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DSD Github style guide

Phuc H Duong edited this page Aug 13, 2015 · 1 revision

DSD Github style guide

  • Always revise this file to make it consistent with your upload.
  • For the names of all folders and files, replace space by "_" (except PDF files and the files in lab sections) For example: instead of "Fundamentals of Data Science", name it "Fundamentals_of_Data_Science".
    Reason: command lines get confused by spase in some situations.
  • Write all README files as Markdown (.md) files as this one See the cheatsheet of Markdown here:
    Reason: markdown file can be compiled automatically in Github, and look nice in the browser. Much better than .txt files.
  • When upload contents of bootcamp here, try to add the following materials, and make them clearly together:
    • All source files, including pictures, etc. Make sure other people can generate your slides based on them.
    • Sample code, and dataset relavant to that content.
    • PDF file. Since people can read PDF file directly in browser.
  • For R code, let's follow Google's R styple guide.
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