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Releases: dotnet/android

.NET 8 Preview 4, Android 34.0.0-preview.4.273

16 May 18:34
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How to install?

The .NET MAUI (.NET 8 Preview) optional component is available in Visual Studio 2022 17.7 Preview 1:


Or download the .NET 8 Preview 4 SDK, followed by:

> dotnet workload install android
Successfully installed workload(s) android.

To verify installation:

> dotnet workload list

Installed Workload Id      Manifest Version                            Installation Source
android                    34.0.0-preview.4.273/8.0.100-preview.4      SDK 8.0.100-preview.4

Also see the Known Issues in .NET 8.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: 34.0.0-preview.3.224...34.0.0-preview.4.273

.NET 8 Preview 3, Android 34.0.0-preview.3.224

11 Apr 17:09
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How to install?

Download the .NET 8 Preview 3 SDK, followed by:

> dotnet workload install android
Successfully installed workload(s) android.

To verify installation:

> dotnet workload list

Installed Workload Id      Manifest Version                            Installation Source
android                    34.0.0-preview.3.224/8.0.100-preview.3      SDK 8.0.100-preview.3

What's Changed

Full Changelog: 34.0.0-preview.2.187...34.0.0-preview.3.224

.NET 7, Android 33.0.46

11 Apr 15:27
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These changes shipped alongside Visual Studio 2022 17.6 Preview 3.

You can also access this release via dotnet workload update.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: 33.0.26...33.0.46

.NET 8 Preview 2, Android 34.0.0-preview.2.187

14 Mar 17:13
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How to install?

Download the .NET 8 Preview 2 SDK, followed by:

> dotnet workload install android
Successfully installed workload(s) android.

To verify installation:

> dotnet workload list

Installed Workload Id      Manifest Version                            Installation Source
android                    34.0.0-preview.2.187/8.0.100-preview.2      SDK 8.0.100-preview.2

What's Changed

Full Changelog: 34.0.0-preview.1.157...34.0.0-preview.2.187

.NET 8 Preview 1, Android 34.0.0-preview.1.157

21 Feb 21:09
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How to install?

Download the .NET 8 Preview 1 SDK, followed by:

> dotnet workload install android
Successfully installed workload(s) android.

To verify installation:

> dotnet workload list

Installed Workload Id      Manifest Version                            Installation Source
android                    34.0.0-preview.1.157/8.0.100-preview.1      SDK 8.0.100-preview.1

What's Changed

Read more

.NET 7 (.NET MAUI SR 2), Android 33.0.26

19 Jan 23:00
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These changes shipped alongside Visual Studio 2022 17.5 Preview 3 and .NET MAUI 7.0.58.

You can also access this release via dotnet workload update.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: 33.0.4...33.0.26

.NET 7 GA, Android 33.0.4

09 Nov 16:03
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What's Changed

Full Changelog: 33.0.0-rc.1.151...33.0.4

.NET 7 RC 1, Android 33.0.0-rc.1.151

09 Nov 16:04
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Android 13 (API-33) Bindings

Android 13 adds a number of new APIs in
API-33, which are now available when
by setting $(TargetFramework)=net7.0-android33.0.

App build system changes

Runtime Optimizations

Read more

Xamarin.Android [11.3 Preview]

21 Apr 23:50
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Application build and deployment

  • Developer Community 1288717:
    Support Fast Deployment for System Applications.
    Added support for fast deployment while building system based
    applications. Applications developed in this mode need to be
    signed with a platform key and set
    to android.uid.system within AndroidManifest.xml:

            <manifest xmlns:android=""
  • Developer Community 1363149:
    System.ArgumentException when %PATH% or %PATHEXT% contain ".

  • GitHub PR 5304:
    Add support for producing a ProGuard mapping.txt file to the build system.
    This file can be used by users to remove this warning:

    "This App Bundle contains Java/Kotlin code, which might be obfuscated."

    ... when uploading packages to the Google Play Store.

    In order to opt-in to this behavior, set the AndroidProguardMappingFile
    MSBuild property in your project file to the path of the file you want

  • GitHub PR 5327:
    Allow users to specify additional app bundle "modules" when
    building using $(AndroidPackageFormat) set to aab.

  • GitHub Issue 5562:
    Fix NullReferenceException from <LinkAssembliesNoShrink/> task.

  • GitHub Issue 5627:
    Allow multiple r-classes.jar files to be included in a build.

  • GitHub Issue 5633:
    Support $(AndroidUseInterpreter) under .NET 6.

  • GitHub Issue 5710:
    Command too long error when deploying an app with lots of localization assemblies.

  • GitHub Issue 5723:
    BuildVersionCodes.R had the wrong value.

  • GitHub Issue 5751:
    On .NET 6, the default value for $(SuppressTrimAnalysisWarnings) is True.

  • GitHub PR 5726:
    An external contribution by @mfranke-moba,
    which adds support for out and inout array parameters in AIDL files.
    Fixes GitHub Issue 4717
    and GitHub Issue 5079.

Preview bindings for Android 12 Developer Preview 2

This version includes preview bindings for the
second Developer Preview of Android 12 from Google.
See the Android 12 Developer Preview documentation for
additional information about the behavior and API changes in this new Android version.
To try the bindings for the new APIs in a Xamarin.Android project, set the
$(TargetFrameworkVersion) to v11.0.99 in the .csproj file:


Binding project build

Notable issues fixed


21 Apr 23:48
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What's new in Xamarin.Android 11.2

Xamarin.Android 11.2 releases

Corresponding Visual Studio 2019 Preview release notes

March 2, 2021 — Xamarin.Android

This version is included in Visual Studio 2019 version 16.9 and Visual Studio 2019 for Mac version 8.9.

In Xamarin.Android

Rewritten fast deployment system

The Fast Deployment system has been fully rewritten to improve reliability and performance.

The new system also no longer uses the external drive for the fast deployment files.
All of the files and tooling are now stored in the application's internal directory.
This has an advantage in that when the application is uninstalled, all of the files and
the tooling will be removed as well.

The new system will not work on any devices older than Android 5.0 Lollipop (API level 21),
as it relies on features that only work Android 5.0 and later.

To debug an app running Android older than Android 5.0, disable Fast Deployment
by setting the $(EmbedAssembliesIntoApk) property to False.

See the Fast Deployment documentation for more details.

Known Issue: Fast Deployment and .mdb files

The new Fast Deployment mechanism may fail with:

error : Could not find file "…/<somefile>dll.mdb"

See also: #5631

The issue here is that we are trying to fast deploy a file that does not
exist. This is normally only caused when referencing an old NuGet package
or Project which is still using the old Pdb format for debug symbols.
This old format has to be converted into the Mdb format in order for those
debug symbols to be used by the runtime. The new Portable Pdb
format is fully supported.

The work around is to upgrade the nuget package to a newer version which
is hopefully now using the Portable format. If it is for a Project
reference you manage, then try changing the DebugType to be portable.

If none of that is an option, you can try adding the following to your
application csproj.

<Target Name="_RemoveMdbFiles" BeforeTargets="_Upload">
        <_ResolvedSymbols Remove="**/*.dll.mdb" />

Application and library build and deployment

  • Developer Community 1036602, GitHub Issue 5009: Starting in Xamarin.Android 10.2, .pdb files were not included in the APK if the managed linker was enabled.

  • Developer Community 1184573: Xamarin Android falsely saying that Resource does not exist in the current context (CS0103). Duplicate attr elements in declare-styleable styles were causing the design-time build system to crash. As a result the Resource.designer.cs was not being updated.

  • GitHub 2745:
    The @(JavaDocJar) build action would either cause an MSB3375 error,
    or wasn't used at all.

  • GitHub PR 4614:
    Syntax errors in AndroidManifest.xml always referred to the generated
    version of the file (like
    obj\Debug\90\android\manifest\AndroidManifest.xml), even when the syntax
    error was also present in the hand-written input
    Properties\AndroidManifest.xml file. Manifest errors are now fixed up to
    point to the Properties\AndroidManifest.xml file. An additional note will
    be added to the message to inform the user that the issue might not be in
    that file, but might be caused by code.

  • GitHub PR 4783: error XA1011: Using ProGuard with the D8 DEX compiler is no longer supported... AndroidLinkTool ... could appear without clues about the responsible MSBuild property in certain cases where AndroidLinkTool was empty. Xamarin.Android now provides additional XA1027 and XA1028 build warnings to indicate cases where one of the older EnableProguard or AndroidEnableProguard MSBuild properties is involved.

  • GitHub PR 4846:
    Starting in [Android 11][0], for Fast Deployment to work on an API 30
    device or emulator, the following <queries/> entries must be present in

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <manifest xmlns:android="" android:versionCode="1" android:versionName="1.0"   package="">
      <uses-sdk android:targetSdkVersion="30" />
      <!-- ... -->
        <package android:name="Mono.Android.DebugRuntime" />
        <package android:name="Mono.Android.Platform.ApiLevel_30" />

    These will be generated if $(AndroidUseSharedRuntime) is true and
    android:targetSdkVersion is 30 or higher.

  • GitHub PR 4966:
    An XA1025 error will now be emitted when $(AndroidAotMode) is Hybrid and one of the targeted ABIs is armeabi-v7a:

    error XA1025: The experimental 'Hybrid' value for the 'AndroidAotMode' MSBuild
    property is not currently compatible with the armeabi-v7a target ABI. To
    continue using the experimental 'Hybrid' value for 'AndroidAotMode', deselect
    the armeabi-v7a target ABI in the Visual Studio project property pages or edit
    the project file in a text editor and remove 'armeabi-v7a' from the
    'AndroidSupportedAbis' MSBuild property.

    Projects using the experimental Hybrid value for the AndroidAotMode MSBuild
    property that also include the value armeabi-v7a in the AndroidSupportedAbis
    MSBuild property will now see this build error to help indicate that
    applications built with these settings would abort during startup on armeabi-v7a
    ABI device environments (GitHub Issue 1218).

    If armeabi-v7a device compatibility is required for the app, the
    AndroidAotMode MSBuild property should be set to Normal or removed from the
    project file completely. To adjust the value of the AndroidAotMode MSBuild
    property, edit the project file in a text editor.

    If armeabi-v7a device compatibility is not required for the app, then deselect
    the armeabi-v7a target ABI in the Visual Studio project property pages to
    resolve the build error.

    In Visual Studio, the target ABIs can be adjusted under Supported
    in the Advanced section of the Android Options tab of
    the project property pages

    In Visual Studio for Mac, the target ABIs can be adjusted under Supported
    in the Advanced tab of the Android Build section of the project
    property pages.

    Alternatively, edit the project file in a text editor and remove armeabi-v7a
    from the AndroidSupportedAbis MSBuild property by hand.

  • GitHub PR 5188: Improve performance by lazily loading an Android resource mapping file that is only used for error messages. This reduced the overall build time by 348 milliseconds in a real-world project in an initial clean build or incremental builds with Android resource changes.

  • GitHub Issue 4996: application deploy on Android 11 emulator fails with Mono.AndroidTools.AdbException: secure_mkdirs failed: Permission de...

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