Evolve Credit
- Obafemi Awolowo University Ile-Ife
- https://damiecodes.netlify.app/
- @damiecodes
This is a small webpage that allows user to add their favourite Pokémons! This project aims to help people in creating their first pull requests and participating in Hacktoberfest 2021
This is my Enumerables Module Project, where I will be creating an Enumerable from scratch.
This is a clone of and New York Times article for a project in the Microverse program. Article: https://www.nytimes.com/2014/03/18/science/space/detection-of-waves-in-space-buttresses-landmark-theo…
This is a site clone of the Newsweek Website created with HTML and Bootstrap at Microverse.
This project is a clone of The Next Web Site for Microverse curriculum.
This is page was built to display the different projects developed during my CIT 230 Class at BYU-I. You will find: *The Website Planning Document *Practice Exercises *Progressive Building of a Wea…
This is a project on responsive design. In this project, the website The Next Web is cloned using HTML, CSS and JavaScript
Official FEND style guides
This is a collaborative project. The goal here isn’t to produce an exact replica of the YouTube video page, but to focus on making the media elements show up. That means two things – embedding the …
A replica of the Intuit sign-up form, for creating accounts on their sites.
A replica of the New York Times Web page. The goal of this project is to practise positioning and floating elements within a web page
A replica of an old Apple web page, the goal of this project was to familiarize myself with using gradients in CSS
A heat map representation of the Smashing Magazine web page showing the "hot spots" that catch a user's eyes first when browsing through the page.
I am building a Todo list with more improved features
damiecode / library
Forked from mapra99/libraryWe are building a small library by extending book object.
A Restaurant page built using only JavaScript. JavaScript is used to generate the entire contents of the website.
First rails app of the complete Ruby on Rails developer course
This app is a weather forecast site using the weather API .
article App with Node, Express, MongoDb and handlebars
building a restful api with node, express and mongoDb
Share N care is an application where user can create an event to help stray animals. And other user can check the event as per localaity and can participate or contribute to the event. This applica…