Learning how to position elements in a page.
This project shows the format of building an HTML page and positioning/floating elements of an article.
- html, css
To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.
- Web browser
- Code editor
- Git and Github
- Clone the project to your local machine
- Open the index file in your browser
- Okikiola Apelehin
- Osong Agberndifor
👤 Author1
- Github: @okikiola Apelehin
- Twitter: @okikiola Apelehin
- Linkedin: okikiola Apelehin
👤 Author2
- Github: @Osong Agberndifor
- Twitter: @Osong Agberndifor
- Linkedin: Osong Agberndifor
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
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