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Releases: donkeyProgramming/TheAssetEditor

AssetEditor v0.39

16 Jul 18:46
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TL;DR - Fixed some huge bugs, added tutorials and quality of life fixes

	* Animation report (Thanks to Klissian)
	* Splash Attack visualization in supevview (Thanks to Klissan )
	* New Metatags decoded: SoundTrigger_v2, SoundBuilding_v2, Effect_v5, RHandPose_v2 and LHandPose_v2 (Thanks to Farfadet)
	* Added more tutorials under the tutorials dropdown (thanks to Masked Mustachio)
	* Ctrl + double click expands all child nodes in the packfile tree view 
	* Collapse all added to packfile tree view context menu 
	* Lot of code related to audio modding (Work in progres)

	* Static meshes now load/save correctly. Should no longer get incorrect shading in game when using static meshes. (Thanks to Phazer)
	* Fixed bug where textures were not resolved correctly when loading rigid_model_v2 files
	* Previous and next frame buttons working correctly (Thanks to Klissan )
	* Fixed error when creating LODs
	* Fixed crash when using prop meta tags 
New tutorials:

AssetEditor v0.38

03 Jul 20:34
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	* Added "tutorial" toolbar  

	* Animated prop scale issue - still bugs related to this. Imitating the game is hard!  
	* Generate ws model bug - Much better at reusing and fixed a few minor bugs 
	* Generate Lod bug - Added two flags instead of just one. Combine alpha and combine mesh
	* Generate Lod bug - Fixed bug related to static meshes 
	* Fixed bug related to deleting folders 

AssetEditor v0.37

27 Jun 20:54
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	* Lod Generation now follow CA optimization rules
	* Improved mesh overview found under the "Editable model" node in the kitbash editor. The information is read only in the LOD node now
	* Reset and focus camera in all views 
	* Meta file editor correctly opens snd.meta files 
	* Sometimes selecting faces deselects the face mode, this has been improved so it should happen less 
	* Improved rendering and light controllers for wh3 and older games (thanks to Phazer)
	* Fixed bug related to bounding box calculation. No more floating banners! 
	* Fixed bug related to getting material settings from ws models where lod index is not 0
	* Fixed some strange bugs related to lod generation 
	* Popup dialog now centered on screen (for most..)
	* Fixed scale bug for animated props 

AssetEditor v0.36

03 Jun 21:15
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	* Improved shader and light textures (Thanks to Phazer)
	* Support for wh2 ws model generation, again (Thanks to ZZ bob)
	* Show the name of files inside packfile that causes loading issues 
	* Time in seconds displayed in superview 
	* Decoded meta tags. Prop_12, Prop_13, Prop_14, AnimatedProp_12, AnimatedProp_13, AnimatedProp_14, DisablePersistantId_11

	* Fixed error when deleting bones in the skeletonEditor
	* Pushed the selection related option in the kitbash editor context menu down. Back to how it was some time ago.
	* White space issue for ws model generation 
	* Animation transfer tool can save scaled animations again! 

AssetEditor v0.35

26 May 18:38
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	* Clear button added to packfile filter text (Thanks to Bapp)
	* Auto focus the input field when creating a folder inside a packfile (Thanks to Bapp)	
	* Rename and remove bins inside animpack (Thanks to propJoe)
	* Invert selection in tree views (Thanks to propJoe)
	* When loading ws model, delete other textures found in RMV2
	* Animation Binfile validation on file name and gives the correct default value 
	* Copy file path of file inside animpack
	* Scale supported for animated props in super view 
	* Support for editing and creating animation sets for 3k
	* Transform meta tag now correctly validate and can be saved
	* All meta tags should be possible to create, no more crashes!
	* TargetPos_v10 metatag added 
	* The tool sometimes creates file names with no names. That is making a lot of issues. Better error detection for this, might break stuff. Let me know!
	* Better default values for multiple animmeta files 
	* Fixed a bug in AnimPack validation for wahammer 3
	* Better handling of duplicate file names when loading packfiles 
	* Fixed infinite error loop in super view related to bone ID for metadata. Program should no longer hang 
	* Error when opening some vmds 

AssetEditor v0.34

08 Apr 19:49
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	* Animation can be saved
	* Correct animation slot definition (thanks to ChaosRobie)
	* Super view (metadata editor and preview) working again. Try loading Throt in it! 
	* Skeleton editor working again
	* Animation Transfer tool working again
	* Campaign Animation Creator working again
	* AnimPacks for wh3 can be viewed and edited, with validation on save
	* Correctly setting loaded packfiles to be the main EditablePack file
	* Some quality of life changes to the animPackEditor. Warning about unsaved files, export list of possible animationSlots++

AssetEditor v0.33

31 Mar 19:53
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	* TextureProject - Beta. Export textures and UVs as PNGs and import them again
	* Button to remove missing textures from mesh (For removing left over wh2 textures from wh3 models)
	* Split Mesh tool improvements - Can now break up the mammoth without killing the program (ish)
	* Fixed bug where meshes being transformed far away when moving them with the camera facing an axis.
	* Fixed bug in WsModel generation, skipping textures that are not used by wh3
	* Fixed error when creating MetaData tags for Effects s 

Known issues:
	* Can not save v8 animations! 
	* Wh3 bin files not picked up by several of the editors, causing issues
	* Can not save wh3 animation bins 

AssetEditor v0.32

16 Mar 16:37
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	* WsModel generator updated to WH3
	* Added metadata tag support for Rome2 AnimatedProp
	* Auto combine all possible meshes
	* Warning when items can be combined on save
	* Warning for mixing pivotpoint and animation 
	* Error when loading userdata before loading ca packfile 
	* Faster Meta parsing - error handling without exceptions
	* Fixed bug in reading anim.meta files in some rare cases
	* Crash when saving a mesh which is contained in a grouping folder within the kitbash editor
	* Cleaned up how different vertex types are handled, making for easier handling of multiple material types 
	* Fixed crash when trying to save meshes created using the "Freeze Frame tool"
	* Fixed bug causing pose animations to not load correctly
	* Fixed decimal issue for Lod Reduction factor
	* Overwriting textures incorrectly when trying to guess texture pats when loading rmv2 files 

Known issues:
	* Can not save v8 animations! 
	* Wh3 bin files not picked up by several of the editors, causing issues
	* Can not save wh3 animation bins 

AssetEditor v0.31

10 Mar 10:25
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  • Simple error checking when saving a mesh to catch common errors


  • Mesh fitter tool no longer crashing

Known issues:

  • Can not save v8 animations!
  • Wh3 bin files not picked up by several of the editors, causing issues
  • Can not save wh3 animation bins

AssetEditor v0.30

10 Mar 08:24
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  • Its now possible to control the lod detail level by setting a value on the LOD node


  • Crash when adding new metadata tag
  • Bug related to changing vertex type

Known issues:

  • Can not save v8 animations!
  • Wh3 bin files not picked up by several of the editors, causing issues
  • Can not save wh3 animation bins

Full Changelog: v0.29...v0.30