.NET 8 Servicing, Android 34.0.113
768 commits
to main
since this release
The latest .NET MAUI
component is available in Visual Studio 2022 17.11 Preview 2:
You can also download the .NET 8 SDK directly, followed by:
> dotnet workload install android
Successfully installed workload(s) android.
To verify installation:
> dotnet workload list
Installed Workload Id Manifest Version Installation Source
android 34.0.113/8.0.100 SDK 8.0.300
Also see the Known Issues in .NET 8.
What's Changed
- [ci] Migrate to the 1ES template by @pjcollins in #8876
- [ci] Use NuGetAuthenticate@1 (#8676) by @pjcollins in #8877
- [Xamarin.Android.Build.Tasks] Remove "Xamarin" from messages by @jonpryor in #8884
- Bump to xamarin/xamarin-android-tools/release/8.0.1xx@d50747cb by @jonpryor in #8892
- [Xamarin.Android.Build.Tasks] fix detection of "Android libraries" by @jonathanpeppers in #8904
- [Mono.Android] fix potential leak of RunnableImplementors by @jonathanpeppers in #8900
- [release/8.0.2xx] [build] use new Mono archive URL by @jonathanpeppers in #8931
- Bump binutils to 17.0.6-7.2.2 by @grendello in #8867
- [Xamarin.Android.Build.Tasks] set
for older API levels by @jonathanpeppers in #8777
Full Changelog: 34.0.95...34.0.113