Releases: donkeyProgramming/TheAssetEditor
AssetEditor v0.17
AssetEditor v0.16
- New editor : Super view. This allows you to view meta data and propper hand and weapon placements. Not all meta tags are currently supported (Transform, effect, firepos, targetPos, animated Prop, Dock) Accessed under tools=>SuperView
- VMD should have propper validation now when saving. This means that when people have issues with VMDs, tell them to save them in AssetEditor and they should get a decent error message to help them out.
- Added debug view for vertexes, select a vertex and press the "?" button
- Fixed names in Campaign bin editor for some elements
- Texture loading causing crash in some instances
- Fixed some bone weight issues
- Fixed issue with incorrect lighting in some cases
- Discord link added from the about menu
AssetEditor v0.15
- Generic editor system for binary=>text=>binary
- Validation of VariantMeshDefinition files on save, with error handling (missing files, incorrect xml)
- Campagin Bin editor
- Models are no longer mirrored compared to in game
- Huge improvment to the rendering thanks to Phazer
- Should no longer get out of memory error while saving large files
- Program is now 64bit
- Multi select meshes
- Splitting meshes into subpart removed random faces
- Convert animated mesh at a pose into static mesh not working
- Fixed some issues with how animation data was calculated. This caused a small (some times huge) error when using the mesh-fitter or static mesh creator
- Some animation weight issues fixed
- Props are attached during playback
- Pivot point is taken into account during playback
- New mapping options in Bone mapping window (clear self, copy self to children)
- Possible to click on vertexes, not just drag selection
- Lod for meshes with 5 lods should work now
- Bug which caused skeleton to change if there was a tech skeleton available
Mount tool:
- Fixed scale bug
AssetEditor v0.13
Animation Transfer tool:
- Transfer animation from one skeleton to an other, while trying to keep the proportions of the skeleton. (Human pistol animation transferred to chaos, attack animation from 3k converted to Warhammer skeleton, Troy animations transferred to Rome skeletons, etc)
- More easily create animated props by collapsing all unused bones into root node. (Collapse all bones apart from wings to make them easy to connect)
- Re-size or update the speed of existing animations. (Decrease walks speed, increase attacks peed or reload, etc)
- Change proportions of existing animations/skeletons. (Slimmer lion for lioness, long neck horse as giraffe, etc)
Quite a few bug fixes related to mesh fitting and bone mapping.
AssetEditor v0.12
AssetEditor v0.11
- Load more texture formats (including bc5 and bc7)
- Use mipmaps when rendering
- Better lighting-ish (thanks to phazer)
- Light controls. PageUp/Down to rotete. Shift + PageUp/Down to control brightness
- Correctly load and display ThreeKingdom models
Kitbash Editor:
- Mesh selection and editing actions have greatly improved performance.
- Growing selection/splitting into submesh when ALT key is pressed does not auto merge overlapping vertexes (for removing Ogre hats...)
- Drag and drop rmv2, vmd and wsmodels from treeview onto kitbasher to load
- Focus(ctrl + f) now also zooms to fit the model.
- "Pin mesh to mesh" tool. For attaching items that are controlled by multiple bones, such as belt buckles, spikes and what ever.
- Added help link in UI which takes you to the Wiki
- Added possibility to easily load ThreeKingdoms, Troy and Rome Remastered files (lots of nice animations...)
Campaign animation creator
- Created and added
- Fixed crashes in MountEditor
AssetEditor v0.10
- Auto mesh-fitter tool => "Automagically" fit any mesh to any skeleton
- Extract mesh with animation applied to static mesh
- Auto bone mapping greatly improved when matching skeletons
- Copy pivot from one mesh to all others
- Recalculate bounding boxes on save (and button press)
- Possible to change vertex type to cinematic
- Better error handling and messages in Re-rigging tool
- Crash when displaying pivot point
- Incorrect bone weights when mapping meshes, which caused incorrect animations in game
- Not able to select models in some cases after re-rigging
- Fixed some issues when loading Rome2 models.
- Incorrect handling of animation with 60fps
- Lots of minor things
AssetEditor v0.9
- Few bug fixes
- Mount tool v2
AssetEditor v0.8
- Load animations from multiple pack files
- Load all animpacks
- Update animation lists when new animations are created
- Lots of minor animation bugs
- Auto generate WS models completely
- Ws model context menu in KitBashEditor to make editable
- Error/warning window for combining meshes and generating mount animations
- RegEx search for PackFile browser
- Auto expand OpenFile dialog results when less then 50 hits
- View Tech skeletons
- Check for newer releases on startup
AssetEditor v0.7
Press key to toggle "view only selected" (space)
Shift changed to add to selected, instead of being an or operation
Right clicking on mesh in a group gives the option of ungrouping it
Added remove option to Slot and Slots in the tree view for reference meshes
Wsmodels are now toggled correctly in the tree view
Re-Rigging can now be undone with ctrl+z
Escape key closes the open window when trying to add a new reference
Hot key description added to all items
Some other bug fixes
Bmi tool added - Edit volume on a per bone basis
Mount animation tool added - Create new mount animations for pretty much anything
"Tutorials" created. Some help would be greatly appreciated!