks] Enable POM verification features. by @jpobst in #8649
Full Changelog: 34.99.0-preview.2.189...34.99.0-preview.3.231
.NET 8 Servicing, Android 34.0.95
The latest .NET MAUI
component is available in Visual Studio 2022 17.10 Preview 3:
You can also download the .NET 8 SDK directly, followed by:
> dotnet workload install android
Successfully installed workload(s) android.
To verify installation:
> dotnet workload list
Installed Workload Id Manifest Version Installation Source
android 34.0.95/8.0.100 SDK 8.0.200
Also see the Known Issues in .NET 8.
What's Changed
- [build] Include MIT license in most NuGet packages by @pjcollins in #8787
- Bump to xamarin/java.interop/release/8.0.1xx@3c5cf34b by @jonpryor in #8791
- [build] Remove MONOANDROID, NET, and NETCOREAPP directives by @pjcollins in #8434
- [Xamarin.Android.Build.Tasks] remove $(AndroidSupportedAbis) from
by @jonathanpeppers in #8717 - [Mono.Android] Do not dispose request content stream in AndroidMessageHandler by @simonrozsival #8764
- [Mono.Android] Fix race condition in AndroidMessageHandler by @simonrozsival #8753
- [NET8] Fix assembly count when satellite assemblies are present by @grendello in #8822
- [Xamarin.Android.Build.Tasks] DTBs should not rm generator output by @dellis1972 in #8835
- [build] keep $(DotNetAndroidManifestVersionBand) on 8.0.100 by @jonathanpeppers in #8841
Full Changelog: 34.0.85...34.0.95
.NET 9 Preview 2, Android 34.99.0-preview.2.189
How to install?
This release is not yet available from the Visual Studio installer. Download the .NET 9 Preview 2 SDK, followed by:
> dotnet workload install android
Successfully installed workload(s) android.
To verify installation:
> dotnet workload list
Installed Workload Id Manifest Version Installation Source
android 34.99.0-preview.2.189/9.0.100-preview.2 SDK 9.0.100-preview.2
What's Changed
- $(AndroidPackVersionSuffix)=preview.2; net9 is 34.99.0.preview.2 by @jonathanpeppers in #8678
- [xaprepare] Add support for newer SparkyLinux by @grendello in #8684
- [GetAndroidDependencies] Add Jdk dependency info by @pjcollins in #8651
- Bump to xamarin/java.interop/main@07c73009 by @jonpryor in #8681
- Bump to 34.0.79 $(AndroidNetPreviousVersion) by @jonathanpeppers in #8693
- [monodroid] typemaps may need to load assemblies by @dependabot in #8625
- [Mono.Android] Commit
instead of generating it on every build. by @jpobst in #8679 - [Xamarin.Android.Build.Tasks]
performance by @jonathanpeppers in #8650 - Bump to xamarin/monodroid@848d1277b7 by @pjcollins in #8691
- [readme] Add
download links. by @jpobst in #8709 - C++ tweaks and legacy code cleanup by @grendello in #8638
- Bump to xamarin/Java.Interop/main@dfcbd670 by @jonpryor in #8714
- [Xamarin.Android.Build.Tasks] introduce BannedApiAnalyzers for Mono.Cecil by @jonathanpeppers in #8715
- [Xamarin.Android.Build.Tasks] remove
by @jonathanpeppers in #8717 - Make typemap dump utility work with current
by @grendello in #8694 - [Microsoft.Android.Sdk.ILLink] remove Java.Interop.Export reference by @jonathanpeppers in #8719
- Bump LibZipSharp to 3.1.1 by @dellis1972 in #8723
- Remove xabuild completely by @grendello in #8720
- Debugging MSBuild Tasks by @dellis1972 in #8730
- Bump NDK to r26c by @grendello in #8732
- [xaprepare] Make 7zip work with "dangerous" symlinks in ZIPs by @grendello in #8737
- Bring in changes from PR #8478 by @grendello in #8727
- Bump to xamarin/monodroid@cb01503327 by @pjcollins in #8742
- Track
changes by @jpobst in #8701 - [xamarin-android-tools] import $(LibZipSharpVersion) value by @jonathanpeppers in #8738
- Add a property required by #8478 by @grendello in #8749
- [ci] Always run the MAUI test job by @pjcollins in #8750
- [Mono.Android] fix a set of the "easiest" trimmer warnings by @jonathanpeppers in #8731
- Bump from 8.2.42 to 8.2.47 in /src/r8 by @dependabot in #8761
- [Mono.Android] Do not dispose request content stream in AndroidMessageHandler by @simonrozsival in #8764
Full Changelog: 34.99.0-preview.1.151...34.99.0-preview.2.189
.NET 8 Servicing, Android 34.0.85
The latest .NET MAUI
component is available in Visual Studio 2022 17.10 Preview 2:
You can also download the .NET 8 SDK directly, followed by:
> dotnet workload install android
Successfully installed workload(s) android.
To verify installation:
> dotnet workload list
Installed Workload Id Manifest Version Installation Source
android 34.0.85/8.0.100 SDK 8.0.200
Also see the Known Issues in .NET 8.
What's Changed
- [Xamarin.Android.Build.Tasks] Add check for aapt2 invalid data path error by @dellis1972 in #8640
- Bump to xamarin/monodroid@7edfb4a9 by @jonathanpeppers in #8712
- Bump to dotnet/android-libzipsharp@7abbbf4 @dellis1972 in #8723
- [xamarin-android-tools] import $(LibZipSharpVersion) value by @jonathanpeppers in #8738
Changes in other repos:
- Attach the Java Debugger on Emulators by @dellis1972
- Adds api to disconnect JDWP by @tondat
- Rework AdbOutputParsing ParseGetprop to use a multi-line RegEx by @dellis1972
- Fix an issue with the Debugger Dialog not being dismissed by @dellis1972
- [Xamarin.AndroidTools] feature switch to disable Java debugging by @jonathanpeppers
Full Changelog: 34.0.79...34.0.85
.NET 9 Preview 1, Android 34.99.0-preview.1.151
How to install?
This release is not yet available from the Visual Studio installer. Download the .NET 9 Preview 1 SDK, followed by:
> dotnet workload install android
Successfully installed workload(s) android.
To verify installation:
> dotnet workload list
Installed Workload Id Manifest Version Installation Source
android 34.99.0-preview.1.151/9.0.100-preview.1 SDK 9.0.100-preview.1
Outdated "Android Support Library" packages are no longer supported in .NET 9:
error XA1039: The Android Support libraries are not supported in .NET 9 and later, please migrate to AndroidX. See for more details.
The underlying Java libraries are no longer supported by Google since the final 28.0.0 release. See the Android Support Library Documentation for details.
Some example prefixes of the newer, supported AndroidX packages are:
For more information about the Android Support libraries or AndroidX, see:
To begin this rollout, we've introduced this message as a warning in .NET 8.
See our deprecations wiki page for more information.
What's Changed
- $(AndroidPackVersionSuffix)=preview.1; net9 is 34.99.0.preview.1 by @jonathanpeppers in #8362
- [ci] Use Python 3 for signing tasks by @pjcollins in #8367
- [monodroid] Bump to new version of monodroid by @dellis1972 in #8371
- [tests] set
by @jonathanpeppers in #8374 - [Xamarin.Android.Build.Tasks] fix
in .NET 8 by @jonathanpeppers in #8375 - [ci] Skip Linux apt upgrade step by @pjcollins in #8396
- [Mono.Android] Generate API docs for android-34 by @pjcollins in #8383
- [Xamarin.Android.Build.Tasks] Make manifestmerger.jar the default. by @dellis1972 in #8392
- [Xamarin.Android.Build.Tasks] Add support for $(AndroidEnableObsoleteOverrideInheritance). by @jpobst in #8393
- Bump to xamarin/java.interop/main@ed63d890 by @jonathanpeppers in #8407
- [build] Update docs and remove
mentions by @pjcollins in #8406 - [Xamarin.Android.Build.Tasks] Try a case insensitive lookup as a backup for Legacy Designer fixup by @dellis1972 in #8376
- Hush some messages logged by default on startup by @grendello in #8414
- Fix up ForegroundService.ToString() by @dellis1972 in #8412
- Include Bindings code in Design Time builds by @dellis1972 in #8357
- attempt to fix dotnet/maui#17265 by @jonathanpeppers in #8416
- [Refactor] Small refactoring to
method by @Youssef1313 in #8423 - [profiled-aot] update profile for .NET 8 GA by @jonathanpeppers in #8428
- [Mono.Android] Generate API docs with "full" verbosity by @pjcollins in #8435
- [docs] .NET 8 simplified
instructions by @jonathanpeppers in #8436 - Bump monodroid to 2f07bd4a71f2d59d0d86caefedf61b9fd0795699 by @dellis1972 in #8433
- [Build Tasks] Update CheckClientHandlerType errors by @pjcollins in #8438
- [build] Remove MONOANDROID, NET, and NETCOREAPP directives by @pjcollins in #8434
- [Performance] Simplify
to not add all assembly types in a list by @Youssef1313 in #8422 - [Tests] Fix TestResolveToolsExists on .NET by @pjcollins in #8445
- Bump NDK to r26b by @grendello in #8450
- [docs] Don't overwrite xml produced by docs build by @pjcollins in #8451
- [ci] Stop building monodroid in builds from forks by @pjcollins in #8444
- [ci] Only use Xcode 14 on CI builds by @pjcollins in #8457
- [build] Include ThirdPartyNotices in workload packs by @pjcollins in #8455
- [build] Do not install build-tools 30.0.3 by @pjcollins in #8461
- Add Unit test to make sure Designer Assembly is not packaged. by @dellis1972 in #8467
- [build] Remove classic components from NUPKGs by @pjcollins in #8464
- [ci] Increase MSBuild Emulator Tests timeout. by @jpobst in #8477
- [ci] Fix builds from forks by @pjcollins in #8479
- [tests] add test for Microsoft.Intune by @jonathanpeppers in #7926
- [ci] Use python 3.11.x by @pjcollins in #8483
- Bump to xamarin/java.interop/main@1adb7964 by @jonpryor in #8339
- [Tests] Fix Designer Tests to use
AndroidSdkResolver.GetMaxInstalledPlatform ()
by @dellis1972 in #8488 - [build] Trim Xamarin.Android.sln by @pjcollins in #8487
- [Tests] Remove Builder.UseDotNet by @pjcollins in #8441
- [tests] update by @jonathanpeppers in #8495
- [Build Tasks] Import mono linker sources by @pjcollins in #8482
- [tests] Better support running on arm64-v8a devices by @pjcollins in #8492
- [Mono.Android] Replicate automated docs build by @pjcollins in #8498
- [build] Remove NuGet.exe provisioning by @pjcollins in #8506
- Bump xamarin-android-tools by @grendello in #8507
- [build] Remove mingw and mman-win23 dependencies by @pjcollins in #8505
- [Xamarin.Android.Build.Tasks] Add support for @(AndroidMavenLibrary). by @jpobst in #8420
- [build] Stop producing Xamarin.Android.Cecil.dll by @pjcollins in #8489
- [ci] Do not try to modify classic VSIX install by @pjcollins in #8518
- Fix AndroidPackagingOptionsExclude so it can be overridden in the csproj by @dellis1972 in #8459
- Bump to xamarin/Java.Interop/main@445ee6cd by @jonpryor in #8524
- [ci] Fix nightly build by @pjcollins in #8527
- [GitHub] Modernization tweaks for GitHub issue templates. by @jpobst in #8502
- [build] Remove the mono bundle dependency by @pjcollins in #8517
- [build] Bump Android SDK component versions by @pjcollins in #8510
- Bump
. by @jpobst in #8536 - [Microsoft.Android.Templates] docs link in binding project template by @jonathanpeppers in #8535
- Rename THIRD-PARTY-NOTICES.TXT by @pjcollins in #8546
- [Xamarin.Android.Build.Tasks] Emit warnings if using deprecated bindings fallback flags. by @jpobst in #8511
- [xaprepare] Track the versions of Android SDK Levels available on CI agents. by @jpobst in #8552
- Add a handful of compiler options to harden code by @grendello in #8551
- Bump
. by @jpobst in #8545 - [build] push .NET 9 packages using
by @jonathanpeppers in #8560 - [workload] Allow installation on linux-arm64 by @pjcollins in
.NET 8 Servicing, Android 34.0.79
The latest .NET MAUI
component is available in Visual Studio 2022 17.10 Preview 1:
You can also download the .NET 8 SDK directly, followed by:
> dotnet workload install android
Successfully installed workload(s) android.
To verify installation:
> dotnet workload list
Installed Workload Id Manifest Version Installation Source
android 34.0.79/8.0.100 SDK 8.0.100
Also see the Known Issues in .NET 8.
What's Changed
- [tests] add test for Microsoft.Intune by @jonathanpeppers in #7926
- [build] set
by @jonathanpeppers in #8547 - [Xamarin.Android.Build.Tasks] Update XA5207 for VSCode by @dellis1972 in #8494
- [Xamarin.Android.Build.Tasks] don't set $(PublishSelfContained) for .NET 9 by @jonathanpeppers in #8565
- [Microsoft.Android.Templates] New files should open editor by @jonpryor in #8623
- [Mono.Android] Fix ServerCertificateCustomValidator by @simonrozsival in #8594
- Fix ServerCertificateCustomValidator on API 21-23 by @simonrozsival in #8637
- Bump from 8.1.56 to 8.1.72 in #8532
- Bump from 8.1.72 to 8.2.33 in #8577
- Update a number of l18n files by @grendello in #8633
- [Xamarin.Android.Build.Tasks] fix warning when missing
by @dellis1972 in #8641 - [release/8.0.1xx] [Xamarin.Android.Build.Tasks] XA1039 warning for Android.Support by @jonathanpeppers in #8648
- [] ignores
by @jonathanpeppers in #8664 - [workload] Allow installation on linux-arm64 by @pjcollins in #8500
- [release/8.0.1xx] localization changes for
by @jonathanpeppers in #8674
Full Changelog: 34.0.52...34.0.79