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Github Tutorial

Phuc H Duong edited this page Aug 4, 2015 · 21 revisions

What is Git?

Git is an online versioning tool that allows Data Science Dojo to continually push new content and issue patches to our course material. In the future, if DataScienceDojo offers new modules, alumni who are still subscribed to our repository may continue to receive these updates.

Install and set up Git


The git clients for different operating systems can be downloaded at

Set up Git

After installing Git in your computer, you should set up your git by following the by adding your user name and email associated with your GitHub account.

Open the Terminal (for Linux and Mac), or Git Bash(for Windows)

$ git config --global "John Doe"

$ git config --global [email protected]

Clone the DSD bootcamp repo

To clone the bootcamp repo over HTTPs, what you need to do is:

  1. Open the Terminal (for Linux and Mac), or Git Bash(for Windows)
  2. Navigate to the directory where you want to put this repo, using

cd [MyBootCampFolderFilePath]

3. Clone by typing

$ git clone

4. Input the username and password of your own Github account. (Make sure we already added you as a contributor of this repo.)

(A video tutorial of "clone" can be found at Youtube)

Synchronize the newest version of bootcamp repo

Data Science Dojo regularly update the contents in [the bootcamp repo] ( To synchronize your local bootcamp repo to the newest version:

  1. Open the Terminal (for Linux and Mac), or Git Shell (for Windows)
  2. Navigate to the directory of your local DSD bootcamp repo

cd [MyBootCampFolderFilePath]/bootcamp

3. Pull the changes

$ git pull origin master

4. Input the username and password of your own Github account.